Sean FitzSimon |

Ok, so the spell contagion is really awkward to me. I'm not sure I understand how all of this works.
For reference:
Affliction Rules
So, the order of disease is as follows:
1. Contact with disease (Saving Throw)
2a. If successful, no disease.
2b. If failure, onset period.
3. Onset period ends.
4. Disease attacks! (Saving Throw)
5a. If success, no damage. Possibly cured (see cure requirements)
5b. If failure, disease damage.
6. Goto 4 until cure.
Contagion messes with this in two ways. First, it uses its own saving throw (as per the spell) for step 1, contact with the disease. Secondly, it removes the onset period. This is where it gets sticky for me.
If the target fails its save vs. the Contagion spell, does she immediately take damage based on the disease and from then on use the actual disease's DC?
Or, if the target fails its save vs. the Contagion spell, does she then immediately make another saving throw using the actual disease's DC to determine if she takes damage?

Wunik |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I would also, albeit 2 years later, like to know this.
With an Ogre Magi trying to infect a Human with the contagion spell set to Filth Fever does it go:
Spell is cast
Human saves against Contagion DC and fails.
Human is affected by Filth Fever
Human saves against Filfth Fever DC 12 and fails.
Human takes 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con damage
(all in within 1 initative step of 1 combat round)
1 day later
Human saves against Filfth Fever DC 12 and fails.
Human takes 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con damage
or b)
Spell is cast
Human saves against Contagion DC and fails.
Human is affected by Filth Fever
Human takes 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con damage
(all in within 1 initative step of 1 combat round)
1 day later
Human saves against Filfth Fever DC 12 and fails.
Human takes 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con damage
I suspect the correct method is b) as giving a "double" save against relatively minor stat damages ... especially combined with the rather low dc found on most diseases makes the spell rather rather underpowered for its level.

WRoy |

"All afflictions grant a saving throw when they are contracted."
Contagion: "The disease is contracted immediately."As underwhelming as it might seem, the RAW is fairly clear. Contagion simply exposes you to the disease; it does not afflict you with it.
It helps to quote the full text:
The subject contracts one of the following diseases: blinding sickness, bubonic plague, cackle fever, filth fever, leprosy, mindfire, red ache, shakes, or slimy doom. The disease is contracted immediately (the onset period does not apply). Use the disease's listed frequency and save DC to determine further effects. For more information see Diseases.
Wunik's example B is correct. Diseases caused by contagion have no onset period, and an affliction without an onset period applies its effect on the initial save.