Kobold King Seeks Right Hand...Thing

Second Darkness

Liberty's Edge

We're gearing up for the last leg (the tip of the toe, really) of the last module for SD and my cohort has kicked off. As sad as it is, we don't have the time or resources to True Ressurect her ATM. So, I'm looking for a pretty simple and durable filler cohort to take her place.

As far as party goes, my character is a LN kobold Bard/Dragon Disciple and there's a paladin in the party (no evil critters). I can attract an ECL 14 NPC/thing to be my BFFN (Beast Friend for now). We also have an evoker, cleric and duelist who are all CG and pretty easygoing. Any ideas?

Liberty's Edge

Nobody? Really?

I'm partial to an archer Ranger 6 (guide variant from apg) / Horizon Walker 8. Decent combatant with the added pep of Terrain Bond with pretty much all terrains. Erase the "pretty much" when you hit level 10.

Liberty's Edge

Another ranger cohort might be very useful, especially an archery specialist. I'll build something and see what the DM says. Thanks!

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