Moff Rimmer: Help stop child trafficking

Off-Topic Discussions

Scarab Sages

Many of you know me and where I stand on a number of issues. I think that this is something that most people will agree on.

There is a group of us that will be participating in a "Walk-a-thon". This is to raise money that will go towards raising child trafficking awareness worldwide as well as working with worldwide agencies to stop the selling of children. This is something that is currently happening everywhere and really needs to stop. There are a number of sites that work with this, but the one that we are currently working with is Stop Child Trafficking Now.

I am looking for donations and if you would like to support me and this cause, you may do so securely --> here.

If you can (and do) help out, I thank you now. If you cannot (or don't wish to), please be sure to take a look at the site and at least be aware of the problem.

Thank you for your support.

May I suggest a title change? Just something that lets people know this is about more than just something for you.

Moff Rimmer: Help Stop Child Trafficing

Scarab Sages

CourtFool wrote:

May I suggest a title change? Just something that lets people know this is about more than just something for you.

Moff Rimmer: Help Stop Child Trafficing

Can I do that? (Or should I start a new thread?)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Moff Rimmer wrote:
CourtFool wrote:

May I suggest a title change? Just something that lets people know this is about more than just something for you.

Moff Rimmer: Help Stop Child Trafficing

Can I do that? (Or should I start a new thread?)

Send a note to customer services asking if they can get the Postmonster General to change the thread. Or start a new one and link it here. Donation sent, as well.

Scarab Sages

Paul Watson wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:
CourtFool wrote:

May I suggest a title change? Just something that lets people know this is about more than just something for you.

Moff Rimmer: Help Stop Child Trafficing

Can I do that? (Or should I start a new thread?)
Send a note to customer services asking if they can get the Postmonster General to change the thread. Or start a new one and link it here. Donation sent, as well.

I figured it out. (Didn't know I could do that.)

And thanks for the support.

I will do my best to help. Good job to you.

Scarab Sages

Quick "bump" and then I'm headed into the weekend.

Here's a little more information. Our (greater) church denomination has a fair amount of information here including a good list of organizations that are doing something about it and are not affiliated with our denomination. A good (and powerful) story and video can be found with "Love 146".

This is a worldwide issue that I would like to see end.

Thank you for taking the time, and thank you for your support.

{bookmarked} and Bump again.

I should get some pay this Sunday. I'll hit it then.

Thanks for doing this, Moff. :)

Marked for when I'm not broke.

Bumping again!

Scarab Sages

Thank you all for the donations so far.

There are more people living today as slaves than in any other time in history.

Please consider doing even a small part to help end this atrocity.

Thank you for your support.

Scarab Sages

* bump *

I had heard it said that it costs somewhere around $1,000 to free a slave and get them into a vocation and a home and so on. It's hard to pin down an actual "cost" because buying a slave's freedom isn't good as it just puts more money in the hands of people who will continue to do this, so a lot of the actual cost involves international prosecution and so on. Here is a site that lists some costs associated with freeing slaves.

But there are very real costs associated with ending slavery.

I would like to see us raise at least $1,000 so that we can say that we helped one very real life from start to end.

Please consider helping me support this very worthy cause.

I think it important to point out that Stop Child Trafficking Now is about prosecuting the offenders. They make it very clear they are targeting the demand.

"Stop Child Trafficking Now (SCTNow) has studied many organizations and their methods used in addressing child trafficking issues. Almost every organization we’ve encountered is focused on rescuing victims. While we support all worthy endeavors in this cause, research indicates funding efforts to support the deterrence and eliminate the demand fueling this heinous crime is most effective."

In fact, when I read up on the site, the following line gave me some pause.

"As a private organization the Special Operatives are not bound by the same restrictions that keep U.S. law enforcement from conducting research against sexual offenders."

I just think it is important that people understand they are not donating for victim services here. They are donating money to go after predators.

Scarab Sages

CourtFool wrote:
I just think it is important that people understand they are not donating for victim services here. They are donating money to go after predators.

This is true. I will donate to both causes. We can keep helping the victims, but until the slave rings stop, there will always be victims. There is need for both sides of the issue.

Moff Rimmer wrote:
There is need for both sides of the issue.


Scarab Sages

CourtFool wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:
There is need for both sides of the issue.

Maybe I should change my approach...

Help Moff Rimmer get money to stick it to the a--holes who sell children for profit.

The truth of it is that most of these organizations work with each other as they have different focuses. And I believe that all of them are doing their best to work with the respective governments to catch and prosecute as well as help to get better legal systems in place to prevent this from happening.

A few other ways that you can help that are a bit more indirect...

The chocolate industry uses an incredibly amount of slaves. A number of companies are doing what they can to take a stand against this and support those who practice "fair trade". Here is a (non-comprehensive) list of companies that make chocolate products that are either "fair trade" or are doing their best to get there.

At least one of the organizations trying help freed slaves works hard to give them jobs and homes where they can make their own money. One of these types of jobs is making homemade jewelry. There are a number of companies that help them get their products out to the rest of the world. Here is one of these companies. While not explicitly helping ex-slaves, they are using "fair trade" practices to help out people who certainly wouldn't have the resources to sell their wares outside of their villages. (And Christmas is coming.)

Again, thank you for taking the time and for your support.

Scarab Sages

* Bump *

I've got about two weeks left to collect pledges.

Thank you for your help.

Moff Rimmer wrote:
I've got about two weeks left to collect pledges.

What do you mean?

Scarab Sages

CourtFool wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:
I've got about two weeks left to collect pledges.
What do you mean?

The event is on October 2nd. I'm supposed to have the money/pledges collected by then.

and another bump because it deserves it.

Scarab Sages

The Crimson Jester, Rogue Lord wrote:
and another bump because it deserves it.

Thanks for the bumps. I've got nine more days for me to get donations in. Thank you all for the support so far.

Scarab Sages

Last "Bump".

Thank you all for the donations so far. So many of you have been incredibly generous.

Right now I'm just looking for "quantity" rather than "quality". I'm looking for as many people as possible to donate just $5 or $10. If enough people can do that, we can really make a difference.

(And I was bumped from the #2 spot to the #3 spot in "Top Fundraisers" for the city. I'd really like to get to the #1 spot.)

The walk is this Saturday. You can continue to donate after that, but I'd really like to get the donations in before the walk.

Thank you so much for your support.

Page to make the donation (for easy reference).

The Exchange

I cannot condone churches and religious bodies being involved in a UN matter. However As long as you are financing hitmen to take out all child molestors i support you.

Scarab Sages

yellowdingo wrote:
I cannot condone churches and religious bodies being involved in a UN matter. However As long as you are financing hitmen to take out all child molestors i support you.

Coming from you I'm not always sure how to address this.

The organization we are supporting is not a "religious body". Actually they are specifically not associated with religion because it makes it easier to work with some international governments. Although, a number of "religious bodies" are supporting this because the cause is greater than the religion.

The vast majority of children sold into slavery are used for the sex trade. This organization is specifically targeting "the demand" -- targeting the people who are buying children like they would clothes. This is a sad reality that is happening in the world today.

The Exchange

Moff Rimmer wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
I cannot condone churches and religious bodies being involved in a UN matter. However As long as you are financing hitmen to take out all child molestors i support you.

Coming from you I'm not always sure how to address this.

The organization we are supporting is not a "religious body". Actually they are specifically not associated with religion because it makes it easier to work with some international governments. Although, a number of "religious bodies" are supporting this because the cause is greater than the religion.

The vast majority of children sold into slavery are used for the sex trade. This organization is specifically targeting "the demand" -- targeting the people who are buying children like they would clothes. This is a sad reality that is happening in the world today.

I agree people who traffic in children need to be stomped on but Its the Job of the UN to establish and enforce international Laws and Nations to toe the line, not look the other way on Kiddie Slavery.

Thats why I'm opposed to this being the responsibility of churches, and organizations. This is an International Crime and it requires Policemen with big guns huting the monsters down and executing them infront of TV cameras as a lesson to the rest.

They are no longer just being used for sex - they are being smuggled around the world and slaughtered on site for Organ harvesting (some organs have a short shelf life - preventing them from being moved across a border to a buyer unless the yare still in a living human body).

Lets call it 'Stookie Glanding' for the Young Readers.

Scarab Sages

yellowdingo wrote:

I agree people who traffic in children need to be stomped on but Its the Job of the UN to establish and enforce international Laws and Nations to toe the line, not look the other way on Kiddie Slavery.

Thats why I'm opposed to this being the responsibility of churches, and organizations. This is an International Crime and it requires Policemen with big guns huting the monsters down and executing them infront of TV cameras as a lesson to the rest.

But ... they're not getting "Policemen with big guns" and the UN doesn't seem to be doing their "job". So while you say that you "agree people who traffic in children need to be stomped", your solution to this seems to be to ignore the problem and let the UN continue to do things the way they've been doing it as opposed to supporting organizations who are focused on dealing with the issue.

Moff Rimmer wrote:

Many of you know me and where I stand on a number of issues. I think that this is something that most people will agree on.

There is a group of us that will be participating in a "Walk-a-thon". This is to raise money that will go towards raising child trafficking awareness worldwide as well as working with worldwide agencies to stop the selling of children. This is something that is currently happening everywhere and really needs to stop. There are a number of sites that work with this, but the one that we are currently working with is Stop Child Trafficking Now.

I am looking for donations and if you would like to support me and this cause, you may do so securely --> here.

If you can (and do) help out, I thank you now. If you cannot (or don't wish to), please be sure to take a look at the site and at least be aware of the problem.

Thank you for your support.

+1 to Moff respect-o-meter

The Exchange

Moff Rimmer wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:

I agree people who traffic in children need to be stomped on but Its the Job of the UN to establish and enforce international Laws and Nations to toe the line, not look the other way on Kiddie Slavery.

Thats why I'm opposed to this being the responsibility of churches, and organizations. This is an International Crime and it requires Policemen with big guns huting the monsters down and executing them infront of TV cameras as a lesson to the rest.
But ... they're not getting "Policemen with big guns" and the UN doesn't seem to be doing their "job". So while you say that you "agree people who traffic in children need to be stomped", your solution to this seems to be to ignore the problem and let the UN continue to do things the way they've been doing it as opposed to supporting organizations who are focused on dealing with the issue.

If the UN isnt doing its Job, it will be because the Nations that make up the UN are not supporting International Law and Enforcement by coppers with big guns. So what you really need is to harrass the President of the USA (or leader of what ever flag waving cesspool we live in) and tell him you want the USA (or where ever) to enforce the Death Penalty for Kiddie Smugglers at the UN level. That doesnt take donations for the self employment of individuals whose career plans include holding up a sign of protest - that takes letters to the Whitehouse (Parliament).

bugleyman wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:

Many of you know me and where I stand on a number of issues. I think that this is something that most people will agree on.

There is a group of us that will be participating in a "Walk-a-thon". This is to raise money that will go towards raising child trafficking awareness worldwide as well as working with worldwide agencies to stop the selling of children. This is something that is currently happening everywhere and really needs to stop. There are a number of sites that work with this, but the one that we are currently working with is Stop Child Trafficking Now.

I am looking for donations and if you would like to support me and this cause, you may do so securely --> here.

If you can (and do) help out, I thank you now. If you cannot (or don't wish to), please be sure to take a look at the site and at least be aware of the problem.

Thank you for your support.

+1 to Moff respect-o-meter


The Exchange

Bitter Thorn wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:

Many of you know me and where I stand on a number of issues. I think that this is something that most people will agree on.

There is a group of us that will be participating in a "Walk-a-thon". This is to raise money that will go towards raising child trafficking awareness worldwide as well as working with worldwide agencies to stop the selling of children. This is something that is currently happening everywhere and really needs to stop. There are a number of sites that work with this, but the one that we are currently working with is Stop Child Trafficking Now.

I am looking for donations and if you would like to support me and this cause, you may do so securely --> here.

If you can (and do) help out, I thank you now. If you cannot (or don't wish to), please be sure to take a look at the site and at least be aware of the problem.

Thank you for your support.

+1 to Moff respect-o-meter



How are your efforts going?


Scarab Sages

(I haven't really been checking around here for some time. I was surprised to see this resurfaced.)

I wouldn't really call it "my efforts". I think that overall it's a struggle. It's not something that people really see in their lives and it's kind of an "out of sight, out of mind" issue.

Doing a quick search brings up a few recent articles...





This really is an ongoing problem.

Here is a pretty good list of charities that are working on this from around the world.

A charity organization that I feel does especially good (difficult) work is .

[url=]There are more slaves today than there have ever been in human history.

So, to answer your question -- it's a fight that needs to continue to be fought.

Thank you for asking. I appreciate it.

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