Renvale999 |
Alright, so, I'm doing the unthinkable this coming up Saturday, and running a Pathfinder game completely off the cuff, relying heavily on Gamemaster's Guide NPC's and taking monsters directly from the Beastiary...I'm usually a big planner (statting out things in detail), but my PC's want an open ended game were they choose where to go and I react to them.
Now, I have the NPC guide as well, so level 1-10 is basically covered, but I'm wondering if there is a respository of higher level Pathfinder NPC's anywhere? I know, I shouldn't even being worry about this, but I'm a planner lol.
Anyone know of a place online or a product that's easily adapted to Pathfinder rules?
kyrt-ryder |
As a GM who EXCLUSIVELY GM's off the cuff, I have three pieces of advice for you.
Study the rules
Study the rules
Study the rules.
I know that seems repetetive, but it's the truth. The best, most fluid way to run an improvisational game is to know the rules so well that you can completely throw the books out, and handle everything on the spot. When you don't need the bestiary for monsters stats and abilities, don't need the core book for class features, spells, feats, etc, and know the game inside and out, you can ride the flow with the game's events and spontaneously create things mid-game.
Obviously you won't 'quite' reach that goal, but strive to reach it. Have a good sized notebook with you to throw together statblocks and to record important NPC's and places.
Such a game is a bit more difficult (and requires more book keeping to maintain things uncovered) if the campaign starts with a blank canvas world (my typical style of play) however, this will be easier on you if you're using an established campaign setting (even if that setting is you're own.)