A question for Catholics

Off-Topic Discussions

Liberty's Edge

I read a book several years ago by Thomas Moore called Meditations in which he offers short devotionals. I found it fairly enjoyable. One of the messages has simply eluded me though and because he was at least raised with a Catholic perspective (I am not sure if he still practices) I wondered if you might help me understand what he meant. If you have the book it is on page 70.

The story in brief is this. There is a church with a rose colored window that the light penetrates but once a year. If this light touches you, it will heal you.

One day the sacristan brought some cleaning supplies to clean the place where the light fell. He was very reverent and did this piously. Yet when he was done he saw his arm had a sheen and he felt a tingle. Then his forearm withered.

It was determined not to be a miracle because it caused harm not healing and from then on the place where the light fell was allowed to get dirty.

Any insights?

The Exchange

I do not have this book. I have never heard the story. I could but guess, and it would be stressing it at best upon this story. My suggestion is to check out his website and maybe just ask him.

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