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Sarn - The Dark Times.
The Story of Maliuss
Homecomings can be painful, but when you are an elf who has betrayed the teachings of your god and returned with a half breed child, the homecoming can be heart-wrenching. Since leaving the One Wood Maliuss had lived a whole life time in human terms in what would only be classed as a heart beat to an elf. He had sailed the seas as a buccaneer thriving on the excitement and thrill of danger. He had seen his ship sunk from beneath him and his fortune lost to the waves. He had rebuilt the fortune and retired to the coast with his somewhat ill gotten gains. Here he met a women, a human, and the two of them married and begot a child. He experienced raw unconditional love, not the carefree love of his home land, but intense gut wrenching love, the kind that leaves you with a broken heart when your lover dies. It was this broken heart that sent Maliuss home, to seek solace amongst his people and to forget the pain and sorrow that she was not there any-more, even the infant which has her eyes is only a constant reminder that she is gone.
And so Maliuss returned to the One Wood's embrace and shelter in the bathing light of Caeril the maker, father of the Wood Elves. Caeril listened with rapture as Maliuss related his tale and cried with sorrow as he releated his lovers death and then he gave Maliuss a gift, the gift of rebirth, Maliuss could drink deeply from the Chalice, the most holy of relics, and he would be reborn his body renewed with Caeril's power. Maliuss would be able to tap the life blood of the land and perform miracles, even perhaps one day able to return to that lonely, untended grave and bend the powers of life and death to his will. Maliuss accepted either in grief or hope, he was not sure which, and as the power of the Chalice washed through him he knew that his creator had done him a great honour. The pain in his heart was still there and the infant child was happy with the elven wet nurses so Maliuss found himself once more draw to the edges of the one wood, once more feeling the call of the world and knowing that his god willed him to leave soon and learn more of the mastications of the world beyond, of the darkness he warned the elves was rising in the hearts of mortals.
Sometimes fate gives you a hand and occasionally Fate gives you an almighty shove in the back, today fate was feeling bossy.
Maliuss you are wandering the edges of the One Wood, the boundary between where mankind had once harvested the trees and the One Wood had said "No More!" It is a place full of younger trees, less mature and lacking the sparks of Fey life that the ancient forest holds. It is here you find yourself drawn often, especially in times of sorrow when you can see her face clearly, her hair sparkling in the sun light and you can almost smell her perfume in the air. Today the dawn sun was losing a battle to burn off the early morning mist and you could feel a rain storm gathering in the air, but the chill didn't bother you, it made you feel alive. It was then that you saw it, the stump of a walnut tree, maybe 50 years old, sap still fresh from the were the rings bled the trees life. The hewn branches, leaves and a small birds nest lay scattered around amongst the booted footprints of perhaps three men and the drag marks of a hand sledge that had taken the lumber away. It would be an all too easy task to follow the tracks and see where these thieves were heading and so with grim determination and bow in hand you set off at a slow jog.
The trees stopped, like a wall at the forests edge, the sun gave up its pretence of fighting and disappeared behind the growing clouds. To the south ominous rain clouds massed and a distant echo of thunder rolled across the land. The tracks, were clearer now, these men had traversed this route many times, cutting a path through the plants of the moorlands that stretched before you. You briefly decided against going back and reporting what you had found and took a steady step forward when BANG, fate shoved you from behind. The pain of the well hidden bear trap was the first thing you could feel, you don't even remember the sound of its cold metallic jaws closing on your leg, only the pain burning like fire. You must have passed out for a while, for when you awoke the rain was in full force, drenching and chilling you to the bone. The dull grey bear trap was closed completely around your leg severing muscle and crushing bones. You struggled against it trying to prise it jaws open, but found you lacked the power to do so and the healing of your god could only staunch the flow of the blood while the trap was still attached to you.
Maliuss, no one from the One Wood will pass this way and it is only a matter of time before the men who laid the trap come back to inspect it. It occurs to you that the only reason they would lay a trap on the trail would be to catch any one following them, as most animals, bears included would avoid their scent.
What do you wish to do?

Archard |

Pages relevant to Maliuss:
The One Wood
I refuse to give in lightly, this is something sent to test me. I will try to remain calm and think through my options. Though without the vast knowledge of traps and their workings my ideas could well be limited.
I will try and call an animal around the area, I have limited chances to speak with them so I won’t exhaust that avenue. However if I can get hold of something to talk to me maybe I can try and send word back.
A few small curses in Elven are going to come out and if I get out of here alive you can guarantee there will be alcohol involved. A deep sigh as I realise that even the gods aren’t likely to be that interesting in helping me out of a simple trap, I’ll keep trying to prise it open but if I get too weak for that I am concentrating on keeping myself stable.

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Maliuss calls to the woodland creatures, calling in Caeril's name that they come and aid one of their own, but the lashing rain storm washes out your voice and has driven all but the most foolhardy of animals to seek shelter in burrow, den or tree top.
Cursing softly you try once more to prise the bear trap from your leg, but even using your scimitar for leverage you only succeed in causing yourself more pain.
Studying the bear trap, you can see that it is attached to a sturdy 4 foot length of chain, the far end of the chain has a black metal spike through the last link and driven into the ground. Perhaps it would be easier to pull out the spike now that the relentless rain has softened the ground?
As you contemplate the next coarse of action can I have a perception roll please?

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The story of Tionan
Tionan had lived most of his life in darkness, his memory of the short time in his childhood when he could see a hazy memory at best, but his eyes served him well now. He sat crouched, cocooned within the branches of a weeping willow, his makeshift hide, as the rain hammered down all around and the distant flashes of lightning and peels of thunder got closer and closer. He watched the two dozen men securing their tents and tarpaulins from only two hundred yards, safe in the knowledge that they could not see him. He was hungry, but he could wait a while longer to eat, wait until the men where soundly asleep and he had no need to watch them. As he waited and watched he allowed his mind to wander, how had he gotten to this point, what were the pivotal parts of his life that led him here?
The blinding sickness epidemic is what had started him on this journey, when the village well was infected, deliberately some say, the community was struck down with the sickness. Many died and as many where left blind or infirm. Tionan had been only a child, a toddler at the time and he was left in a world of darkness for most of his life. His father was a big fish in a small pond, he owned and ran the village trading post, while he made a decent living he was always shy of the 150 gold coins that the nearest city temple would require as a donation to cure his sight. War and famine had seen to his fathers ambitions, the same war that had landed Tionan with a sister when his parents took in his niece after her family were killed by the cultist of Tu-an in their failed grasp for power.
His young life had been harsh, growing up in his world of darkness and friends had been hard to come by, many in the village spurned him as a symbol of sadder times.
The next turning point in his life came with the arrival of his so called friends. Tionan was barely 14, but he had been seduced by the tales of adventure spun by Lareth and his band of adventurers, willy Gremag and brave Rannos. They had taken him under their wing, let him travel out of the confines of his village existence and even paid for him to become a man at the nearby brothel in Nulb. They had been the first to believe in him and the first to make him question why he was still living like a blind man when he could so easily be one of the seeing. They could make him see as long as he swore a blood oath to join them and be one of their band, to follow Lareth's orders. Tionan was swayed by their words and believed their promises all too eagerly, the faint scar where the dagger was drawn across his palm not the only physical reminder of the day he became a blood brother. For on that day, Lareth called on the powers of his mistress and cured Tionan's eyes, for the first time in a dozen years, colour and light came cascading into his vision. Tionan wept.
The several months that followed were some of the best in Tionan's's's short life, they travelled to the cities of Zantac and Zard, they lived life to the full and they tauTionan how to use a blade and bow. So when he realised their true nature it came as a dagger through his heart. Looking back now, in the harsh light of hindsight, Tionan had always suspected they were up to no good, why else would a supposedly noble priest steal away a young blind boy and poison his mind against his family and community. Why would they so regularly frequent places better left to pirates and thugs. Tionan had blinded himself to it all, more than his loss of sight had ever done, so wrapped up in the hedonism of life.
It was while staying at the River Rat inn on the edge of the Sarangraver Flats that he would start his next chapter of his fateful life.
He discovered a document package in Lareth's room, he had been curious of its contents when he saw Lareth bring it in at supper, but he waited for an opportunity to satisfy his idle curiosity when Lareth was out. It contained several documents, one a forgery of his fathers will, signing the Trading Post and all his belongings over to Tionan and his companions. With it was an order for some nameless assassin to kill his family, but make it look like an accident and leave all material goods in place. Tionan in his rage took the confrontational route and flung himself violently at Lareth when he returned, with a wave of his fingers handsome Lareth froze Tionan in place. Bound and gagged Lareth and explained patiently, as if talking to a child, that Tionan was one of them now and that his father deserved what was to befall him. His honeyed words did not reach Tionan and with a shrug Lareth plunged a curved dagger into his chest and bundled him out of the window into the black river beneath.
Tionan should of died on that day, but fickle fate had other plans for him. Tionan was found by a creature of legend, a monster that had slain many a man, the Minotaur Drux. Drux has always insisted that he had pulled Tionan's body out of the river because he looked tasty, but in the last five years Tionan has grown to know the grouchy Minotaur better than that. With Drux you get no hidden message, you want to eat, you earn your keep, you get saved, you pay a life debt. And so for the last half decade Tionan has worked and learnt from the Minotaur, becoming versed in woodland craft, knowing a hundred ways to kill a man, yet never having done so. In the last year Tionan has been given greater freedom, sent on his own for extended missions, even once again reaching civilisation to trade.
This was Tionan's final test, Drux had not said as much, but they both knew that Drux did not expect Tionan to return to the wood when it was complete. Lumberjacks had invaded the forest and while Drux had driven them away threats and curses he had heard them tell they would head north to the edges of the fabled one wood where pickings of exotic woods would be easier. Tionan had been dispatched to observe these men, to tell if they were evil, desperate or just plain stupid. That was ten days ago and was how Tionan came to be sitting under a willow tree in the pouring rain.

Tionan |

Dis guarding my weighty backpack and shield in the relative security of the hollowed out tree, I wait for an opportunity to break cover and follow them at a relative safe distance. Trusting in the training of Drux I will allow a little more time to elapse to ensure I am out of earshot of the 4 men leaving camp. I should be able to pick up there tracks after all they are dragging a sledge.
Once I am satisfied that it is safe, I will break cover to follow them.
Stealth Roll +7 = 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Tracking Roll +9 = 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
As I break cover I will offer a quick prayer to Drux, thanking him for my training.

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You can choose images for your profiles if you look on your accounts page. There is usually something that will be suitable for your game face. Archard, you can actually add a 'Maliuss' profile to your main profile to keep the two separate.
The men are dressed in oiled leather ponchos and wear wide brimmed hats. Below the ponchos of two of them, flat headed tree felling axes protrude, their heads covered in hardened leather protective covers, a collection of hand-axes and saws hang from the empty sledge, as do a few more menacing looking animal traps. The men have stopped, less than 50 feet from you, their jaws hanging slack and a look of shock on their faces. One of them, a burly man, with a full black beard and cracked yellow teeth lets out a sudden expletive "F&*k!". One of his companions, a short, but no less broad man, looks worried, "Oh crap, its a fricking wild elf, sh£t, sh£t, sh$t!"
The four men look confused as of what to do next as they look at you, slumped on the floor.

Tionan |

Looking somewhat confused and suspicious, I pick up the pace and as a precaution draw my bow and half knock and arrow, if they were concerned about being followed they would have been more cautious.
Drux had taught me than no human would be tolerated in the one wood, and not to enter the forest under any circumstance. If that was true what were these fools doing?

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You pick up your pace, your feet slipping slightly in the muck, as you follow the path, which dips down vale and up dale and around the spars trees and bushes that decorate the surrounding scrub land. Before long you get closer to the men, close enough that you can hear snatches of conversation over the rain (the wind is blowing from north to south). From these snippets you learn that the men are indeed fools, who think they saw a very rare tree growing in the wood earlier, a darkwood tree, if so they don't want to share the prize with the rest of the loggers. Their talk is full of bravado and bluster as they build each other up to head into the outskirts of the One Wood. You drop back to a few hundred feet again so as to avoid visual detection. While you digest this information the men continue forward, the One Wood looming ever closer. Suddenly the men come into view again, they have stopped a few hundred feet shy of the one wood, you catch some snippits of swearing. Maybe they have lost their courage?
The men have just crested a rise, the small shallow valley with gentle sides separates you from them by a distance of maybe 150 feet. The valley itself is less than 20 feet deep and a stream, fed by storm waters bubbles down its centre.
You are a few rounds ahead of Malius now.
Knowledge Nature, Knowledge Geography or Survival rolls please for what you know of the One Wood and the Darkwood tree.
A Stealth roll and also a perception roll please to avoid detection and see what you can hear and see. You can take a 10 on the stealth and perception if you want.

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Wow, they were some sucky rolls!
You can recall little of the One Wood apart from the legends that is a place of evil where only foolish or the brave tread, although Drux had mentioned not even he is brave enough to enter, as in his words "it aint right, it is a place full of brooding hate towards humaniods with axes".
You also know little of Darkwood, apart from it being an expensive wood that has fantastic properties for crafting bows.
You loiter on the top far side of the shallow valley, safely hidden behind a screening blackberry bush, the berries are just forming and will not be edible for another month.
Unfortunately with out crossing the open ground of the valley the strange acoustics that the depression creates prevent any thing apart from shouts or yells reaching you. You would need to close significantly to hear what they are discussing out in the open.

Archard |

The four men look confused as of what to do next as they look at you, slumped on the floor.
A sigh, rain isn't an issue but sometimes it makes me think of life on board. Perhaps she'd have lived if I never... *push the thought aside* mmm....
"Wait!" I will look over at them, I cannot risk the only contact I have leaving even if it is their darned fault! "Don't run off!"
(in case you need it)
Diplomacy +6 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

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The men's look of confusion increases as you speak, the short man speaks, his sentence littered with profanity "it f***king speaks common, f**k, s**t!" The burly man interrupts him, "shut up, lets think about this, if we let it go, it will go back into the wood and get others."
The third man, one of the two pulling the shed, his ginger hair plastered to his face speaks for the first time, "I saw we kill it, it would do the same to us given a chance, why else did it get caught in the trap following us."
The others seem to be giving some weight to his idea, as he turns to retrieve his axe from the sledge. The forth man backs away from them a few steps, "I ain't havin' no part in murda!"
You sucky roll has reduced their attitude by one step. You can't make another diplomacy roll, you could try bluff, intimidate or you could resort to your bow.

Archard |

You sucky roll has reduced their attitude by one step. You can't make another diplomacy roll, you could try bluff, intimidate or you could resort to your bow.
"Killing me will only anger the gods, if you think you have problems now..." I look up, a slight smirk, "then you have a lot to learn."
I don't want to waste time on these people, I don't think they have the intelligence to be of anything other than a further hindrance. Will focus on the one backing up.
"Listen, 'it' speaks your language," will try to concentrate on the trap and getting out, "all I want is to get out of here. Now either help me, or go."
Thinking "why is it they barely scrape the cognitive barrel, I'm not a f*cking rabbit."
I'm glad to see my rolls haven't changed from table top hehe

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"Killing me will only anger the gods, if you think you have problems now..." I look up, a slight smirk, "then you have a lot to learn."
That counts as an intimidate check, So I'll make it for you:
Malius making untrained intimidate check 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
You are obviously dealing with some superstitious hill-billy types, as they blanch at the threat.
"Come on, let's get the f**k out of here!" yells the big man and he turns back to the sled and starts pulling it around. The shorter man, nods and heads back with him, grabbing the other sledge handle as they slip and slide in their haste. Ginger looks from his axe to you then back at the cart, you can almost see the cogs working in his head as he tries to decide if he is brave enough to take you on his own, he obviously realises that it is better to live and fight another day and he takes to his heels after the others.
Only the forth of them does not move, the others yell back at him as they disappear down the slope, "Luke! Come on!"
Luke doesn't follow, he turns back to you and holding his hands out he slowly approaches, "come on mate, dets get dat thin' offa ya, eh?" As he approaches you can see he has a hand axe strapped to his thigh and the hilt of a long hunting knife sheath pokes from under his oilskin. Not converse with human years, you would say he was maybe on the far side of his prime, grey flecks decorate his otherwise dark brown beard. His nose is Aquiline which would put him from Spartqin or the surrounding areas normally, but his accent is broken as if Astoff, the common tongue is not his native language.
He is currently about 40 feet away from you, the other men have disappeared down a slope and are out of sight.
From your vantage point behind the blackberry bush, you watch the men, they seem to be arguing, although the jist of the conversation is lost to you, then suddenly three of them turn and start hiking back in your direction, slipping and stumbling in their haste. The forth oddly enough doesn't, he starts forward his arms spread and walking solidly. You can't for the life of you figure their peculiar behaviour out.
Their route will take them with in 10 feet of you, but you are confident they will not see you, alternatively, you could skirt round the bush and use it as cover to head down the valley and then up the far side while they are busy crossing the small stream.

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"I'm Luke," the man says pointlessly as he approaches, "you gotta name?" He gets with in five feet of you close enough to attack him if you wish or vice-versa. But Luke doesn't attack, he bends down and examines the trap carefully. Up close he smells of stale beer and damp dogs.
"We need a log ta jam it open, yar?" Luke stands up, gives you a broad grin and moves to the forest edge looking for a suitable implement.
Perception check please.
The forth man is walking, zig-zag towards the tree line, he seems to be scouring the floor for something and is maybe 70 feet from your present position.
Closer to you, only 40 feet distance, is an elven male, he is lying in the mud and puddles, soaked to the skin a painful sorrowful look on his face. Even from this distance it is easy to see the source of his discomfort, a large and viscous bear trap is closed around his leg, the jaws biting deeply into flesh, muscle and bone.

Archard |

Perception check please.
Perception +5 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
"Thank you, I'm Malliuss..." I try to keep calm, not sure I like him wandering off but I'm a bit stuck. "Be careful there could be other dangers."
Even if I was mad the fact is this man stuck around, so this Luke will get the benefit of the doubt for the moment. I shall try to remain as still as I can. The human beer smell has never been a favourite of mine but there was worse on ship.

Tionan |

Cursing softly, I will move closer. I am remaining vigilant however my focus now is on the forest due to its unsettling air.
Crouching down low, Bow still nocked. I will make my way to where the elf it trapped. As I make my way down I will make another soft prayer/vow to Drux and prey that my luck holds.
I cannot allow a sentiant being to suffer, Killing is one thing suffering something else entirely.
Stealth Check +7 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Perception Check +7 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21 + 2 Vs the Human Trapper
If either the trapper or the Elf spots me, I will immiediatly stand up calling out that I am here to help

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This catches Luke off guard, as he had not seen him. Luke stands staring at you both waiting for someone to move. He has with drawn his hand axe and grasps a large branch in his free hand.

Tionan |

I will release the knocked arrow into the ground at my feet and slowly and as gracefully as I can place my bow on the ground.
"Peace!, as I said I mean neither of you any harm, I am here to help. I have experience disabling this sort of snare"
Untrained Diplomacy I guess... ooops
1d20 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5 oh dear

Archard |

"Disable it then, but you hurt me and one of us is going to ensure it's the last thing you ever do." I'm really not sure about this, but like any race first looks might mean wrong judgement on my part.
"Luke," I shall keep my eye to him, he seems so far to be okay, "keep a close eye on this man for me okay?"

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Luke looks unsure, but at your beckoning he heads over to stand at your side, branch and hand-axe still in hand. "Ee looks like a bandit ta me," he whispers loud enough for you both to hear over the rain.
"Will dis 'elp?" Luke asks, holding the branch out.

Tionan |

"Possibly" I will confirm to Luke.
"Now lets see if we can get your associate out of this trap"
I will move over and examine the Trap, If I require leverage I will wait for luke to hand me the branch.
i will remain wary of his actions and any sudden intent to harm... im very distrustful of humans
Once I have worked out the best way to remove the elf from the bear trap. I will Look down at the Elf and exclaim!
"Get Ready, This WILL Hurt and you may need to stauch the wound, If there is anything you can do to help (looking at Luke) do it now!"
Once I have an affirmative from the Elf and he is ready.
I will attempt to disable the Trap and hopefully release him.
hero point
Disable Device +4 = Hero Point Spent +8 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31

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Hero point spent! You must really like elves.
Tionan, you take the offered branch and Luke hunkers down next to you, looking at you expectantly. Luke offers his hand to Maliuss to hold and squeeze against the pain and he winks at you with a big 'everything will be all-right' grin, it makes him look foolish.
Tionan you asses the trap, with the correct tools you could knock or drill out the spring metal retaining pins, or with a hacksaw you could cut through the back of the top jaw and leaver it off. Unfortunately you have none of those tools so it is left to your elbow grease and the branch. You carefully work the branch into the jaws of the trap and using it as a pry bar you manage to open the jaws enough for Maliuss to slip his leg out. You arms shake from the exertion and as soon as the leg is clear you let the jaws close back on the branch with a sickening crunch.
Gave you a minus on the disable device as you have no tools, but you still ace it with that good roll.
Maliuss, you pull your leg free and the bloods starts flowing freely, you can staunch the wound with the powers of Caeril if you wish, but that would be a show of priestly power. Or you could use a heal check on the wound. The pain is burning like fire now as the blood starts to circulate and the feeling of pins and needles in your lower extremities makes you feel nauseous.
Malius has taken 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 4) + 3 = 10 points of damage and is limited to half movement until that damage is healed or someone succeeds at a dc-20 Heal check. The underlying bone and tissue damage may take longer to heal as you have this as the reason for your lower than normal dexterity I believe?
Luke tries his best to staunch the flow of blood attempting to tie a tourniquet around your leg, 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7 but it is obvious that he is no doctor.

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The Story of Ulgath Lighthammer
Some people can out grow their heritage, the son of a lowly born peasant can make an honest living and become more than his parents, but when you wear your heritage on your face and in your very being, there is no escaping it. Ulgath stooped to look in the mirror, his two ivory tusks jutting out of his lower lip, his grey skin and black pig like eyes stared back at him. Ulgath had lived and trained in the church all his life, since he and his human mother had been pulled from the dark slave pit of the unnamed orc tribe that had kept her as breeding stock. Ulgath had been a little under three at the time, but he still remembered the sound of the orc warriors fighting and dying to protect their cave home. He still remembered his mothers sobbing joy as the first human male he had ever seen picked him up and carried him into the harsh sunlight. That man was Cardon Lighthammer, adventurer and priest of Saint Cuthbert of the Cudgel, one of the more prominent saints of T'gellen.
Cardon raised Ularth as a son, even giving him his last name when his mother died several years past.
Ulgath grew faster than the other children and before the end of his teens he towered over all the other men of the priesthood. Ulgath found the calling about this time, his path lay beyond the church walls, in the wide world beyond, righting wrongs and injustices. Cardon was happy with this choice, for it was how he had earned his place in the temple.
As Ulgath looked in the mirror, straightening his beret, licked the spittle off his tusk all this flashed before him, for today he would be ordained, today he would become one of Saint Cuthberts chosen missionaries. He glanced down the hall way, there beyond the double doors all his superiors, peers, fellow priests, converts and friends waited for him in the pews. And there would be the Archcleric of Zantac, waiting to give him his holy symbol and send him on his way into the wild world beyond.
Ulgath took a deep breath and strode down the corridor, Cardon stepped out of a side chamber and gripped his 'sons' arm, ”ready?” he asked. Ever cheerful Ulgath gave a toothy grin back and Cardon slipped through the door to start the proceedings. A short delay followed before organ music blared out and the doors to the altar room opened. Light flooded into the dark corridor, even after all these years it still hurt Ulgath's eyes and he squinted slightly, another trait from his fathers side. Before him stood the holy font of St Cuthbert, the alter a gleaming block of white marble. There stood his father and the slight elderly frame of the most revered Archcleric. Ulgath ducked slightly as he stepped through the doorway and the sounds of his friends clapping and cheering blossomed out from his left, for today was a day of joy, one of their own was to become a man of god.
The ceremony lasted a half hour, some of the chants still rang out in Ulgath's mind:
”Square Corners can be pounded smooth.
Salvation is better than smart answers.
Enlightenment can penetrate even the helm of iron.
Preach quietly but have a large cudgel handy.”
But now he was a 'billet', a man of cloth sent into the lands to spread the word of Saint Cuthbert through deeds and actions. Cardon walked with Ulgath to the church doors, pressing a few coins into his hand to pay for any passage he may require. Behind the crowd of well wishes stood, pewter cups in hand. Cardon reached up to grasp your shoulder, a tear in his eye, ”Son, there is a whole world beyond these doors, one I have tried to prepare you for, but you are a man now and I can train you no more, I hear there are bandits out east, bandits that need a taste of the cudgel, maybe head to Hommlet and see the head priest Terjon?” Cardon hugs you tight, while the onlooking priests clap and cheer.
You stand at the gates of the Temple to St Cuthbert in the city of Zantac, your father hugging you tightly and your friends wishing you well. What do you wish to say and do?

Ulgath |

I look down into my father’s eyes and say to him,father I hope that I can live up to your expectations, I will use everything that god gave me to fight for the weak and those unable to fight for themselves. Having said that ill put my hand on his shoulder and give it a gentle squeeze saying,Bandits to the east eh, it’s about time they met “Peace keeper”(his great club). With a last nod towards his father and a wave to the rest of his friends he hefts his club over his shoulder picks up his other belongings and begins the long walk towards hommlet and to find the head priest Terjon.

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You take your first steps into the world as a man of the cloth, leaving the gates of the grey walled church to Saint Cuthbert behind. The hurch is dwarfed by its parent church to T'gellen with its flaming dome, but even that pales into insignificance to the rebuilt cathedral to Venetia, the civic deity of Zantac. The church quarter of the city has been your home for the past 16 years and you are well know here, the baker jogs up along side you and gives you a big smile as he offers a bundle of sweet smelling breads wrapped in linen to you, "something for the road eh, Ulgath, sweet breads, those jam filled pastries you like so much and some slated tack bread that will last a few days."
Food enough for today and 2 days trail rations.
He smiles at you and pats you on the back. Others you have known all your life wave at your passing, or give you best wishes on your journey.
But soon the temple district is behind you and you find your self in less familiar streets, streets where you face and build are seen before your smile and clothing. A few people scurry out of your way, one woman pulling her gawking child behind her protectively. But even here there are people who either know you or recognise your clothing and they nod or acknowledge your passing.
It takes only 20 minutes to traverse the city and before long you reach the east gates. Signs of construction where the small gate has been knocked down and a bigger impressive gate is being built in its place. A few caravans, the guards milling around are making final preparations for the long journey east to the recently built docks and then the ship voyage to Spartqin.
The docks are a recent addition to Zantac's holdings, several days east of here they are built on the shores of the great lake, that holds the fabled god isle and on the far side the huge city of Spartquin. Before their construction Zantac was beholden on river transport from Zard or a long overland route north, then east then south around the lake.
You stand looking back at the city then forward through the gates into the farm land behind, when an armoured man approaches you, he is a clear foot and a half shorter than you with a wiry frame that shows a man who is fit. A longsword with a flashy pommel is strapped to his side and he wears a badge on his cape clasp that demotes him as a man of rank. "Hey billet," his voice has a long drawl, the unmistakable accent of a man of Zard, "if you are thinking of heading out on the east road, we would welcome a fighting man of god at our side." He points over to one of the caravans, 3 wagons long where another 5 men wearing the same cape as he does are waiting their turn through the gate. "Names Miller," he intones, looking up at you. You seem to have attracted attention, as a rotund merchant is also heading in your direction from another caravan.

All DMs are evil |

Can I point you all towards the discussion thread if any of you have any questions, comments or out of character banter: PbP discussion thread..

Archard |

"Son of an orc!" Now that stings! I will leave protection to Luke and the other man. That's one hell of a painful way to find freedom!
I would like to Channel Energy to use a healing surge
1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
I shall offer a prayer to Caeril hoping for the assistance to grant me strength. I am vulnerable and aware of it, I shall trust the new arrival is a he says, here to help.

All DMs are evil |

well miller the names ulgath, pleased to meet you,ill offer my arm in a warriors arm grip. Ill nod towards the approaching merchant and say a friend of yours
Miller looks over at the merchant, "he will try and recruit you for your caravan." He mutters, "crooked as a kukri," he warns you.
The fat merchant shuffles up to you, his jowls shaking as he opens his mouth to speak, shooting a dirty look at Miller, "Ah my fine man, I see you have already had an offer of accompanying a caravan, but if you would prefer to do so in a bit more style, we will be leaving shortly and can offer you a level of comfort these mercenaries cannot," he smiles at Miller "no offence intended."
"None taken," replies Miller.
As you speak one of the the cape wearing guards calls "We up boss!"
Milner looks at you, "well its our turn through the gates, I trust you will make the right choice," he claps you on the arm and starts towards the caravan.

Tionan |

I will take a few paces backward once the Elf is out of the Trap especially as he begins to utter words of power.
"Thanks for the Branch, with the right tools at my disposal I could have removed the trap without causing you further harm, for that I am sorry. However, at least now you have your freedom"
For a few moments I will allow my gaze to look at these two in more detail. I know that this "luke" is one of the Humans I have been following for Drux. I want to know if he is just slow witted and easily led or whether his mind is ale addled.
I was not expecting to get too close to the one wood, and have not met an elf to see before, and therefore I will spend time examining the Elf.
"I know a few legends of this wood, why is it that there are bear traps on the fringes of its territory? I did not suppose anyone fool enough to leave a trap here?"
And with that I will walk over one more to the bear trap and disable it permanently.

All DMs are evil |

Maliuss calls on the power of the One Wood and a mythical being called Caeril and a flash of white lights, that look strangely like small winged butterflies bursts from his holy symbol, the butterfly lights swirl around alighting on wounds and where they touch the flesh knits together. As quickly as it happens they are gone, leaving behind a slight smell of flowers and pine.
Luke looks startled by the display of power and makes the sign of Venetia to protect him self from the heathen magic.
Untrained sense motive 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20.
You eye up Luke, you would say he is an honest man with a really bad drink problem.
The Elf also seems to be eyeing you in a way that looks like he is waiting for you to make a decision on his fate.
In answer to Tionan's question Luke speaks, "dat wud be Red, he sed dat da monsters dat live in da wood might get out scent an' 'e lay dat trap to stop them." he looks at the elf, "I don't tink he knew he be catchin' an elf." he shrugs.

Ulgath |

Ill turn towards the merchant and with an apologetic shrug and a toothy smile ill say to him im sorry sir but on this occasion im going to have to decline your most generous offer but i wish you a most prosperous and safe journey with that said ill bow low whilst taking a couple of steps away before turning on my heel and shouting after miller miller wait up.

Archard |

Taking a deep breath I calm my nerves, not the greatest start to any meeting but these people have saved my life. I make a thank you to Caeril and whilst I know it's not fully healed the wound my life is spared at least.
"Thank you." I address them both. "The elf has a name Luke," I shall give him an amused smile, "I'd prefer it was used to describe me over my race."

All DMs are evil |

"Na offence meant," Luke apologises, but he still looks wary of the heavily armed newcomer and your show of magic, "Mally-uss, right?" he mangles your name again before looking at Tionan, giving him an opening for an introduction.
The rain continues to hack down as you look at each other in your three way stand off.
DM rolls dice behind his screen:
Luke Perception Check (sound) -2wis, +2 ranks, +1 class skill 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Mallius Perception Check (sound) +5 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Tionan Perception Check (sound) +6 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
DM scowls at the dice and mutters something about wishing they were attack rolls.
Mallius you are the first to hear it, but only a second before Tionan and about 6 seconds before Luke. A low series of horn blast carry out of the forest interior and are answered by another fainter horn. Tionan and Mallius you would guess that whoever or what ever is blowing the horn is perhaps a half mile away.
You know those horns, they are hunting horns, used by the wild wood elven archer patrols to signal an intruder is in the forest. They must have found the felled maple tree and are summoning others to pursue the interlopers. If they catch the humans, it will be death and they will feast on their flesh so they can inherit their powers. They do not negotiate or compromise, for it is the word of Caeril. If you wish to save the humans, they need to either hide or run in some way that their tracks are covered and the only obvious trail is the one left by the three men and the sled. You have about a 5 minute head start. A very long slim chance is that as a priest of Caeril you could try and argue to save the humans, the Luke would be almost impossible to save, but the other one might be possible.
DM places a stopwatch on the table and clicks the start button, you cannot see the time it is displaying, but it makes an ominous ticking noise.

All DMs are evil |

Before turning on my heel and shouting after miller miller wait up.
The merchant returns your smile, but you can see he is disappointed. Miller stops by the last cart and gives you a big grin as you jog up, "Glad to have you along for the ride, let me help you with your gear," he helps you stow your kit on the rear wagon and then jumps onto the end board, which has been lowered. He slaps the board beside him, "Have a seat." you can see that the interior of the long covered wagon is oddly about three quarters empty. Scraps of bark and chips of wood are scattered around. A crossbow loaded and cocked is hanging on a hook, just inside the back.

Ulgath |

Climb up besides miller and say with a smile thanks. So what does this caravan trade in, i notice this wagon is almost empty? Cant be much profit in a few chips of wood then ill rummage in my backpack to find my jam filled Pastries and then offer miller 1 saying want 1 of these. They are great before stuffing 1 in my mouth.

Tionan |

Trying to get a feeling from which direction the sound of the horns are coming from, I will look at both Luke and Maliuss.
"My name is Tionan, although I do not believe this is the time for formal introductions"
I will the walk over and retrieve my Bow, then pull the arrow if fired into the earth returning this to my quiver.
"That does not sound at all good, Wolves do a similar thing when they are hunting. Maliuss? How is your leg?"
It may not help, but will make a knowledge geography roll to determine the direction of the horns
Know: Geography +4 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Archard |

"Go now..." I stand, the worst of the damage is healed, somehow I know it's left me incomplete but it is only a wound of the body not my soul. "They won't give you or me time to explain... you're dead if they find you."
I shall look around, we need to be out of here and damned quickly but I'd be a lot happier if those other thugs took the blame.
"Tionan if you can hide your tracks now is the time."

All DMs are evil |

It may not help, but will make a knowledge geography roll to determine the direction of the horns
Know: Geography +4 1d20 + 4
The horns are coming from directly ahead into the woods, the closest set would be on the direct line of the Sledge tracks, so someone or something has obviously found the lumberjacks trail, for the tracks do carry on from where you are now, disappearing into the gloom of the wet forest interior.
"Go now..." I stand, the worst of the damage is healed, somehow I know it's left me incomplete but it is only a wound of the body not my soul. "They won't give you or me time to explain... you're dead if they find you."
"Tionan if you can hide your tracks now is the time."
The deep sledge tracks, the many booted tracks of the men and the rain would conspire to make it fairly easy to hide your tracks. It occurs to Tionan, that the valley with the stream would offer you the best solution. If what is coming forks on scent then the stream would mask that and the rocks on the stream bed would hide tracks.
Luke looks about in a panic, "wot is dat? wot is dat?" he asks in alarm, frozen in place like a startled bunny.

All DMs are evil |

Climb up besides miller and say with a smile thanks. So what does this caravan trade in, i notice this wagon is almost empty? Cant be much profit in a few chips of wood then ill rummage in my backpack to find my jam filled Pastries and then offer miller 1 saying want 1 of these. They are great before stuffing 1 in my mouth.
Miller takes one of the pastries and bites into it, a big dollop of jam squeezes down the side and lands on his lap, but he does not seem to have noticed. "They are good," he nods.
In reply to your question he answers, "the front two caravans have tools, but we are picking up a load of lumber about 3 days east of here and then delivering it to a castle they are constructing at one of the out laying villages, little nothing place called Hommlet. Been a lot of bandits and goblinoid attacks around there, cost of progress I guess."
As you speak, the wagon you are on lurches forward at the teamsters command and the wagon is filled with the rumbling of shod wheels on cobblestones. This is going to be a bumpy ride you think as the shadow of the partially built gate passes over you and you roll out of the city proper into the surrounding countryside.

Ulgath |

Ill smile at miller and indicate the blob of jam in his lap saying "you have to watch the little buggers, they do that a lot, i got myself into trouble a few times when i was young." After a few minutes of quiet contemplation watching the world go by ill say " i think ill head to Hommlet, there is a priest there who is a friend of my fathers. To be honest miller it will be nice to see a friendly face, i dont think every one will be as friendly as you and not every one will be able to see past these." tap a finger against my tusks." still cant blame them if i saw someone like me walking down the street id probably cross over to. Ill just have to make sure my dazzling personality shines through eh" with that ill give miller a nudge with my elbow and grin. Ill then sit back and enjoy the ride.