Comparing Racial Feats To Base Feats - They Come Up Lacking

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Why would anyone spend a feat on Sharp Senses as a feat (granting a net of +2 to Perception), when for the same cost, they can get Skill Focus [Perception] and get a +3 modifier (that doubles to +6 after 10 ranks)?

The text description says that it gives a +4 racial bonus on Perception that replaces the normal +2 bonus, so it's a net of +2.

Similarly, Steel Soul (which replaces a situational +2 bonus with a situational +4 bonus) seems like a bad option compared to Iron Will, though they're harder to compare directly. In theory, Steel Soul's bonus could apply to something that Iron Will wouldn't, but I can't think of anything off the top of my head.

Depending on the character, especially a skilljack-type of character, Sharp Senses (+2) + Skill Focus (+3)+ Alertness (+2)+ Max ranks at level 5 (+5) = +12 perception, before other racial modifiers are taken into account. Netting an Elf with a Wisdom of 12 (+1) a +15 modifier to perception at level 5. Pretty nice, actually, especially for a Ranger or Rogue.

Yes, I have a character I'm making in this image. Sneaky, perceptive, evil little monster of a character, but it's a good idea! Let's hope the character is just as handy!

Grand Lodge

One thing you have to keep in mind is that not everyone is building their characters with power in mind but maybe skill or even just certain themes. Power is not always a good thing as many that play this game like to play with a theme in mind for their characters like a group that some friends and I made one time for Living City for the RPGA. We did the Old Peoples guild. All of our characters were old even by human standards, old. We pretended to be partially blind, deaf and it was fun and exciting to play. We never knew what comedy would ensue each time we played them.

So keep that in mind when building a character.. that is why one might choose those feats :)

I think of many feats like these as being good choices for NPCs. Want to hire a scout? He might have a feat like this. Trying to sneak past a veteran guard? That guard might have a feat like this.

Generally speaking though, feats like this are not usually ideal for adventurers. Adventuring is dangerous. Deadly-dangerous. Any adventurer who makes choices that don't give him the best chance of survival is flirting with suicide. And while perception is nice, a paltry +2 bonus to it isn't all that useful, espcially given the myriad of other feats out there that will make most adventurers much more survivable than this.


Half orcs can have scent as a feat, as well as a natural attack.

elves can get what amounts to blind fighting for ranged weapons with a feat.

Those are nice things there.

I guess that, in most cases, racial feats aren't intended to override base feats or give any kind of advantage to certain race, instead they allow you to specialize in something, if you want to.
You don't take Sharp Senses instead of Skill Focus [Perception], you take it after taking Skill Focus if you want/need higher perception modifiers from feats (because you are a fighter with few skill and many feats i.e.).

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Dwarves get tremorsense, which is pretty frakking awesome as I don't recall any other easy ways to get it.

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