In the Shadow of Gallowspire


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Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1

Softly in Elven to Uldhazel:
Caution sister. Our sisterfriend Carawyn has met Theria who fits the description of the girl though it is a good idea to ascertain what Varnis looks like; yet, we do not know if there are eyes and ears here and do not yet know who we can trust among these folk so discretion seems advised.

Dark Archive

"Apart from the undying gratitude of the people of Daven's Rest? I can promise a reward of 35 gold if you can bring in the perpetrators. This ain't a rich town."
The sheriff looks around the common room, which has grown considerably more crowded with people who seem more interested in gathering gossip than in getting breakfast. In a lower voice he continues "Tell you what, you go investigate the stables -that's the usual place to find the Varisian kids- and Varnis and then come to my office in the town hall so we can discuss matters a little more privately. As for Varnis, he's a skinny gypsy kid; long shaggy hair, green eyes, and a sort of dragon-thing tattoo on the left side of his neck. He's hard to miss."

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1

Finishing my plate, I move to await Carawyn at the foot of the staris and, when she comes down, I will motion to the rest to join me on my "shopping excursion" to the stables.

Female HP 18, AC 14, T 14 FF 12, Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +5, Per +8 (low-light), CMD 11 Gnome witch 2

Carawyn comes down the stairs with all her gear on, a sight unlike anything anyone in the inn has probably ever seen before.

The young gnome is wearing studded leather armor, with her cotton floral skirt on over it. She has a light crossbow attached to her backpack, and a small cudgel attached to her belt, along with several pouches, including one clearly for spell components. Her hair was clearly braided very quickly -- by the time she's bounded down to the bottom of the stairs, half her turquoise hair has escaped.

She pushes it out of her eyes as she flashes a big smile to P'aye and anyone else heading for the stables. OK, I'm ready! she says as she heads for the door.

Male Human Inquisitor (1st)

Irian moves to the door with the two women. His weapons are slung, but easily ready and his bow has been strung in case of trouble. "I am ready ladies. Perhaps when we get, it may be best to allow me and the dwarf through first, there may be trouble."

Female HP 18, AC 14, T 14 FF 12, Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +5, Per +8 (low-light), CMD 11 Gnome witch 2

Oh, really? Do you think I should get mouse? Carawyn asks, looking concerned.

Now that I am a deputy, I suppose I'll need to be prepared like everyone else.

Uldhazel deftly strings up her longbow and proceeds toward the door to follow the others to the stables.

P'Aye De T'Aime wrote:
"Tell me Master Ghorum, I say continuing with the notion that I am looking for a horse for my trip, "I may have need of an escort to Karcau... what is your going rate for a journey of that length? Surely ale is not the only compensation you desire?"

Ghorum smiles at the elf. "My Lady, I'll worry about that when our journey is over".

Irian Du'Lac wrote:
Irian moves to the door with the two women. His weapons are slung, but easily ready and his bow has been strung in case of trouble. "I am ready ladies. Perhaps when we get, it may be best to allow me and the dwarf through first, there may be trouble."

Ghorum nods in agreement.

"The name's Ghorum, by the way. And you it not?"

Ghorum extends his hand, assuming this is how humans greet each other...

Male Human Inquisitor (1st)

Irian takes the rangers hand and shakes it firmly, noting the weapon calluses on the dwarf's hands and the firmness of his shake.

"Aye, Irian it is. A pleasure Ghorum."

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1

"Tell me Carawyn, you have mentioned Mouse on a few occasions. Is that your familiar? Perhaps a small creature like a mouse would be useful should we need to play a more subtle hand than Irian and Ghorum have in mind."

Female HP 18, AC 14, T 14 FF 12, Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +5, Per +8 (low-light), CMD 11 Gnome witch 2

Oh, no, Mouse is my eidolon. He's an outsider who comes and spends time with me. He's gotten much bigger than a mouse in the last 50 years, though. If you want, I can ask him to come ... but some people think he's a little scary. I don't think he really understands subtle. We ran into a few goblins on my way here and he killed two of them before the rest ran away!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cavalier 1

Gwynn rises from his seat at the table. "If you don't mind my company, I'll tag along, as well...extra eyes, ears, and swordarms can't hurt, right?" He pauses as he fastens his dagger to his belt, "Although, on the subject of swordarms, I can leave behind the heavy equipment for now if subtlety and diplomacy are the watchwords of the moment. Too many armed strangers milling about the town and I fear we shall give ourselves away to our quarry."

Gwynn Everard wrote:
Gwynn rises from his seat at the table. "If you don't mind my company, I'll tag along, as well...extra eyes, ears, and swordarms can't hurt, right?" He pauses as he fastens his dagger to his belt, "Although, on the subject of swordarms, I can leave behind the heavy equipment for now if subtlety and diplomacy are the watchwords of the moment. Too many armed strangers milling about the town and I fear we shall give ourselves away to our quarry."

Ghorum ponders Gwynn's words for a moment. He turns back to Irian.

"The boy has a point. Perhaps we should take a lighter approach". He hefts his large dwarven axe over his shoulder. "Although, what is a dwarf without his trusty axe, eh"? He smiles broadly at his own joke and chuckles.

Gwynn Everard wrote:
I can leave behind the heavy equipment for now if subtlety and diplomacy are the watchwords of the moment. Too many armed strangers milling about the town and I fear we shall give ourselves away to our quarry."[/b]

Our quarry will be suspecting us in any case, sir. Perhaps some of us can play the armed deputies as a diversion, while a few of us investigate on the sidelines?

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1

"Perhaps, but I think that should we get in a pinch, having their strong arms around might be nessasary," I say looking at Ghorum's axe.

"How long does it take for you to call Mouse," I ask Carawyn.

Female HP 18, AC 14, T 14 FF 12, Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +5, Per +8 (low-light), CMD 11 Gnome witch 2

"It takes about a minute," Carawyn responds. "I can summon other things much more quickly, but because Mouse is bigger and smarter than most of those and can stay for as long as I ant, it takes a bit longer.

Male Human Inquisitor (1st)

Irian's eyes narrow slightly at the conversation aobut summoning creatures comes about. "Might be best to leave the beast where it is for now. I suspect the fine folk of this small town would take note of something like that walking amongst them. Either way, let's be off and get this done. Every moment takes or quarry further away from us and leaves the trail colder."

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1
Irian Du'Lac wrote:
Irian's eyes narrow slightly at the conversation aobut summoning creatures comes about. "Might be best to leave the beast where it is for now. I suspect the fine folk of this small town would take note of something like that walking amongst them. Either way, let's be off and get this done. Every moment takes or quarry further away from us and leaves the trail colder."

[b]"I am inclined to agree with, Little Lady... such a creature might arouse the superstitions of the more simple folk,"[b] I say to Carawyn, [b]"if things get unpleasant, we have our guile to keep us safe."[b]

What say we discuss a marching order to make things easier on the GM?

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cavalier 1

"If but a moment can be spared, I will retrieve my gear and take a place near the front of the group, unless anyone objects?"

Female HP 18, AC 14, T 14 FF 12, Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +5, Per +8 (low-light), CMD 11 Gnome witch 2

Not being an adventurer (yet), Carawyn will simply walk next to P'Aye, unless someone specifically tells her differently.

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1
P'Aye De T'Aime wrote:
Irian Du'Lac wrote:
Irian's eyes narrow slightly at the conversation aobut summoning creatures comes about. "Might be best to leave the beast where it is for now. I suspect the fine folk of this small town would take note of something like that walking amongst them. Either way, let's be off and get this done. Every moment takes or quarry further away from us and leaves the trail colder."

"I am inclined to agree with, Little Lady... such a creature might arouse the superstitions of the more simple folk,"[b] I say to Carawyn, [b]"if things get unpleasant, we have our guile to keep us safe."[b]

What say we discuss a marching order to make things easier on the GM?

[b]"What do you think Carawyn," I say with a teasing wink.

Looking Gwynn up and down, "Do you think this one is handsome enough to keep ladies such as ourselves waiting?"

Bold fail in my last post... lol. Presuming we wait ok... otherwise, to the stables!

Dark Archive

Sorry for my slow posting lately; school and work have been pretty hectic.

Assuming you're going to the stables after gathering whatever gear that you want to have...

After taking a few minutes to gather the gear that they want, the group sets out to the stables.

The people of Daven's Rest seem understandably on edge, many of them openly displaying small daggers or cudgels and more than a few cast suspicious looks towards you as you make your way through the cobbled streets.

The town's stables are housed in a large stone building sitting on the cobbled street that leads to the town's gates. A wagon with elaborately carved and painted sides rests in front of the building, with several young boys and girls in the colorful clothes of the wandering Varisians playing around it and singing a nonsense rhyme. At your approach, they quiet their game, watching you with open curiosity.

The door to the stable's office is unlocked, and opens easily.

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1

No worries on the posting as long as you don't stop... :)

I listen as I approach the stables and start to melodically sing along with the nonsense rhyme. "Hello children, are your parents the owners of these stables? I'm looking to buy a horse. Are they inside?"

I am look around to see if I can notice anything unusual or anyone matching Theria's description.

Perception = 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Male Human Inquisitor (1st)

Children Irian thought to himself as his eyes dart from side to side, taking in the details and scanning teh shadows for trouble. Anotehr complication we don't need.

He moves to one side, trying to find a more shadowy location to keep his features and even his location from being easily discerned. His hand was ready to gather his bow if trouble were to come, but he didn't wish to spook the children. Their cries may give his positon away or warn those they were tracking about the groups presence.

Let the girl talk, planty of time for my style of questioning after we catch the one as killed the pathfinder. His eyes kept moving.

Perception1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25, stealth if possible 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Dark Archive

The children are quiet for second before a girl of maybe nine steps forward, staring somewhat defiantly and mischievously at P'Aye. "Maybe they is, maybe they isn't? But that ain't the question is it? Question is, what's a lady with a pretty voice gonna give us if we tell her?"
She stands there, staring at the elven woman and looking rather proud of herself.

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1

"My aren't you an industrious one," I saw with a smile slowly twisting into place, "I tell you what, let's play a game... it's called 'Find the Coin'" I take a silver piece out with a flourish an hold it in my hand between my thumb and forefinger. I move it back and forth before switching it into my other hand quickly. I flip it with my thumb into the air and catch it in my other hand before rolling it across my knuckles and then back. "If you can guess which hand the coin is in, I will give it to you," I say watching her eyes follow the coin, "but if you guess wrong, you will answer the next question I ask... deal?" Thinking to myself, "Gypsies love games of chance... let's see if this one is any different."

I will make a Sleight of Hand check to palm the coin and, since she's observing me, it will be opposed by her perception check. Since the object is a coin, I am factoring in a +4 to the check.

I clap my hands together and then present the girl with two closed fists for her to choose (Sleight of Hand = 1d20 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 + 4 = 20). With my eyes glittering mischievously, I say, "Which hand is the coin in?"

Female HP 18, AC 14, T 14 FF 12, Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +5, Per +8 (low-light), CMD 11 Gnome witch 2

Gotta love getting a good role for those type of actions... Nothing worse than trying to do something cool and then rolling a 1.

Dark Archive

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

The young girl considers for a moment and then nods to the slight cheers of the other children "Alright, deal."
She stand with her arms crossed and watches the coin carefully, considering your closed hands when your display is finished. Biting her lip, she finally points to your left hand, amidst a clamor of 'left' and 'no, right!' from the other children.

Male Human Inquisitor (1st)

Irian watches the beautiful womans performance briefly, smiling slightly as the children are taken in by her act. His eyes return to watching for signs of trouble, wondering if he would be called to kill for his mistress again this evening.

Ghorum is mesmerized by P'Aye's performance. He soon realizes he has his mouth hanging open slightly, and quickly (and quietly) composes himself, leaning casually on his axe like it was a cane.

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1
Carawyn Ellyzig Finwinkle wrote:
Gotta love getting a good role for those type of actions... Nothing worse than trying to do something cool and then rolling a 1.

I was prepared either way. A fumble on that check only reels in the mark thinking that they've got you. ;)

"What a clever girl you are," I say looking defeated letting my shoulders slump a bit. "Only," as I slowly open my empty left hand with a wry smile, "the coin was over here." I open my right hand to reveal the silver piece.

"Now a deal is a deal," I say to the child, "Tell me, is Varnis here at the stables?"

Once I have her response, I continue, "I sense the luck of Densa around you my child and know I could not do that again but I have another question. So, would you like another chance to find the coin?"

Dark Archive

As you reveal the coin in your right hand, there's a chorus of disappointed sounds mixed with cries of 'I knew it!' from the children. The young girl dejectedly sticks her hands into the pockets on the apron of her dress and nods "Yeah, Varnis is inside somewhere." She brightens visibly and the offer to play the game again.

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1

"Very good. Watch carefully now," I say putting my hands together and rolling the coin across my nuckles from my right hand to my left, "don't even blink or you may miss it."

As the coin rolls across the nuckles of my left hand, I roll it under my hand concealing the coin with a rippling undulation of my fingers back from left to right. Closing my fists again, I present them to the girl.

Sleight of Hand = 1d20 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 4 = 11

"Now my dear," I say with the same graceful smile, "find the coin."

Ahh, looks like she'll get me this time maybe. :)

Dark Archive

As the girl opens her mouth to say where the coin is, one of her friends steps forward and points at your left hand, loudly proclaiming that the coin is held therein.
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Male Human Inquisitor (1st)

As the bard distracts the children with her games, Irian nods to the dwarf and the warrior to accompany him. He unslings the bow and carries it loosely in his hand, but as yet has no arrow readied.

He moves across to the door and indicates he is ready to enter behind the two warrior types.

Hopefully no trouble comes of this he thinks to himself. It would be a hard thing for the young ones to watch someone die

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1

"Ah, so we have another player," I say with an exageraged look of suprise, "such clever children." I unfurl my empty left hand revealing that it is empty.

Turning to the new guesser without opening my right hand, "Now you must answer child. Tell me, have you seen a woman with dark hair - you may know her - named Theira who might have been in the company of Varnis?"

Irian Du'Lac wrote:

As the bard distracts the children with her games, Irian nods to the dwarf and the warrior to accompany him. He unslings the bow and carries it loosely in his hand, but as yet has no arrow readied.

He moves across to the door and indicates he is ready to enter behind the two warrior types.

Hopefully no trouble comes of this he thinks to himself. It would be a hard thing for the young ones to watch someone die

Ghorum nods slowly at Irian, and casually moves away from the gaggle of children towards the door. Hefting his axe in one hand, he quickly realizes that his shield is back at the inn.

Glancing at Gwynn, he readies himself to go in. "Ready, lad?"

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1

Seeing the tension in Irian and Ghorum's movements I motion to Irian for patience.

Bluff Check to Convey a Secret Message = 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24 (DC 24 for others to intercept this message)

Message for Irian and those who make the check:
Not yet. Don't want to raise suspicions.

Female HP 18, AC 14, T 14 FF 12, Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +5, Per +8 (low-light), CMD 11 Gnome witch 2

Completely oblivious of the secret message, Carawyn will edge toward the stable doors behind Ghorum and Irian. She's fascinated by P'Aye's dealings with the children (she was SURE the coin was in the other hand that last time!) but if Theira -- or someone that hurt her -- is in the stables, she's eager to find her. She also knows that she might be able to help if whatever killed the poor man in the inn tries to hurt these two, though it doesn't seem likely they would need any help.

Dark Archive

The young girl who initially was guessing pouts as the boy interjects his own guess. When he's revealed to be wrong, she shoves him slightly aside with a glare. Moments later, the minor quarrel is forgotten as a snicker runs through the children at the mention of Thiera. "Nah, she ain't hear today."

Male Human Inquisitor (1st)

My family are all sick with the flu at the moment, meaning I'm the only one up and running. I'll need a day or two sorry folks. I'll try to get on and post something tonight, but busy and tired so no promises. Cheers

Dark Archive

No worries; I hope everyone gets to feeling well quickly.

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1

Hope your family has a quick recovery and you steer clear of the crud!

I raise an eyebrow at the children's snicker when I mentioned Theria and my attention back to the girl playing the game, "What's this, I say to her quizzically as I open my right hand revealing that it too is empty and look at the girl with an appraising look, [/b]"I think I see now."[/b] Turning to the boy who guessed, "That explains why you could not find the coin dear boy... it was here all along!" I reach up with my left hand to smooth the girl's hair away from her shoulders and produce a silver coin from behind her ear. "I knew you were a clever girl," I say with a smile showing the coin to her. Pressing it into her hand, I say, "You are a most worthy player my dear. Perhaps we can play again some time? I regret that we cannot play more now but I have some business to attend to inside. The coin is yours!"

I have deducted the silver piece from my money in the expenditure journal

I make my way to the door to the stables and look to the others, "I am going to see what kinds of horses they have to offer... care to join me?"

Dark Archive

There's a collective impressed gasp from the children as you reveal the coin, and the young girl squeals in delight. The small band of children quickly disperses, chattering excitedly amongst themselves.

As you enter what appears to be the office of the stables, you find yourself in a large room, dimly lit by slants of sunlight falling down through the wooden beams of the ceiling, illuminating the large variety of riding tack hanging on the walls. A large door stands open on the left side of the room, opening onto the open courtyard of what you assume to be the stables proper.
Behind a cluttered desk sits a balding man dressed in simply with a brightly colored sash hanging about his waist. At your entrance, he looks up from his sheaf of papers and smiles cheerily at you "Morning folks. What can I do for you?"

Male Human Inquisitor (1st)

Irian nods to Paye, indicating to teh man behind the desk tha she's in charge. He caught her little message earlier and agreed that moving too fast now might cause mroe trouble than it would solve.

"The girl here wants to talk to you. I'd be obligin her if I was you". His tone is harsher than he'd hoped for, again proving that some of his old habits were hard to lose.

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1

"Well met," I say holding my hand palm down and casting a slight turn of the head toward Irian, I find myself in need of a horse to bear me on a journey of some length. Do you have such a mount?"

"Would you have such a steed Sir... um..." I continue leaving a pregnant pause where the balding man may inject his name.

To myself I think, "Surely this is not Varnis... unless the girl has a father fetish."

I will scan the room and what I can see of the open courtyard for any other people nearby. Perception = 1d20 + 6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 6 + 1 + 1 = 26

Female HP 18, AC 14, T 14 FF 12, Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +5, Per +8 (low-light), CMD 11 Gnome witch 2

Carawyn will also look around, seeing if she can spot Theira. But if she happens to spot anything else, so much the better...

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19 perception.

Dark Archive

The man pointedly ignores Irian's threatening tone, instead smiling politely to P'Aye.
"Of course miss. Everyone knows that Aldin's got the best horses you'll find between here and Karcau. What exactly are you and your companions looking for miss..."

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1

"Perhaps I could have a look at your stock," I say in a discriminating tone and, a little overtly flirtatious, I add, "stamina is important to me."

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