Avalon Games |
Hi, everyone, this is Avalon Games with our preview of upcoming products from your favorite little gaming company.
October has us releasing a lot of great stuff.
First up we have the next Tome of Adventure. This series is our first step into the 4th Ed market, and these have been some great adventures for that system. Bloodworm Bog offers a new campaign setting with lots of low-level adventure sites and plenty of fun encounters. So jump into the new D&D and find some wild adventures.
Speaking of great campaigns, our next how to book focuses on How to Make a Great Campaign. Chock full of information and tips for creating an engaging gaming environment for your players. This series of how to books has been very popular; both new and old GMs’ are finding it to be a real value and a useful addition to their gaming libraries.
Pathfinder is another great gaming system, and this month Avalon has three new installments for our every growing line of Avalon Pathfinder products. While each of the three can stand on its own merits, used together, the combination forms a fun-filled desert campaign. The Adventure issue is a rescue mission to save a young woman from her undead friend; the Encounter issue focuses on the Cult of the Dead; and the Character issue looks at our fair damsel, Pokh.
Moving on to our Mini-Game series we want to announce the release of Future Wars. With this gorgeous Mini-Game we take our Battle Armor universe and expand it into full fledged war. Now you can battle over whole planets and really get a taste of the Battle Armor setting.
For Arcana this month we have a new Journal and the next realms book: Ithengar. We’ll let you in on a secret - we have so much great stuff for Arcana that we are already hard at work on Journals for next year. So as long as you continue supporting this product line, we will continue working to keep it great.
The art department has not been idle this month – they have new Counters, new Clip Art and a new Design set.
And of course Game Geek is plugging away this month with all sorts of gaming goodness. Cover to cover this is a great issue, so pick up your copy right away.
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