XP Credit for GMing

Pathfinder Society


I'm sure this has been covered somewhere but I would be greatful if someone could educate me or point me to the post on this.

I'm GMed PFS twice - the same mod. I beleve I read somewhere that I can gain XP for one of my PFS characters by doing this, is that correct?


Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

You can write yourself a Chronicle and apply credit for that scenario to any one PC of yours within the correct level band (so if it was a 5–9 scenario, you could only apply it to a character in that range, and within that, giving gold appropriate to the PCs' sub-tier). You can get GM credit for any scenario once, and it can be applied to any character except one who's already gotten credit for it as a player.

Ah! Thanks for the info Mark! Much appreciated.


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