Building Tree


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Here is a visual reference for the hierarchy of buildings available in the Kingmaker AP (with a nod to every Civilization game I have ever played). Buildings higher on a branch enable you to build buildings lower on a branch for half-price. Please feel free to download and distribute at your pleasure.

Liberty's Edge

holy cow, we were just talking about needing something like this at last nights session! My buddy was going to work on something for next week, but you beat him to it. Great work! We will be using this regularly.

Great stuff!

Thank you very much, I am looking forward using it in my campaign.


Very handy indeed.
However I'd recommend you to change the building images from the AP with your own or just text, as you cannot share them legally according to the Community Use Policy.

Those images are in the player's guide also. Not sure if that changes anything.

AFAIK even if it's free it doesn't change the policy which says only images posted on the blog and cover images on the site.


Hmm... in our Kingmaker game we post pictures of our town that is under construction using image art from the Player's Guide.

Such as

Either way, I've added their official disclaimer as a description to the photo.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I've removed links to the images in this thread. Please don't redistribute Paizo's artwork. (Sharing them with your gaming group is one thing. Sharing them with the whole wide Internet is another.)

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