Zombie Crossing

Off-Topic Discussions

watch out for the undead

Toddzilla wrote:
watch out for the undead

Well how are my brethren going to catch anybody if they're erecting signs?!


That looks like the mountains at the beginning of M.A.S.H.

Scarab Sages

whistles innocently

Once the general populace becomes accustomed to seeing "joke" warnings, they shall fall victim to the devouring hordes that they blithely drive into the midst of after laughingly ignoring the serious warning signs.


Scarab Sages

Shhhh...Don't give away our strategy to the cattl...er...I mean....nice people.

Aberzombie wrote:
Shhhh...Don't give away our strategy to the cattl...er...I mean....nice people.

Most of them don't believe in us anyway. ^_^ Nothing like hiding in plain sight.

The Exchange

They are not Zombie's they are Ghouls. Get it right. :P

Crimson Jester wrote:
They are not Zombie's they are Ghouls. Get it right. :P

If the "nice people" want to use the wrong phrase ... they'll learn the hard way soon enough.


Scarab Sages

Brother Faust the Elder wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
They are not Zombie's they are Ghouls. Get it right. :P

If the "nice people" want to use the wrong phrase ... they'll learn the hard way soon enough.


True enough. Mmmmmm......

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