Finishing a campaign with a bang


I'll be wrapping up an on-going homebrew campaign in about a week and was hoping to garner some advice from some awesome folk on the boards.

Normally, when I finish a campaign off, I like the final bit of dungeon-y conflict to be really memorable. Last time, I took a whole roll of gaming paper, cut it in half, and taped the sides together to make a gigantic cityscape in which to fight the BBEG.

However, my art skills are pitiful and while the scale of the map was impressive, the visuals didn't particularly pop.

Current Finale:
The heroes, all level 14, will be ascending a mysterious tower. The tower has 9 floors, each one keyed to one of the 9 layers of Hell - with the BBEG at the top floor.

Inspired by this, I was hoping to make the tower in a 3 dimensional vein, but have no idea where to even start.

Anyone have any experience with this kind of 3-d battle mat or variant ideas or battlemats they've used in the lower planes that might work?

Any advice/direction/tips at all would be super appreciated.

I've always had the idea that if I was playing a tower, that Quaker Oats cardboard containers, cut in half or thirds, would make excellent tower levels. Tape photocopy battlemats on the inside, perhaps by using multiple sheets of paper for stiffness, at the "bottom" of each cylinder and use LEGO for the stairs on the sides.

For a multi-level dungeon, start by having a different level in each room of the house. The kitchen table batttlemat has the first level, followed by the low magazine table battlemat in the living room, followed by the battlemat on the floor of the dining room or study. If you live in a multi-story house this becomes everybody starting in the bedroom on the second floor and going down to the living room, then the game room in the basement.

Using quaker oats cans is a great idea - and maybe with some clever cutting and use of tooth picks, I could get ledges or landings in there too.

Moving through the house is also a sweet idea, but sadly we are confined to a small space. Will definitely keep that in mind if our venue changes to a larger home though.

Thanks for the suggestions!

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