Map of major city near stolen lands?


I havent started the campaign yet, but I am planning a pre-adventure where the pcs save a noble/princes life and in exchange the king gives the pcs the charter to explore the stolen lands. I am looking for a map for this city. It could be Restov, or any city in the area (I was planning on using Absalom, but I know that is far away). Any ideas on a city that has a published map that would fit the bill? I was hoping for it to be a large city, to justify the players being able to go there if I need to run some large city adventures.

hanexs wrote:
I havent started the campaign yet, but I am planning a pre-adventure where the pcs save a noble/princes life and in exchange the king gives the pcs the charter to explore the stolen lands. I am looking for a map for this city. It could be Restov, or any city in the area (I was planning on using Absalom, but I know that is far away). Any ideas on a city that has a published map that would fit the bill? I was hoping for it to be a large city, to justify the players being able to go there if I need to run some large city adventures.

Restov (the seat of Rostland, the southern canton of Brevoy, as opposed to Issia) is the assumed starting city for Kingmaker, though there's no map of it; there is, however, a brief writeup of the city in The Varnhold Vanishing along with its location on the hex map.

The nearest mapped city is Pitax (the seat of the city-state River Kingdom of the same name), which gets a full gazetteer section in War of the River Kings, although its stats list it as a Small City, with a population just shy of 6k. If you're not too turned off by the size, I'm sure you could work your intended pre-adventure into it, and since Pitax shows up later in the adventure path, it could be a great way to tie things together.

Daviot wrote:
hanexs wrote:
I havent started the campaign yet, but I am planning a pre-adventure where the pcs save a noble/princes life and in exchange the king gives the pcs the charter to explore the stolen lands. I am looking for a map for this city. It could be Restov, or any city in the area (I was planning on using Absalom, but I know that is far away). Any ideas on a city that has a published map that would fit the bill? I was hoping for it to be a large city, to justify the players being able to go there if I need to run some large city adventures.

Restov (the seat of Rostland, the southern canton of Brevoy, as opposed to Issia) is the assumed starting city for Kingmaker, though there's no map of it; there is, however, a brief writeup of the city in The Varnhold Vanishing along with its location on the hex map.

The nearest mapped city is Pitax (the seat of the city-state River Kingdom of the same name), which gets a full gazetteer section in War of the River Kings, although its stats list it as a Small City, with a population just shy of 6k. If you're not too turned off by the size, I'm sure you could work your intended pre-adventure into it, and since Pitax shows up later in the adventure path, it could be a great way to tie things together.

I was thinking Pitax might not be a good city to use as the starting city because it shows up later... I havent read that adventure yet... but the leader of this city in my campaign gives them the charter, this would conflict with the reason they are there right?

Maybe Ill just take some random city map, and call it restov

hanexs wrote:
Daviot wrote:
hanexs wrote:

Maybe Ill just take some random city map, and call it restov

You're the GM; that's entirely your prerogative. :3

If you have the River Kingdoms booklet, then Mivon is pretty close

Daviot wrote:
You're the GM; that's entirely your prerogative. :3

Hah, for sure. I just find it odd that considering how WELL MAPPED Golarion is, they chose to start the campaign in an unmapped city. Really? I kind of want my players gettin used to Golarion, as I plan to use it in the next few (all?) campaigns.

Maybe Ill move it to Absalom though, I really like that city and want my players to play in it...

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

The AP doesn't actually start in a city, it starts on the road near Olegs. The backstory starts in Restov, and any number of Gms have chosen to push events back there, but that isn't inherent in the first adventure (mainly because, as I recall, they didn't want to get the campaign too tied up in Brevoy, the storyline mainly being about the Stolen Lands and all).

That all being said, it would have been nice to have more detail on Restov and the Swordlords from the get-go, given they are your initial patrons.

Grendel Todd wrote:

The AP doesn't actually start in a city, it starts on the road near Olegs. The backstory starts in Restov, and any number of Gms have chosen to push events back there, but that isn't inherent in the first adventure (mainly because, as I recall, they didn't want to get the campaign too tied up in Brevoy, the storyline mainly being about the Stolen Lands and all).

That all being said, it would have been nice to have more detail on Restov and the Swordlords from the get-go, given they are your initial patrons.

For sure, considering all the unneeded backround that we get in Pathfinder AP's (e.g. history lessons, the prodigal sons story line, ecology of monsters ect), it would be nice to use this space for short intro to getting the quest or an explanation of npc's who help build the city in book 2 ect.

I would really have liked some description of the key players who come to help build the players city, this seems like something we will have to roleplay and I find it odd that I will have to make every npc.

Course I understand that Restov isn't in the scope of the adventure, and if it was it would have taken a whole book, I was just looking for a nearby city that has been mapped.

hanexs wrote:
Grendel Todd wrote:

The AP doesn't actually start in a city, it starts on the road near Olegs. The backstory starts in Restov, and any number of Gms have chosen to push events back there, but that isn't inherent in the first adventure (mainly because, as I recall, they didn't want to get the campaign too tied up in Brevoy, the storyline mainly being about the Stolen Lands and all).

That all being said, it would have been nice to have more detail on Restov and the Swordlords from the get-go, given they are your initial patrons.

For sure, considering all the unneeded backround that we get in Pathfinder AP's (e.g. history lessons, the prodigal sons story line, ecology of monsters ect), it would be nice to use this space for short intro to getting the quest or an explanation of npc's who help build the city in book 2 ect.

I would really have liked some description of the key players who come to help build the players city, this seems like something we will have to roleplay and I find it odd that I will have to make every npc.

Course I understand that Restov isn't in the scope of the adventure, and if it was it would have taken a whole book, I was just looking for a nearby city that has been mapped.

The PCs get to choose who those key players are, or you get to make new ones up. There are not really any NPCs from Restov getting in your way.

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Greetings, fellow travellers.

I switched from - miniature-less - D&D3.5 to PF for this AP and to get me and my players accustomed to Golarion and battle grids, I have run the D1.5 Falcon Hollow module as a prequel. The sherriff Deldrin Baleson from Falcon Hollow was advanced (in level and stats and background) to be a swordlord (he gave them their charta after successfully finishing the adventure) and I moved the valley to the east of Brevoy, just south of the Gronzi forest.


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