New Order of the Stick Strip Up


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If dwarves fight trees, is this why Thorin Oakenshield didn't have a whole army with him in the beginning? He was taking morally questionable means to fight the enemy? Compromising with the true evil?

Liberty's Edge

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I am pretty sure this "sky out of dwarven land" clause will play a role with the Lawful tricks I believe will spell doom for Durkula.

In fact I suspect a link between this restrictive definition of dwarven territory and the statement that Durkon's exile from dwarven lands is over and that he is free to return at his pleasure.

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Different kind of dwarves I'm guessing.


Well technically the oracle WAS right. He (Durkon) returned to his lands posthumously.

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OotS 1091 is up.

It is nice to see V using Mind Blank at long last. I mean it made two Entire Schools of Magic completely useless against you in 3.5 so wise high level mages should always have it running. Not quite as good now of course, but still a very nice spell for pretty much anyone who can get it.

Sovereign Court

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

#1091 Ready to Go

I knew we'd get there.

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I'm noticing that bloodfeast is sleeping on a pile of coins like a dragon. Foreshadowing?

Silver Crusade

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One of these days, V is going to dispel that polymorph, and Bloodfeast will be back in action as a dinosaur.

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Mind blank jokes are awesome. :)

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You know Elan saying you walked into it really doesn't cover it. You got a shovel and dug and dug until you were completely surrounded by it.

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This is true!

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

#1092 He's no Roy of sunshine...

(sorry for the pun)

NO! You may not be sorry! Be happy! Proud! Huzzah!

... also, heh, dwarf female joke - I'd love to add another, but I'm a little short on time, right now~!



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All I know is Roy needs to work on his speeches and Elan on counting.

Thomas, and anyone who wants me to explain my interpretation of the joke:
(Actually, I believe the Elan "numbers" joke is one of poking fun at dwarven stereotypes; he is confused that there are three dwarves and a human, but two women and two men - i.e. the joke being "there can be female dwarves" - because, you know, dwarves - and thus the first group can overlap with the second group.)

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I still think it's because Elan has trouble counting...

Liberty's Edge

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
All I know is Roy needs to work on his speeches and Elan on counting.

It is good then that Haley knows everything about counting thanks to all those gold pieces

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This is true Raven. :)

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I'd think that it would be less a problem with counting (math) and more with applying more than one defining qualifier to an entity (philosophy).

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

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I thought it was that Elan didn't realize that 2 men and 2 women were the same as 3 dwarves and a human. If he specifically thought dwarves couldn't be female then he'd have said 5, not 8.

JoelF847 wrote:
I thought it was that Elan didn't realize that 2 men and 2 women were the same as 3 dwarves and a human. If he specifically thought dwarves couldn't be female then he'd have said 5, not 8.

The reason I took it to be the latter, was...

Drejk wrote:
I'd think that it would be less a problem with counting (math) and more with applying more than one defining qualifier to an entity (philosophy).

So, in other words,

My View of Elan's Thought Process wrote:

Vampires: 4 total
Vampires Description 1: 2 men + 2 women
Vampires Description 2: 3 dwarves + 1 human
Error: dwarves =/= women
Therefore: (2 men + 2 women) =/= (3 dwarves + 1 human)
Therefore: 2 men + 2 women + 3 dwarves + 1 human
Therefore: 2+2+3+1 = 8 Vampires
Error: Roy is wrong? {see Helper Protocol}
Initiate Clarification Protocol:
Elan, Using Clarification Protocol, Said wrote:
Isn't that eight vampires, then?

A more straightforward (philosophical, as Drejk notes) approach that Elan simply doesn't ascribe two qualifiers to the same person also feel very "correct" for Elan-think, to my reading. He seems to make mistakes with math, not because he can't do it, but because of his lack of insight into how to apply specific elements to getting correct answers.

I can also see the "it's a math problem," however, it feels a bit of a harder sell (to me) to just suggest he can't count. There are clearly four groups of people that are mentioned twice - that's eight, and he rather instantly notes the fact that it's eight. That's very quick to just be "bad at math."

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It didn't strike me as a math problem at all. When Elan hears "men" he thinks "human men" and when he hears "women", he thinks "human women". Human, after all, ya know?

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I find it amazing there are so many ways to dissect this joke as a functioning joke, all poking fun at Elan's mental acuity, only with strongly differing takes... XD

Liberty's Edge

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I personally think that Elan did the very basic operation of adding each number as it was presented : 2 and 2 (and) 1 and 3 = 8

And what TL said too. I think it shows just how much readers love this comic

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Disappointed I thought with all the posts a new one had came out :( also when they going to get with the times and move up to pathfinder rule set that last rules update was so long ago.

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I think Rich Burlew himself is a 3.5 player, so he probably is more loyal to that edition.

Liberty's Edge

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New strips have been coming every 4 days on average (when it was far far more infrequent in the past). If Rich keeps the same speed, one should appear tomorrow

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Yeah I've noticed there has been long gaps without one in the past.

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The Raven Black wrote:
New strips have been coming every 4 days on average (when it was far far more infrequent in the past). If Rich keeps the same speed, one should appear tomorrow

1093 Night's Templar

And here it is!

Heh. "Not missing much."

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Impressive one off nonetheless. :)

Silver Crusade

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Face time

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"Just be happy our half of the introductions will happen between pages."

Oh, Giant, you cad!

The Concordance

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Didn't Tiny Acolyte People open for They Might Be Giants at the GenCon concert?

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I'm just happy that Elan's garlic loving pays off for them.

That and they mostly ignored Belkar's threats.

Liberty's Edge

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With the flood of interesting likable new characters both Good and Evil, I now wonder if we are being introduced to the new main characters of the Giant's next opus.

And then I wondered if that spells doom for the OotS. We know that Belkar will die. I am now considering the possibility that he might actually be the last of the Order to die.

Well, Roy and Durkon already have...

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Tacticslion wrote:
Well, Roy and Durkon already have...

Roy got better.

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Durkon might get better too!!

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I hope so.

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The Oracle said Belkar will stop breathing permanently, not that he'd die, exactly. My pet theory is, he'll get vamped and stay the exact same character because he was evil all along.

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New strip is up!

Name Dropper.

"So unfair."

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"No thanks, we're advancing the plot."


Daggummit, Elan!

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That dwarf appears to be the same one that Hurak is talking to on page 19 of OtOotPCs. I guess he's about to tell the Order about the prophecy that we found out about 12 years ago (finally!)

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I'm glad to see Elan is willing to stay sober for plot advancement. :)

Silver Crusade

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Tacticslion wrote:

"No thanks, we're advancing the plot."


Daggummit, Elan!

The actual wording he used was "we're driving the plot", which is actually funnier, because of the double meaning (don't drink and drive!).

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Fromper, drive, advance, it's almost the same thing! ;)

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Arg! I got distracted mid-type...



RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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Tacticslion wrote:

Arg! I got distracted mid-type...



Then you need to be more careful about when you are drinking.

Liberty's Edge

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markofbane wrote:
"So unfair."

What a great little tweet this would have been :-)

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I know a few people who refer to my name with wailing lamentations.

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