DM Zyren's Heart of Darkness Discussions

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Thats an exemption I can live with, just don't shoot your meteors at me.

Male Human Slacker 3/ Gamer 4 /Teacher 2

Thank you sir! I promise to save my meteors for your monsters.

Male Human (Varisian) Sorcerer 1 (Starsoul)

Randovich is up and ready, all information is in his profile.
What would be the best way to introduce him in the IC thread?

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

I have written an introduction for him (though mistyped his name, sry) in a post about a dozen posts earlier than the last. Just confer to that.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

we have two more guys-which fills the party to its maximum.

I think they should introduce themselves and will do so tomorrow.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Leshok's stats:

14, 12, 12, 16, 8, 13

Bonus Trait=Indomitable Faith

Fox's stats:

17, 9, 8, 13, 15, 10

Bonus Trait=waiting for background

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

Group of 7?

Male Half-Elf 1 Monk

Teris Menolas Monk and Paladin of Torag, posting up, will fill my profile more later tonight!

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38
Teris Menolas wrote:
Teris Menolas Monk and Paladin of Torag, posting up, will fill my profile more later tonight!

Welcome :)

Celina, Varisian soothsayer and Diviner here. Wrapping up my mechanics at the moment.

I suppose I should roll for starting cash.

2d6 ⇒ (6, 1) = 7

Looks like I get 70gp.

Male Half-Elf 1 Monk

aaah yes Wealth! 2d6 ⇒ (4, 3) = 7


70gp, right on, more than enough to buy everything i need.

I can't afford my Harrow deck. :(

Dark Archive

Celina wrote:
I can't afford my Harrow deck. :(

Maybe you lost it when one of your harrowings proved to be a tad too accurate.

It's possible, I suppose, but I hope not.

My crunchy stuff is completed and ready for review in my profile, Zyren.

Male Half-Elf 1 Monk

error on my part, monks only get 1d6 starting gold! not 2d6!

1d6 ⇒ 5

Male Half-Elf 1 Monk

Okay character is entirely done and ready to be reviewed/played

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

You get your Harrow-Deck for free as a family heirloom.
Bonus trait: Power of Suggestion

Yes, group of 7, while I fear Von Doom left.

Male Human, Keleshite Rogue 1

Not yet! I just posted a little while ago.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Oh yeah, was relievd to see that-still hope you will stick around with us :-)

Besides that, we did our first 50 posts-huzzah-hope everyone enjoys it so far :-)

Dark Archive

Zyren Zemerys wrote:

Oh yeah, was relievd to see that-still hope you will stick around with us :-)

Besides that, we did our first 50 posts-huzzah-hope everyone enjoys it so far :-)

I am enjoying it immensely. I'll post in character again when I get up.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

It isn't difficult to score 50 posts, but so far it is a nice game for me too. Esfana will soon stop acting like the star of a tragedy

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

For those who haven't noticed I changed the profile of "Zyren DM" with an overview of some campaign stats.

did the other players at the table not notice me saying hello to them or am i talking to npcs? lol

Dark Archive

Leshok wrote:
did the other players at the table not notice me saying hello to them or am i talking to npcs? lol

Sorry, Leshok. I am hitting everyone on a first come, first served basis. I started with Esfana and Torald then hit up Randovich. Esfana replied and I have responded to her. My timeline just hasn't caught up to yours yet. Celina is next in line then I promise you'll be right after her on my social schedule. Admittedly, she's really selling herself so I might be distracted.

Remember, Zyren, Esfana, Kahir and Torald are all GMT+1 so they're going to reply at a different time of day.

I'm comin', brother! I'm comin'!

Dark Archive

I only posted to get to everyone. As I started the conversation when there were only two other PC in the room, I don't see us as all sharing a linear timeline. When Esfana responded that she lapsed until Randovich and Alexite were already talking, we just kept going forward. When Torald posts he can come in anywhere and I know I'll move back in the conversation to keep up with him. It would be awkward for everyone else to be fighting to get through the door, so I just assume there are intervals between entrances. Still, I did add in the silly lines about you having a curse to keep the conversation going so you could jump in. My post for Teris was completely open ended so it doesn't matter where in the conversation he showed up.

Start off anywhere you like, I'm a time traveler, I'll meet you anywhen. =D

Now, I really have to be off to finish my character for Leshok's game before he realizes that I've been spending all night goofing off over here... oh, hey, Leshok... How are you? We're all fine here. I was just keeping your seat warm, here ya go. the sudden pitter patter of running feet precede the opening and slamming of the door from the discussion thread room

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

At least everyone except Kahir has already entered the tavern and found a place at the table. Since we're not in a hurry I'm fine with the pace.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

@ Leshok, must have been PCs my NPCs normally react quite fast :-) *crouches behind cover*

@ Gandal, ok, the next fifty only took 1,5 days, I'll wait until 500 for my next huzzah.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

As for me i have problems posting now,why i just said"hello everyone"

drayen wrote:

Now, I really have to be off to finish my character for Leshok's game before he realizes that I've been spending all night goofing off over here... oh, hey, Leshok... How are you? We're all fine here. I was just keeping your seat warm, here ya go. the sudden pitter patter of running feet precede the opening and slamming of the door from the discussion thread room

don't make me chase you with a yard stick and rotten fruit! ;)

Male Human, Keleshite Rogue 1

Hey guys. Sorry, I'll have to step out, after all. I've been really busy these last couple of days with work and our p&p Forgotten Realms game, and I'm afraid I have to prioritize now or I won't be able to play on any game here. Sorry. :(

Well, small upside. I haven't joined up with the group yet, so we don't really have to write me out.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

No problem Von Doom, maybe we see each other in a future campaign again!

Male Human (Varisian) Sorcerer 1 (Starsoul)

I just realized that I hadn't selected my character's traits, but if the APG isn't being used, where are these being drawn from?

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Here you go:

They are drawn from the companions and the Pathfinder Character Traits Web Enhancment.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

I didn't noticed that the "Ustalav campaign" was yours, well, i have too many PbP to follow atm, so i didn't think to apply in another recruitment anyway, but that was really fast.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

absolutely-people seem to be quite eager to play in a gothic horror themed campaign.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

I usually run standard Epic Fantasy tales, with an ancient evil raising, heroes meeting each other by fate and taking on the long journey etc etc....more or less something like LotR, but with more magic and combats.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

I mean exactly that is why most people get to roleplaying at all-LOTR.
I really enjoy that kind of campaign.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

I would like to post some summary of the campaign i'm running here, but afraid my players could read some heavy spoilers...they all know English pretty well.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

how long is that campaign running by now?

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

Italian pathfinder
More accurate this way

One of the players left and was replaced, anyway the PC actually are:

Rajesh male human vudra cleric of irori
Troz male dwarf fighter
Marzio male aasimar paladin iomedae
Oparal female elf rogue
Eilen Tessara female elf wizard

the one that left was a male half elf draconic sorcerer (and one of the focus of the main plot but easily adjusted the story)

In case you are wondering, i'm running Oparal, no problem for me using a PC of my own in my game

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

versy nice and quite active as I see-and maybe the best thing: In your native language. I always think my English descriptions ain't as good as my native descriptions could be :-)
The thing about running your own PC is interesting, will think about that.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

Thank you, it was an experiment but i'm liking how it is developing; was a bit worried if the server operators would have allowed us to use italian on this threads...we are not breaking any policy anyway

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Btw. do you know your players personally, or just met them here on the boards?

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

No, they are the people i'm playing with in tabletop games for more than 10 years. Tried to ask on the threads, but got no response, even thou i know there are several other italian players here.
Maybe they missed the recruit thread, but no real trouble, since to be sure i asked first to the people i know, and usually i don't run with more than 5 PC

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

The conceding of Kahir made me wonder, how often people leave PBPs and I thought maybe one or two additional players won't hurt...

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

You can run with as many player as you feel like to of course, in my case the player continuously complained he had lots of other things to do (job, gym, girlfriend, pub, etc the end i just told "no one forced you, you asked to play so don't whine now; either you leave or you play" and the rest is history)

OK, it is a game, OK there are more important things, but all of us have other engagements, i don't force people to post 50 times /day

Zyren Zemerys wrote:
The conceding of Kahir made me wonder, how often people leave PBPs and I thought maybe one or two additional players won't hurt...

when it comes to play by post people will jump as soon as there is "something they don't like" be it the DM, how often each player posts, etc.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

that does not sound like a good omen -_-

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

Asking just to know what to write for events of the next morning; Esfana is required to go to the temple in mundane robes or she can have her armor on?

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Armor is expected :-)

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