Josh Frost Appreciation Thread!

Pathfinder Society

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Liberty's Edge 1/5

1. Denial) I'm still in shock and can't believe your leaving... or already left.
2. Anger) Dam it, what the hell happened!
3. Bargaining) Josh I promise I will stop pestering you to answer my posts. I swear!
4. Depression) Cry...
5. Acceptance) Never! We'll... I'm sure Hyrum will do very well and they say Josh can still write adventures... Sniff...

Thanks for all the work you have done with the Pathfinder Society, the comments you made to many of my posts, and (for me at least) being the wizardly face of Paizo for these past years. Good luck Josh on your new path in life.


Twowlves wrote:

I just want to echo all the good sentiments and well wishes expressed in this thread. Excellent work, good sir.

(Now maybe he can tell us which faction "won" Year 0....)



stjstone wrote:

1. Denial) I'm still in shock and can't believe your leaving... or already left.

2. Anger) Dam it, what the hell happened!
3. Bargaining) Josh I promise I will stop pestering you to answer my posts. I swear!
4. Depression) Cry...
5. Acceptance) Never! We'll... I'm sure Hyrum will do very well and they say Josh can still write adventures... Sniff...

Thanks for all the work you have done with the Pathfinder Society, the comments you made to many of my posts, and (for me at least) being the wizardly face of Paizo for these past years. Good luck Josh on your new path in life.

I skipped 1 and 3. Not to 5 yet.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Kyle Baird wrote:
stjstone wrote:

1. Denial) I'm still in shock and can't believe your leaving... or already left.

2. Anger) Dam it, what the hell happened!
3. Bargaining) Josh I promise I will stop pestering you to answer my posts. I swear!
4. Depression) Cry...
5. Acceptance) Never! We'll... I'm sure Hyrum will do very well and they say Josh can still write adventures... Sniff...

Thanks for all the work you have done with the Pathfinder Society, the comments you made to many of my posts, and (for me at least) being the wizardly face of Paizo for these past years. Good luck Josh on your new path in life.

I skipped 1 and 3. Not to 5 yet.

Don't cry Kyle, It could be worse, you could be playing in a game right now with your favorite character with Doug GMing...

See things could be Much worse!

I know my mind echoes the sentiments posted by others here.

I was introduced to Pathfinder through PFS Season O at Gencon 08.
I'd never played in a 'living' type campaign or really spent much time at gaming conventions, despite my 20+ years of RPGs.
PFS hooked me, and I've been a big supporter of the Society and Paizo products ever since.

I really appreciate what you've done for me and for post 3.5 gaming in general. I'm sure Hyrum will do a great job and Paizo will continue to put out products I 'must have', and that I'll continue to love my time in the PFS, but it won't be the same without you.

Best of luck and well wishes on whatever you're going to do now.

You will be missed,



Dragnmoon wrote:

Don't cry Kyle, It could be worse, you could be playing in a game right now with your favorite character with Doug GMing...

See things could be Much worse!

There's a reason why those of us in SE Michigan don't get too attached to our characters. That reason is, of course, Massacre Miles.

Shadow Lodge

Thank you Josh, for running that game at GenCon and saying "He uses his monkey mojo" instead of "he casts magic missile."

The Exchange 1/5

Yep! Thanks to Josh for bootstrapping PFS and nursing it through it's infancy. The society would not be where it is today without all of your work.

As one of the PFS scenario authors who got a break (as well as help and advice) from Josh, let me say a special "thank you" and best of luck with your future endeavors!

Sovereign Court 3/5

Josh, thank you for giving me the opportunity to work for and with you at the last two GenCons. I had a great time and wish you the best in your future endeavours.

I'll miss your presence in the PFS.


Bye Josh be safe and have fun where ever you go and what ever you and may success always find you.

Grand Lodge 5/5

/snappy salute

It's been good serving under you sir.

Liberty's Edge Contributor


Much love Josh!
I cannot thank you enough for all your service to the Pathfinder Society, hooking me up with rooms and badges for Gen Con, allowing me to put together great crazy events. Letting me write and run PFS-mods and everything else you've done for me over the years (which at this point, has been considerable). I wish you all the luck in the future.

PS. Mike stop using MY avatar!!!!

The Exchange

With all my due consideration;



Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5

Y'know at first I had my doubts but pretty swiftly I became incredibly impressed with your leadership, your creative talents, organisational ability and your Charisma 20. I'm so glad we got you over for PaizoCon UK before you left Paizo.

"Awesome" is a much overused word but I bet that whatever you go on to do will be just that. Awesome!

Liberty's Edge *

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Great serving under you, Captain. Hope the future ventures you endeavor in are as full of promise as your baby, the PFS. Looking forward to seeing more freelancing writing from you in the future.

Rest, relax, reflect, and take what these past few years have taught you to continue to be a Captain in this industry, if that is your wish.

Given how many sentiments are already out there for you, and hoping you're at least peeking into the world and the society you helped make great.... I'll add another voice of thanks and good luck to you, sir.


Scarab Sages 2/5

Cons just won't be the same. :(

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Is it a fake ??? Where we can find the official announcement ?


Karui Kage wrote:
Cons just won't be the same. :(

Neil, Angus, and I will keep an empty chair at Table 38.

Shadow Lodge 5/5

Dritzz wrote:
Is it a fake ??? Where we can find the official announcement ?

It is not fake, the official announcement can be found here amongst other places.


Thank you Josh. Your job always seemed to me to be a little thankless, but as you can see, your dedication and effort has and will continue to be appreciated by many (myself included). Lost at Bitter End is one of my favorite PFS mods (and yes that is against some extremely tough competition).

Good luck with whatever you decide for your future.

Scarab Sages

My completely unique (to the Paizo boards, at least) appreciation:

Thank you for Proposing to Me, Josh....for my fiance, Majuba, that is. :)

I will remember that moment for a long time.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Best wishes for whatever lies ahead, Josh. It's been fun working with you at Origins, GenCon & Paizocon... and I hope that we will still see you at a con soon.

Let me know when you need us to expedite that Canadian Citizenship ;)

- The eldest of your favourite crew of Yeti conscripts

Liberty's Edge 1/5

MisterSlanky wrote:
Dritzz wrote:
Is it a fake ??? Where we can find the official announcement ?
It is not fake, the official announcement can be found here amongst other places.

I got to say that is hardly an official announcement. For such a customer facing figure to just be "poof" gone is well, kind of wizard of the costy. No matter what happened between the leadership and Joshua J. Frost saying nothing is hardly the way to handle a situation like this and just leads to rampant speculation. Josh was the wizardly face of Pathfinder Scenarios and in general has done a lot of good for Paizo and Pathfinder. That aspect of Joshua J. Frost should have been expressed by the leadership "officially". We don't need to know what happened, but putting out a statement where, after much thanks and accolades due to blah differences (Paizo or Joshua) blah blah blah. Let us welcome Hyrum Savage to blah blah blah.

Rember: We read, respond and sometimes chat or e-mail with your people all the time and to have them just disappear with no word from the leadership is kind of strange and off putting. I still love the Pathfinder brand and everything, but this could have been handled better.

Back to prepping for Legacy of Fire...

Shadow Lodge

Being that the post came from a member of the Paizo staff, in conjunction with posts elsewhere by Frost himself, I'd consider that pretty official. Still, what's done is done. Hyrum and Mark are great guys, and I have confidence that they'll be able to do good things with the society, so this is hardly the end of the world.

Dark Archive 1/5

As many here have said and even more have thought without knowing who to thank - much thanks for the considerable amount of work and all your efforts on behalf of Pathfinder and to the Pathfinder Society. Good hunting Mr. Frost.

May the road ever rise up to meet you.

The Exchange 2/5

Wah. I'm on vacation for a week and come back to this? Drat!
Josh, you were a great coordinator--part of the reason I think PFS has been so successful was your responsiveness. I hope Hyrum and Mark can keep that up. Good luck!

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