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That sounds like a plan, although its better if im not involved in any guile and innuendo. I dont have the craft for it. If you two want to go and have a polite word with them, i will slink in and inform Jonus of the situation, see what he says.

Maliuss, you ok with that?

Maliuss has identified at least a couple of accomplaces in the tavern, there communicating it would appear with some sort of coded signals.

I will let out an audiable sigh

In the past I would simply ignore such men, there sins and concearns are there own. However, Im getting tired of people taking advantage and killing for nothing more than profit, and simply because its easier to kill a few traders that work for an existance off the land or earn there way as most common folk do

I will allow a few moments for Ulgath to take meaning from my words before continuing

The question is, what do we do from here on in....

I will nod in acknowledgement before nudging Ulgath. Time for a spot of fresh air, all this stale ale is styfling the senses. Care to join me?

Perception +9 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

As quietly as is possible without making it diffuclt to hear I will say.

Allow me to explain, I know him; well I know "of" him. He is a Highwayman and the last time I saw him was in Nulb some years back, Sadly I cannot remember his name, nor does it look like he remembers me.

I will allow a few moments for that information to settle in...

With most caravans these day's travelling under guard, I would suggest he is here looking for the richest and easiest pickings and he is working for a larger group of cutthroats and bandits... It is unlikely also that he has come here alone, there may be others, keeping an eye on him, looking out for trouble.

My total cynisium for human nature comes flooding to the surface, and my instincts tell me that he is up to no good. this of cause could be blinded by my past but hey its likely to be more fun in the long run

I will sweetly smile to the barmaid and order a drink for myself and Maliuss (goblets of wine) before heading over to Ulgath, without even a look towards my suspicious aquantance.

Smiling as I approach. I will say quietly to UlgathMay Maliuss and I have a word with you. I apologise for interupping your fun, but it could be quite important

With that I will wander back to Maliuss and hand him one of the drinks.


I will keep a watchful eye on this individual that I recognise and also with anyone he seems familiar with for a few minutes.

As I do not get any particular sense of any bad history between us, he may well have some useful information for us.

I will get up and head over to the main serveing area asking for a drink, I will do so in a way that this familiar face will no doubt spot me.

Before I go, I will lean in closely to Maliuss and whisper:
I'm heading to the bar, keep an eye out on the gentleman yonder, and discreetly gesture to the individual in question

I will then get up and head off to the bar.

oh this is going to end well. Not!

I will scratch my head as if struggling to remember something from my long repressed and buried past.

Intelligence Check 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18

Sense Motive +2 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

After a few breif moments watching him, I will briefly close my eyes and focus specifically on his voice, as to draw up and summon any patricular memories of the man, name, or specific events from our past. I will then do my best to keep an eye on him, whilst not drawing attention to myself. I dont want him to spot me, just in case he remembers me.

I will do my best to shuffle to a position which is advantagous to achieve this.

I will smile politly back at Ulgath. "Your friend will be associated to the new church there then, to st cuthbert. It is rumoured that your order are not just fighting bandits there" I will allow a brief pause before continuing "Im sure we shall see for ourselves"

Dm only:

I dont mean to be confrontational, and T doesnt mean to offend ulgath, but im not very tactful....hopefully Ulgath with not notice what im implying, or not know what im going on about

Well the hospitality of Hommlett has alot to live up to, the meal here is an excellent respite from the elements

I'm sure once we have feasted, we can take a look at your leg in our room, although i conceed that there will be some permenant damage sadly. I can't tell you how much I dislike that form of hunting, it takes all skill out of the art and too many acciedents prone to happen, as we have seen

When I spot Ol'Jonas and Liam, I will attempt to gain there attention and direct them to our table before turning my attention to Ulgath.

Tell me Ulgath, what do you know about our destination and its current problems. You mentioned Bandits? And also, if you permit me to ask, Why are you going there?

Its not a problem really, money has not motivated me for a long time. As long as we are safe and our bellies fed, it will be money well spent

I will then turn to Malliuss you seem quite distracted, is it your leg? the the rench from leaving your home?

I will go into my beltpouch, produce 5 gold coins and hand them over to the barmaid with an awkward smile.

thats just fine, there will be no need to go to extra lenght and move the cot, the room will be fine as it is. Thank you

I'll smile back to the serving wench and simply say I believe my companion has summed up out needs quite nicely, could i just ask for some wine, mulled if available, it has been a long an rainsodden road I will then fall in behind ulgath to wherever we are led.

This will be the first time in 5 years that i am likely to be in such a hub of civilization, and the time I was did not end well sadly, thus

Thus I will cast a watchful eye over the other occupants of the tavern, taking special notice of anyone watching out enterence with undue special attention. I will do my best to do this as discretely as possible.

Perception +7 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 +2 vs Humans and there subraces

whilst im all for the food and drink, I dont see the need to be wasting coin on a room, as Jonas has said we can use the wagon. However, its your coin, your choice.

With that i will hop off the wagon and wander off into the pub. I will leave my pack, bow and shield in the wagon. After a few moments of thought.

but thankyou for the offer Ulgath, it is appreciated if not needed. Here let me get the first round of drinks for my new companions...

Open door to Tavern....

I will have kept myself to myself since we left the doomed Logging site. However before we depart, I will briefly thank miller and the others for there hospitality, lementing that we should have met in such a way.
I will see to Maliuss, asking how is his leg is healing up and offering him any assistance on getting onto the wagon if needed when we depart.

As i am carrying all of my worldly possessions I will hop onto one of the cart's and find somewhere dry to keep my possestions and settle down. I will then wait patiently for us to depart.

Dm only:

I will then draw my hood up so that I obscure my features, the mention of Hommlet has bought back memories long best forgotten and I dont want anyone commenting on my mood or concearn, I know full well how easy I am to read (high wis/low con)

Hommlet it is then, it is time I saw more of the word, and I dontlike the idea of lingering here much longer I will nod at both Ulgath and Miller an acknowledgement.

Backgrounf check on Hommlet
Knowledge Geography +4 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

I dont like this, but you know your people best maliuss

I will take a moment to collect my thoughts

Miller, where are you headed? I have no set destination or agenda. Would it be possible to secure passage at least until the next settlement?

I will then turn to maliuss What now for you master elf? I guess you will be heading back to your people?

So what now? You go back to your people, the caravan leaves for pastures new?[/b}

I will take a moment to think

[b]I dont like this one bit, Why? does it feel like a defeat? I will let out an audiable shy Miller, where are you heading? Would it be possible to secure passage with you for a while? I have no fixed or pressing destination?

I will stand my ground waiting for a response.

Perhaps maliuss it would be good if you went and had a word with them, we do seem to be at an impass and whilst there actions at the camp may have been an act of divine retribution or whatever they wish to call it, were not in the one wood now and I do not like being threatened for nothing!

fists clenched, i will take a moment to calm down.

they may also be lingering because they see you here and beieve you are being held captive... the tracks we left would probably tell them as i have said before that at elf had been caught in a bear trap and then removed by the people whom set the trap. It may be time to set them staight about that actual facts so they can go back to there precious wood and leave well alone

Damn it!

If i get changce and if I am riding in one of the wagons, i will jump off (not wanting to be on one just in case another bolt of lighning strikes)

Perception +7 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26 +2 vs Humans and Sub-Races

I would advise just leaving, do you really want to enter the lumber camp? your men look nervous enough as it is. Should you wish to profit from the lumber, It would be advisable that before anyone enters the camp that those of a stronger consitiution enter to clear up and give the dead some dignaty.

Tionan will then take a few moments to consider his words carefully as he can. not his strongest card

Normally I would suggest leaving and allowing nature to take its course the bodies will be consumed by the environment soon enough and we may be at risk with tampering with the forests prey. However I feel that it would be somehow disrespectful to remove the lumber without burying the dead first, should you wish to collect the lumber, I will Insist upon and help you bury the dead.

Maliuss is the healer, not I big man. However, simple mistake to make we have known one another for a few moments

I will address them all

These woodsmen where driven away from my home in the dark wood for exactly the same reason they have now lost there lives. I was asked to follow them and record there activities as my master was concearned they would make for the One Wood. It would seem that he was correct. It is regrettable that they had to loose there lives, yet i also fear that it was the gamble they were prepared to take for the profits returning to human civilization with the rare tree's that dwell in the wood, such are the times that we are all living in

Once Ulgath has put down the dying man, i will hand back his weapon. I have no wish to offend you or Maliuss, but it may have been a more compassionate act to end this man's life quickly and painlessly. It would appear that the wood has spoken and we are now powerless to prevent it anyway

Tionan is actually quite concearned after the mans "speech" does it include him and luke? as he set foot in the woods as as he has no real social skills to speak of that concearn is etched on his face it is obvious to anyone looking at him

I will pick up Ulgath's Club.
There are many rumours regarding the one wood being cursed, however Maliuss would know more than I. Save to say that my Mentor Drux is the bravest being I know and he would not walk into the sacred wood. From what little Maliuss told myself and luke when we ventured in to free him. Walking the One wood is a death sentance for anyone not a friend of the forest..... Maliuss, could you tell us anymore?

I will keep my eyes alert for trouble, Spellcasting is seldom a quiet act and it remains possible that we are being watched, i will cast a wary glance even at the woodland animals as it would appear that these also may not be trusted due to the signs of slaughter in the camp.

WAIT! We may have a live one, see these tracks?

I will then set off with cautious haste following the tracks. Im caught between wanting to rush off and the knowledge that who did this may still be close or indeed also followed the tracks some how

I can understand that Ulgath I will follow cautiously

Perception +7 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 +2 vs Humans
Track +8 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21 +2 vs Humans

I would offer another point, The Elven Hunting party we saw are likely to have come across the Human bear trap, I would be able to read the signs that the trap had recently bitten into something other than animal. The torn elven threads would have been enough to identify the victim as Elven! With the absense of a body, it would be a sound assumption that the humans that laid the bear trap had taken the Elf back to the camp as hostage or worse. I am sure that is enough ammunition to come to the camp enraged

I will contain my frustration with Ulgaths attitude and i will refrain from mentioning the Giant bear that the hunting party were using, That should be for Maliuss to mention not I.

Justice will not bring the dead back to life, and setting foot in the One wood would only add your corpse to the pile. My Master warned me not to step foot in the wood, I ignored that once to save Maliuss I will not again. Forewarned is forearmed and as my father once said. Ignorance is no defence in the eyes of the law

I will then continue with my Investigation of the camp.

Turning to MaliussWe dont know that for sure Maliuss, perhaps the hunters from the One wood also stumbled upon this carnage I will look at Ulgath.

The Men of this camp were driven off from there endeavours in the darkwood and headed here. In there nievity they began hunting and i assume felling tree's in the One wood. I was sent here by my Master to watch them. It is as Maliuss said he was caught in a bear trap set by the Loggers. After I and Luke got Maliuss out of the Trap we caught sight of Hunters from the one wood dispatched to hunt down the Trespassers. We fled and tracked back to the camp, knowing that the Woodland Hunters would follow the men back to there camp. We came back and discovered this

Once more turning to Maliuss In all likelyhood it is your people whom have done this, however I have no problem with people defending there land form people whom ort not to be there, I knew the risks when i entered the wood, it is likely they paid for there life for there Ignorance. However there may be another explanation

Consider this also Ulgath, It is likely that luke is the only survivor of this camp. That means has compassion saved his life.. if you believe in such things?

I will then begin examining the camp, using my skill as a tracker and my keen senses i will try to pick together what happened at the camp.

Perception Roll +7 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Tracking Roll +8 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Both rolls gain a +2 synergy bonus Vs Humans and ther subraces

I will fall in behind Ulgath, my eyes methodically switching from the trading post and surround area, taking particular note of useful hiding positions, ones that I would use if i were about to ambush the caravan.

"I agree, its probably best if you looking at luke stay with the caravan until we can confirm that the path is safe"

I will then take a quick 360 degree look of the surrounding woods and scrubland.

If there are any Bandits or any Hunters still in the area, it is likely that they will use this stand off to there advantage to creep up on the caravan when all of the sentry's are focussed with there crossbows on us

I will draw an arrow, Placing it in my longbow just in case. I will do my best not to direct the bow or the arrow in the direction of the human or Half Orc.

Unless of cause I spot a marauding Bandit coming from behind the caravan

"Im ready when you are longshanks" Looking directly at Ulgath before looking at Maliuss. "you tagging along, or is your leg still injured Priest"

Perception +7 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14 +2 vs Humans and there Subraces

"My name is Tionan and this"gesturing to Luke noting his nervousness"Is Luke"

Watching them both carefully

"Sadly pleasentries, as polite as they are will not really help here. I suggest if you intent to proceed to the camp to confirm my words we do so together? if you would only call off your crossbowmen or at least have them cover the trees? I have no desire to run foul of a stray arrow from nervous men"

I will audiably sight!

"I had thought to warn you that you perhaps were walking into a trap"

I will give them a brief moment to digest that information, watching there reactions, but will cut in before they speak.

"The Camp yonder has been ambushed, although we have not been into the camp, I have been close enough to see more than one body strewn on the floor, some of the tents also show sign's of carnage. When we saw your caravan heading towards the camp we decided to warn you. Tis a shame you see fit to greet us with such casual suscipion"

I will shake my head

"My Father once said, Men should not have to work to earn somones trust for you should give it freely. Let them work on loosing it, if they so choose"

Dm eyes only:

My character has a healthy disregad for Humans, through his teaching with drux and also the events of his early life. This is the reason for his turse matter of fact comment. He knows full well that they are only covering them for there own security. but will not miss a chance to comment on negaive human traits or activity.

As soon as I see the caravan stop and the two people moving towards us I will stop, raise my hand and wave.

I will then wait for these two people to be in speaking distance. I am unsure of there motives therefore i will not attempt to hide my armoury but will not draw any weaponry.

As they approach I will observe and way up these two newcomers.

I will frown

"The camp has been turned into a slaughterhouse, and I doubt anyone remains alive. However, that may not be the case"

I will turn to luke.
"I am sorry, your friend's have paid for there nievaty with there lives. I did not summon you both to the camp becuase I did not know if you wished to enter and see friends and colliegues slain. I would save you the pain if i could"

Returning my gaze to Maliuss and the oncoming caravan.
"I dont feel that the newcomers can be hostile, more likely they are aware of the camps exsistance and have headed this way to shelter from the poor weather. with that in mind i suggest it best that we warn them that thy are walking into a mortuary"

With that I will head off to intercept the caravan, after a few paces I will turn back to them both.

Once I get close enough I will use the signal whistle and wave my arms at the caravan

"I would ask if you would come with me... just in case my feelings are wrong!"

If Maliuss and Luke follow, I will hand them weapons if they appear unarmed. I have a spare hand axe and shortsword just in case.

I will place the whistle in my mouth but, not knowing the disposition of my erstwhile companions when it comes to gruesome sights I will refrain from blowing it.

Instead I will pick up the remainder of my gear, slinging my shield and backpack over my shoulder and returning to Luck and Maliuss.

I will only blow the whistle if I am ambushed.

"No, let me go. I'm a trained Tracker and Hunter. I will let you know if its safe, I have a signal whistle. I will blow on the whistle twice if its safe to enter the camp"

Without giving the others a chance to object I will leave skirting round the fringe of the camp. I will be looking for recent tracks. Human and Bear. Keeping my head down and doing my best to move unseen I will find the safest route back intially to my hide (recovinging my gear). From the safety of my Hide i will scan the camp and see what I can see from there.

Perception Roll +7 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 +2 vs Humans
Stealth Roll +7 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Survival/Track +8 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21 +2 vs Humans

"I agree, we should head back to this camp. I can probably navigate us a way to get us there unseen"

I have a more selfish reason to get back to the camp, my gear is in the hide there!

Rolls to navigate the fasted way of getting back to Luke's camp without alerting the attention of the elven hunters

Knowledge Geography +4 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Survival +6 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

I have a nagging feeling this is going to go quiet badly, not to mention that I will need to retrieve my gear (if the elves don't find it) without Luke spotting me.

Untrained Knowledge Nature +3 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

here is hoping to luck

Not needing a second invitation, I will nod as in agreement to the Elf Maliuss' words.

"We best get moving, there not far away" pointing in the direction from where they are coming from.

"Maliuss, lead on please.. leady quickly. I have no desire to become a pin coushin

I will take a few step forwards in the direction away from the oncoming hunters.

Trying to get a feeling from which direction the sound of the horns are coming from, I will look at both Luke and Maliuss.

"My name is Tionan, although I do not believe this is the time for formal introductions"

I will the walk over and retrieve my Bow, then pull the arrow if fired into the earth returning this to my quiver.

"That does not sound at all good, Wolves do a similar thing when they are hunting. Maliuss? How is your leg?"

It may not help, but will make a knowledge geography roll to determine the direction of the horns

Know: Geography +4 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

I will take a few paces backward once the Elf is out of the Trap especially as he begins to utter words of power.

"Thanks for the Branch, with the right tools at my disposal I could have removed the trap without causing you further harm, for that I am sorry. However, at least now you have your freedom"

For a few moments I will allow my gaze to look at these two in more detail. I know that this "luke" is one of the Humans I have been following for Drux. I want to know if he is just slow witted and easily led or whether his mind is ale addled.

I was not expecting to get too close to the one wood, and have not met an elf to see before, and therefore I will spend time examining the Elf.

"I know a few legends of this wood, why is it that there are bear traps on the fringes of its territory? I did not suppose anyone fool enough to leave a trap here?"

And with that I will walk over one more to the bear trap and disable it permanently.

"Possibly" I will confirm to Luke.

"Now lets see if we can get your associate out of this trap"

I will move over and examine the Trap, If I require leverage I will wait for luke to hand me the branch.

i will remain wary of his actions and any sudden intent to harm... im very distrustful of humans

Once I have worked out the best way to remove the elf from the bear trap. I will Look down at the Elf and exclaim!

"Get Ready, This WILL Hurt and you may need to stauch the wound, If there is anything you can do to help (looking at Luke) do it now!"

Once I have an affirmative from the Elf and he is ready.

I will attempt to disable the Trap and hopefully release him.
hero point

Disable Device +4 = Hero Point Spent +8 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31

Endevering to not make any sudden movements and with both my hands open and strtched out to my side i will slowly walk towards the injured elf in the bear trap.

I will keep my eye's on this "luke" as I slowly approach.

Untrained Sense Motive Roll +5 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

I will release the knocked arrow into the ground at my feet and slowly and as gracefully as I can place my bow on the ground.

"Peace!, as I said I mean neither of you any harm, I am here to help. I have experience disabling this sort of snare"

Untrained Diplomacy I guess... ooops
1d20 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5 oh dear

Cursing softly, I will move closer. I am remaining vigilant however my focus now is on the forest due to its unsettling air.

Crouching down low, Bow still nocked. I will make my way to where the elf it trapped. As I make my way down I will make another soft prayer/vow to Drux and prey that my luck holds.

I cannot allow a sentiant being to suffer, Killing is one thing suffering something else entirely.

Stealth Check +7 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Perception Check +7 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21 + 2 Vs the Human Trapper

If either the trapper or the Elf spots me, I will immiediatly stand up calling out that I am here to help

These men are idiots, but I must discover why the fourth man has not fled, with that in mind I will skirt round the edge as they disembark from the forest edge to get a closer look.

Stealth Roll(If Needed) +7 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

Knowledge: geography +4 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Survival + 6 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Stealth +7 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Perception +8 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

I have added my favoured enemy bonus into my perception check, as I did my track roll earlier

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