Braggart (Cavalier ability)

Rules Questions

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The Cavalier's Braggart ability confused me. It's not clear.

I understand that the Intimidate skill can be used against one target as a standard action to demoralize a foe and make them shaken.

I understand that the Dazzaling Display feat can be used as a full-round action to demoralize all foes within 30 feet.

However, the Cavalier's Braggart ability states:

"At 2nd level, the cavalier can spend a standard action to extol his own accomplishments and battle prowess. He recieves Dazzling Display as a bonus feat. He does not need a weapon in hand to use this ability. The cavalier receives a +2 moral bonus on melee attack rolls made against demoralized targets."

So the Cavalier can use EITHER regular Inimidate OR Dazzaling Display to demoralize targets. There's really no difference how he does it. Right?

And secondly, does the cavalier get a +2 melee attack bonus if his ALLIES demoralize an opponent or only if the Cavalier demoralizes an opponent?

Dark Archive


As written the Cav gets the +2 to ANY demoralized opponent regardless of who caused the condition.

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