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We will "start" around mid afternoon today. I'm simply posting this stuff to go ahead and get it on here. Feel free to "do things" if you have your character together.
-Knowledge checks of up to DC 10 can be made untrained!
-Knowledge(Local) checks are made normally unless a character has a personal attachment to that locale (like growing up there), which grants them a +2 circumstance bonus.
-It is recommended to use Conditionals in your posts during combat. Out of combat, they may also be useful. Example: "If the enemy moves close, I will defensively Shocking Grasp him. Otherwise, I'll cast Magic Missle, targeting him."
-Please only people directly involved in this PbP post here!
-Please, players, only post directly character related things here. All else goes in the Discussion topic!
I'll likely add more later to clarify things. You can always ALWAYS ask questions!

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After being restrained to smaller buildings for worship, due to the fire in the main church, the residents of Sandpoint have finally constructed a new, even more impressive cathedral.
It is the first day of Autumn, and it is the morning of the Swallowtail Festival. The ceremony begins promptly with Welcome Speeches by some prominent members of Sandpoint. Mayor Deverin begins quite friendly (friend-i-ly?), even joking that Larz the Tanner made time to come! Next up is Sheriff Hemlock and, in his usual serious tone, he reminds everyone to be safe and to remember those who lost their lives in the fire. Third is Cyrdak Drokkus, who reinvigorates the crowd with his comic retelling of the trials and tribulations required to construct the cathedral; also, of course, self-promoting his production of "The Harpy's Curse" at the Sandpoint Theater. Lastly, Father Zantus thanks everyone for coming and declares the Swallowtail Festival underway!
The town square is filled with people! Merchants are everywhere, featuring any product 500gp or less. Also...

Jedech Crell |

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **After being restrained to smaller buildings for worship, due to the fire in the main church, the residents of Sandpoint have finally constructed a new, even more impressive cathedral.
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **It is the first day of Autumn, and it is the morning of the Swallowtail Festival. The ceremony begins promptly with Welcome Speeches by some prominent members of Sandpoint. Mayor Deverin begins quite friendly (friend-i-ly?), even joking that Larz the Tanner made time to come! Next up is Sheriff Hemlock and, in his usual serious tone, he reminds everyone to be safe and to remember those who lost their lives in the fire. Third is Cyrdak Drokkus, who reinvigorates the crowd with his comic retelling of the trials and tribulations required to construct the cathedral; also, of course, self-promoting his production of "The Harpy's Curse" at the Sandpoint Theater. Lastly, Father Zantus thanks everyone for coming and declares the Swallowtail Festival underway!
The town square is filled with people! Merchants are everywhere, featuring any product 500gp or less. Also...
** spoiler omitted **...
Perception and untrained knowledge checks ...
Know -Local 1: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Know -Religion: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Know -Local 2: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Edit: funny how Jed's drinking has affected his memory but not his perception! :p

Jedech Crell |

The man in the ratty cloak that partially covers his lizard-hide armor watches the sheriff as he speaks, his eyes narrowing. He then hawks and spits a stream of tobacco onto the boardwalk. Apparently pleased with his digusting handywork, he turns on his heel and makes his way over to the furthest corner of the town square.

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Knowledge(Local) #1:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Knowledge(Local) #2:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Knowledge(Religion-Untrained) Max DC10:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Perception:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Diplomacy:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Calethes makes his way over toward the old man at the corner of the square, having had his interest piqued by the potential for arcane study.

Jaed |

While keeping a close eye on Silas, the 10 year old son of his patron, Jaed is scanning the crowd for anything of interest, especially troublemakers, and easy marks.
Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10+1 vs. traps
Noticing Silas growing a little distant in the crowd, Jaed says, "Keep close Silas, I wouldn't want your father keeping me another 5 years because you got yourself trampled by a crowd."

Issak Rialathel |

Knowledge (local) 1d20 ⇒ 7
Knowledge (religion) 1d20 ⇒ 13
Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Noting the strange merchant, Issak keeps an eye on him in case he's the source of any trouble. Though he's lived in town for a couple of years now, he is not as invested in the new cathedral as other residents; instead, he's acting as security for the event, making sure none of the visitors cause trouble.
In a free moment, he purchases a potion of cure light wounds from one of the local merchants. He liked to keep one on hand just in case, and he'd needed his last one after dealing with a drunken half-orc a few months back.

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Unless otherwise mentioned, dialogue is in Common. That goes for you guys, too.
The Merchant of Arcane items turns his head to look at Jedech spit tobacco. He stays hunched over for a minute, as if in the midst of deep thought or a deer in headlights. "Oh, scrolls... err, I mean 'Powerful Magic Scrolls'," he stutters quietly while standing upright. "I've got some other magic... things," he continues slowly, "but I don't have them with me."
He fidgets for a second with the items filling his arms, while glancing across the town square. He's visibly a bit disappointed after seeing a Half-Elf guard purchase a potion from another vendor. When he catches the guard's eye, he turns back around suddenly and has another attempt at picking up that scroll. It seems he can't bend down far enough with all the items in his arms. About this time Calethes meanders up to proximity of Jedech.
Oddly enough, the Arcane Merchant doesn't seem to have a stall like the other merchants in the square.
Jaed: When walking close to any merchants, they seem to pick you out of the crowd to pitch their wares to. "Hello, sir!" one merchant shouts as he comes running up to you, "Need some more arrows for that quiver? Maybe you need another quiver altogether! What color do you like..." He eyes you for a split second, "Right, I've got Black trimmed quivers that would match your feathers perfectly!"

Jaxom Cambourne |

Jaxom looks around him at the crowd of people and thinks to himself "Caravan duty, my how the mighty have fallen. Just last year I was standing on the Wall gaurding the Empire. So what If my uniform wasn't as neat as the others or my boots as shiny, my sword was still as sharp and my arm as strong. Even my own father betraying me as the discharged me for what they called 'reckless behavior' and 'insubordination'." Jaxom spits on the ground at the bitter memory "still, the pays decent and it affords me an ale and the company of a beautiful woman every now and then" So thinking, Jaxom purchases an ale from a nearby vendor, spilling a little on the ground before imbibing "For the Gods" and scanning the crowd again. Looking at his reflection in the copper bottom of some tinker's pan Jaxom runs his fingers through his shoulder legnth red hair and a hand across his his close trimmed beard, "Not exactly "regulation", but then again neither was I" he muses before striking a handsome pose, resting his hand on the well worn leather wrapped pommel of his longsord, for the benefit of the tinker's daughter before the old man shoo's her away with a glare at Jaxom.

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You're welcome to do whatever you need to before this happens. This just speeds things up, instead of my having to make four different posts and waiting for replies from each x.x
Before noon, Father Zantus shouts over the crowd, "We're nearing upon the time for the Swallowtail Release! Will my helpers bring over the wagon? Ok, people, start making your way over!"
You're welcome to do whatever you need to while he's waiting on the wagon.
His acolytes leave and come back a bit later wheeling a large covered wagon into the square. Father Zantus starts reciting the parable of Desna's falling to earth: she was nursed back to health by a blind child, whom she granted immortality in the form of a butterfly.
At the end of his speech, he motions and his acolytes remove the cover... And a thousand swallowtail butterflies swarm into the air!
Until the Community Lunch, children run around trying to catch the butterflies with nets.
You're welcome to do whatever you need to.
Around mid-afternoon, lunch is provided free from the various taverns and inns of Sandpoint. The eateries' agents make SURE to mention the name of the establishment when they offer food: "You look like you'd absolutely love this lobster chowder from the Hagfish!" or "Peppercorn venison right here! Provided by the White Deer!"
Yet again, you're welcome to do whatever you need to. This just speeds things up a bit.
When the sun begins setting, Father Zantus takes the central podium...

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As he approaches, Calathes glances at the scroll the old man is having so much trouble with in an attempt to decipher what it is.
Perception:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Linguistics (if needed):1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Knowledge(Arcane):1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Spellcraft:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
"Here, let me help you with that." Calathes says with a smile.

Jaed |

Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10 (+1 traps)
As the priest is announcing the time grows near for the ceremony, Jaed calls to Silas, "Your father wanted me to make sure you got a good view of things. If you still aspire to one day be a priest in the service of Desna, one thing you should know is that swallowtail butterflies are also known as The Children of Desna.

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As Calathes reaches out to pick up the scroll, he gets a look at its contents: he can't figure out exactly what spell it is (IDing a Scroll is apparently 20+level o.O), but he realizes its an Abjuration spell.... seemingly for a Bard to cast! (I'd say the K(Ar) check would tell you some things about it, just not what spell it is.)
Anyone up for correcting those calls is welcome to. That Spellcraft DC doesn't seem right to me.
The Arcane Merchant eyes you, partially fearful and partially curious, with his seemingly-common blank stare. "Th-Thank you, sir.... its, umm, pretty valuable," he chuckles awkwardly.
Jaed: Father Zantus catches sight of Silas, now paying full attention to the priest, and gives him a goodhearted wave and brief blessing.
By ceremony, I'm assuming you mean the Swallowtail Release...
After the butterflies depart, and the acolytes begins removing the wagon, Father Zantus comes up to Jaed and Silas from behind: "Hey there, young man, do you know what these butterflies represent?"
PS: I had mentioned I'd start at 3-4pm Eastern, so I'm waiting until then to actually continue the story. You guys are welcome to do what you please, or simply sit tight. Up to you :)

Jedech Crell |

Untrained knowledge religion roll
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Perception roll
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
The scruffy man in the rough, home-spun cloak and lizard hide shirt watches impassively as the butterflies are freed and flap about in tribute to the goddess.
He meanders about, taking free food when offered, and even occasionally offering a gruff, half hearted, "thank you".
Jed then looks around, trying to find anyone he knows or whom might have hired him for a hunt in the past ... hoping to pick up new work, or at least to get someone to buy him an ale or a shot of the local rot-gut.
Untrained knowledge local roll
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Norhalo |

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **After being restrained to smaller buildings for worship, due to the fire in the main church, the residents of Sandpoint have finally constructed a new, even more impressive cathedral.
The town square is filled with people! Merchants are everywhere, featuring any product 500gp or less. Also...
** spoiler omitted **...
Knowledge (Local) (untrained): 1d20+2= 12+2= 14
I haven't been in town very long, but I guess I'd heard things while passing through on the way to Magnimar.Knowledge (Re) (u): 1d20+2= 2+2= 4
Eh, it's the priests who want to run us out of town. I never listen to them anyway.
Perception: 1d20+2= 5+2= 7
Clearly I'm looking the other way....

Norhalo |

You're welcome to do whatever you need to before this happens. This just speeds things up, instead of my having to make four different posts and waiting for replies from each x.x
You're welcome to do whatever you need to.
Around mid-afternoon, lunch is provided free from the various taverns and inns of Sandpoint. The eateries' agents make SURE to mention the name of the establishment when they offer food: "You look like you'd absolutely love this lobster chowder from the Hagfish!" or "Peppercorn venison right here! Provided by the White Deer!"
** spoiler omitted **
Yet again, you're welcome to do whatever you need to. This just speeds things up a bit.
When the sun begins setting, Father Zantus takes the central podium...
K(Re) (untrained): 1d20+2= 7+2= 9
Perception: 1d20+2= 3+2= 5
I shall wander obliviously around the square, eating and looking for that half-elf who was talking about the Pathfinder Society--he seemed like someone who might be interested in looking at ruins. If I don't find him by sunset, I'll try to get a good place to hear Father Zantus from.

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I'm quite late x.x
When the sun begins setting, Father Zantus takes the central podium...
...and uses a thunderstone to attract everyone's attention. Once the crowd dies down a little, he begins reciting the Prayer of First Dreaming. Disrupting him, is a woman's scream.
Just a minute later, multiple other screams come from the same area... along with high pitched, tittering shreiks - unhuman to say the least. A few people in a straight line part from each other quickly, and something low to the ground races by. It runs under a wagon, and slices open the dog that was napping there, before skittering off.
Characters making this check may act in the surprise round. Also, everyone roll initiative.
You all also hear a nameless goblin rhyme, performed by other goblins to give them an edge in combat.
Crappy map:
A: Northern entry
B: Southern entry
Z: Father Zantus
M: Where the Arcane Merchant was
G: Where the goblin who killed the dog is now hiding (entered from AA)
Town Square is approximately 50ft by 50ft
PCs acting in the surprise round only take a single standard action (or move action). From Father Zantus, two moves are needed to get to the Goblins. From the merchants (or where the Arcane Merchant was) takes one move.
At the beginning of the first non-surprise round, PCs will be able to notice two other goblins joining the dog-killer.

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I'm quite late x.x
When the sun begins setting, Father Zantus takes the central podium...
Characters making this check may act in the surprise round. Also, everyone roll initiative.
You all also hear a nameless goblin rhyme, performed by other goblins to give them an edge in combat.
Crappy map:
--BB----A: Northern entry
B: Southern entry
Z: Father Zantus
M: Where the Arcane Merchant was
G: Where the goblin who killed the dog is now hiding (entered from AA)
Town Square is approximately 50ft by 50ftPCs acting in the surprise round only take a single standard action (or move action). From Father Zantus, two moves are needed to get to the Goblins. From the merchants (or where the Arcane Merchant was) takes one move.
At the beginning of the first non-surprise round, PCs will be able to notice two other goblins joining the dog-killer.
Perc check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Head towards the goblin on the surprise round, looking for some likely combatant to cast mage armor on. ETA: If a goblin is coming towards me, try to stay away from it.

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Perception:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Initiative:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Austin, Here's a Map Link if you are interested. It is set up so that anyone with the link can edit the map, I can change that too if you would like.
"What in the Nine Hells is a goblin doing here?"
Calathes looks around to see if anyone else has noticed, having seen that others are beginning to take action, he begins to cast Mage Armor.

Jaxom Cambourne |

Perception check: 1d20 ⇒ 19
"No rest for the weary, it seems"
Jaxom pulls his longsword out of it's sheath and slings his shield over his arm as he heads to the goblin hiding behind the wagon.
Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Issak Rialathel |

Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Initiative 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Unusually slow on the update, Issak does not spot the source of the screams for several crucial seconds.
Once he's able to move, he'll head for square M7 and ready an attack with his glaive for the first goblin to enter his threatened area.
Some guardsman I am!

Jaed |

Pre-fight conversation with Father Zantus: Silas blushes at getting to talk to a real priest in the service of Desna. "I'm sorry sir, but I don't know."
On to the fight! :)
Percetion: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
"Silas, stay with Father Zantus!" Says Jaed as he's drawing his swords and scanning the area for additional threats, trusting Silas to do as he's been told.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Jedech Crell |

Perception check
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Initiative roll
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
The hunter and guide that some people in Sandpoint know as Jed Crell takes a 5 foot step back from the direction where the murderous goblin is concealed beneath the wagon and pulls the mahogany-stocked crossbow from his back.

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I'll be leaving for work approximately 11pm Eastern, but I'll be back on (hopefully with time to post) at 2-3am-ish.
Also, thank you Talomyr for that map! I had planned to draw and scan future ones, but this is much better!
(22) Jaxom *
(19) Calathes *
(18??) Jaed * I'm guessing the second roll was supposed to be Initiative, so I just calc'd from that d20.
(16) Issak
(13) Goblins
(11.6) Jedech *
(11.2) John Woodford *
* = acting in surprise round.
Surprise round:
-Jaxom uses his standard as a move action, while also pulling out his longsword, heading towards the goblins. Jaxom reaches the Goblin at the back of the wagon. (L11)
-Calathes casts Mage Armor.
-Jaed draws his two falcatas as Father Zantus grabs the child for protection.
-Jedech slides back a step, and arms himself with his crossbow. Goblins will get soft cover for a round or two from the crowd.
-Woodford gets to the center of the square (say, J7?) and looks for anyone staying to fight instead of fleeing.
First round, two other goblins come out of the crowd at N8 and M7. They are wielding dogslicers like the one hiding behind the wagon.
You guys can post in any order, and I'll sort out initiatives. Again, you can make good use of conditionals to declare actions for future rounds, or when you don't know what characters of higher initiatives will do yet.

Issak Rialathel |

Issak will always move to impair the movement of the goblins with his reach, keeping them away from the civilians as much as possible.
If the nearest goblin is still alive on his action, Issak moves to K6 and attacks with his glaive. If the next closest goblin is the one alive, he'll move to M6 instead and attack that one. If they're both dead already, he'll just move to the north side of the wagon to corner the third goblin.
Glaive to hit 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
damage 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
I'll probably be asleep for the second round of combat, so here's another attack roll for Issak, should there be goblins left at that point.
Glaive to hit 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
damage 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

Jaed |

(18??) Jaed * I'm guessing the second roll was supposed to be Initiative, so I just calc'd from that d20.
doh! I missed rolling for Initiative....
Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
As soon as a clear path opens to a goblin, Jaed will charge.
Charge Attack with mwk falcata: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14 Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Norhalo |

Initiative:(11.2) Norhalo *
First round, two other goblins come out of the crowd at N8 and M7. They are wielding dogslicers like the one hiding behind the wagon.
I believe that by the time I act, Issak will be at K6 or M6. Assuming this is the case (and I'm not being attacked), step to J6 or M5 and cast mage armor on Issak. If I'm being attacked, I'll go to total defense and try to last until the fighters get there.

Jedech Crell |

First round, two other goblins come out of the crowd at N8 and M7. They are wielding dogslicers like the one hiding behind the wagon.
[ooc] You guys can post in any order, and I'll sort out initiatives. Again, you can make good use of conditionals to declare actions for future rounds, or when you don't know what characters of higher initiatives will do yet.
Jed slides back another 5 feet as he loads his beloved crossbow. He casually draws a bead on the nearest goblin and fires at it.
attack and damage rolls
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 121d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Round 2 conditional = repeat round 1 actions

Issak Rialathel |

Austin Morgan wrote:I believe that by the time I act, Issak will be at K6 or M6. Assuming this is the case (and I'm not being attacked), step to J6 or M5 and cast mage armor on Issak. If I'm being attacked, I'll go to total defense and try to last until the fighters get there.
Initiative:(11.2) Norhalo *
First round, two other goblins come out of the crowd at N8 and M7. They are wielding dogslicers like the one hiding behind the wagon.
I'm wearing scale armor--mage armor won't add anything to my AC. Could use it on yourself though...

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(22) Jaxom
(19) Calathes
(16) Issak
(13) Goblins
(12) Jaed
(11.6) Jedech
(11.2) Norhalo
-Jaxom: Still have your action
-Calathes: Still have your action
-Issak: Moves to K6 and slices a goblin (menacing a woman) and takes it down switfy.
-Goblins: Hiding goblin is surprised by Jaxom, and attacks the wheel of the wagon, laughing. One goblin is now dead. The last is distracted by a table of food, and heads for it with eyes wide (moves to N6).
-Jaed: Charges towards the goblin chowing down. His mwk falcata speeds towards the goblin, but it jumps towards a dish of meat just before connection.
-Jedech: Jumps back another five feet, loads and fires a tad too early. Luckily, the bolt simply lodges itself into the table.
-Norhalo: You 5-foot-step to J6 and intend to cast your spell, but realize that Issak's already got decent armor on. You still have your standard and move left.
Jaxom and Calathes still have their full action, while Norhalo has his standard and move.
I'll be on later today, gotta get some sleep first.

Norhalo |

(22) Jaxom
(19) Calathes
(16) Issak
(13) Goblins
(12) Jaed
(11.6) Jedech
(11.2) Norhalo-Norhalo: You 5-foot-step to J6 and intend to cast your spell, but realize that Issak's already got decent armor on. You still have your standard and move left.
I'll stay at or around J6 and cast mage armor on myself, then speak to Issak while looking around quickly for more goblins. "Only three of the little rateaters against a crowd? There must be more of them around!"

Jaxom Cambourne |

Jaxom will swing his longsword at the goblin hiding behind the wagon.
"I happen to like dogs, you...not so much"
Attack roll: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Despite hearing the statisfying thump of the goblin hitting the ground Jaxom follows through with the backhand of his spiked shield
Attack roll: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Damage :1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
"And that was for the dog"

Jaed |

Round 2 actions:
If the goblin I charged is still up and hasn't run away, Jaed will attack with both his blades.
Main attack: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11 Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Off-hand attack: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (16) - 2 = 14
If there is no goblin within reach, then Jaed will charge the nearest.
Charge attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Jedech Crell |

Jed blinks as his first bolt goes astray. He curses at the goblin as he takes another step back and reloads, "How dare yer disturb a gatherin' o' proper folk! By the hair on your mum's teats, yer li'l bugger, I'll plant a bolt in yer mug yet!"
The rough-looking hunter again draws a bead on the goblin and attempts to shoot it as it dodges around, terrozing the nearby townfolk.
attack and damage rolls
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 121d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Damn! Missed again! Round 3 conditional = again repeat round 2 actions -- Jed will try and move so that the gobbo doesn't get soft cover.

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Hey guys, sorry for the delay. Onwards :D
Round 1:
-Jaxom slays the hidden goblin with a clean slice from his longsword, and follows up with a shield bash for good measure.
-Calathes hurls his staff at the goblin on the table, but misses by a hair.
-Issak: Moves to K6 and slices a goblin (menacing a woman) and takes it down switfy.
-Goblins: Hiding goblin is surprised by Jaxom, and attacks the wheel of the wagon, laughing. One goblin is now dead. The last is distracted by a table of food, and heads for it with eyes wide (moves to N6).
-Jaed: Charges towards the goblin chowing down. His mwk falcata speeds towards the goblin, but it jumps towards a dish of meat just before connection.
-Jedech: Jumps back another five feet, loads and fires a tad too early. Luckily, the bolt simply lodges itself into the table.
-Norhalo: You 5-foot-step to J6 and intend to cast your spell, but realize that Issak's already got decent armor on. You cast mage armor on yourself.
Round 2:
Issak five-foots to L6 and attacks around Jaed. The goblin is covered, but his glaive still connects and he slaughters the goblin.
The few people remaining in the crowd look upon you in awe and thankfulness. Father Zantus thanks you mightily for your aid, but points out that the Goblin Warsong is still audible from the South.
You guys have a round of actions before...
Another team of goblins burst into the town square from the South. Three are visible, along with one looking more decorated, and who is singing the Warsong they can all hear.
Zantus yells "These look more serious!" He runs to K4 and casts Bless on the entire party (+1 to attack).
We'll stay in initiative. If anyone moves out of a 50ft burst from Zantus in the previous round, he re-works his movement to make sure to get everyone (even if we have to stretch the rules :P). Starting from the top of the round...

Issak Rialathel |

Issak shouts, "Cover the south gate!" in response to Father Zantus's observation. He immediately moves to I9. After the goblins burst onto the scene, he'll attack the one at G11.
EDIT: Forgot the Bless bonus on both of these--added in regular text.
Glaive to hit 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13 +1 = 14
damage 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
Good chance of me getting an AoO, so I'm going to go ahead and include another attack roll here.
Glaive to hit 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 +1 = 13
damage 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Used up all my luck on the first combat...eek!

Jedech Crell |

Previously shot in what I thought was round 2 and missed, so I'll keep that attack and just change the move (since there would have been no living goblin to back away from)
Jed curses as he misfires, then hustles his way across the square, pulling a bolt from his quiver as he does so.
Moving to square H7. Contigency act for next round is to load and fire at the 'special goblin', 1d20+7, 1d8+1

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Round 2:
Calathes moves over so he has a direct shot, and hurls his staff again, hoping for better results.
Moving to G6 and using hand of the apprentice on the goblin in G11
Attack:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Damage:1d6 ⇒ 3
EDIT: And missing again...

Norhalo |

Hey guys, sorry for the delay. Onwards :D
<<...>>You guys have a round of actions before...
Another team of goblins burst into the town square from the South. Three are visible, along with one looking more decorated, and who is singing the Warsong they can all hear.
Zantus yells "These look more serious!" He runs to K4 and casts Bless on the entire party (+1 to attack).
We'll stay in initiative. If anyone moves out of a 50ft burst from Zantus in the previous round, he re-works his movement to make sure to get everyone (even if we have to stretch the rules :P). Starting from the top of the round...
In the free round, move to K8, cast detect magic, and check out the wagon. "They were targeting this one for some reason...."
Next round:
Stop concentrating on the detect magic. Assuming that the goblins are going to close with Issak and attack him before I can act, I'll move to K9 and cast burning hands, angling the cone so as to miss Issak and catch as many of the goblins as possible. If other people have moved into the way, I'll change where I move to before casting.
The goal is to catch as many goblins in the cone as possible while missing everyone else; if I can do that w/o taking any attacks of opportunity, so much the better.
Spell damage: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3; Reflex save DC 16. +1 to save DC for Spell Focus; +1d4 for Varisian Tattoos. Not that the damage is anything to write home about....

Jedech Crell |

I seemed to have mis-read your post, Austin! OK, for the free round, Jedech would have reloaded and moved towards the nearest goblin corpse, covering it with his crossbow just in case the little bugger was shamming.
On the round where the party can first see the new goblin arrivals, Jed will move to H7, and then fire his crossbow at the chanting/singing goblin.
ATTACK and DMG rolls: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 151d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
P.S: I do have precise shot

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Just as the party turns to see the goblins entering from the South, a wagon heavily ablaze is also spotted in the background. These goblins seem to have torches in addition to their dogslicers...
-Jaxom delaying
-Calathes is temporarily distracted by one of the few citizens left in the square, and thusly aims a foot or so off from the goblin.
-Issak doesn't quite reach the goblin with his glaive Its just a normal miss, you're within reach.
-New Goblins. The first (G11) moves to (H10), provoking an AoO from Issak, which it deftly dodges; it swats the torch at Issak... and misses! Second goblin (I12) runs to (I10), and does the same. The last goblin charges Calathes, but bounces off his mage armor!
-Jaed charges the goblin now in I10 and slays him!
-Jedech heads to H7, and fires at the odd looking goblin, almost taking him out. (AoO from the goblin in G7 fails)
-Norhalo moves to J9 and casts burning hands, also dodging the AoO. I modified this a tad to keep Jaed from getting hit. Both take full damage.
-Special Goblin 5-foots to H12 and tries to trip Jaed with his whip quite unsuccessfully... then passes out unconcious.
By the by, for simplicity: the Goblins have an AC of 16, "special" has an AC of 15.