Pawn512 |
4 people marked this as FAQ candidate. |

I have a question on the interaction between APG monk archetypes and the various feat-based monk special attacks (stunning fist, elemental fist, punishing kick, etc.) Say I have a Hungry Ghost monk, who gets punishing kick for free. If I later decide to spend a feat on stunning fist (assuming I meet the pre-reqs), how many stunning fist uses per day do I get? Level or level/4? RAW seems to suggest the former, so a level 20 hungry ghost monk would get 20 uses of Punishing kick AND 20 uses of stunning fist but I'm not totally sure.
Seems like a nice option for high-level monks to diversify their repertoire a bit, but worried I may get houseruled if I go this route. Anybody have an thoughts on this?

Pawn512 |

AFAIK, the monk actually can use one special attack/level.
Simply, reading the rules, the "improvements" of that special attacks does not happen: only the basic one (i.e. the level 1 one) improves.
That makes sense. A monk who takes the feat for additional type of special attack gets the monk-enhanced uses per day, but doesn't get the enhanced effect (e.g. alternative status conditions with stunning fist, more damage with elemental fist etc.) unless the feat is granted for free as part of their level 1 class feature.

Abraham spalding |

I see "Monk gets this many uses of this ability." Not "Pull all your resources of this type and they all use the same pool of uses."
If it was the second we might have well just have used the Ki pool.
Also note that the monk that gets a "subsitute" instead of stunning fists gets extra abilities to go with it. A monk that just takes the feat when he can only gets the basic function that anyone could get just with more uses a day.
So I see it like Blank Fang does -- since nothing in the rules suggests it should be any other way.