Fnipernackle |
I'm getting ready to run a game in Golorian and I'm running a low money game, I.e. there's no "hey I need some guys to kill s$+*." "We'll do it. Join us on our noble quest."
Instead they will get money from whatever they grayhawk (looting everything in sight as my fellow gamers tend to do.) A lot of the players are looking at crafting items which is fine too.
My question was concerning something I'm gonna give them which is along the lines of heroic paths from the Midnight campaign setting by Fantasy Flight Games. I don't wanna give them something at every level, but I would like to give them, let's say, a plus 1 to every weapon they use, then a plus 2 a few lvls down the line. Maybe somewhere inbetween let them pick a status effect (flaming, shocking, keen, etc) to add on to whatever they are using.
I know this sounds maybe broken but it makes sense with what their overall goal is and what I'm putting them up against. Plus I'm putting in a lot of traps, which makes sense for what they are doing, but with no rogue and being that traps in Pathfinder are BRUTAL, their gonna get f&%$ed up. Any insights or experiences from people who have dun this before would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Dr. Nip Nip
mdt |
Ok, I would then suggest something like this, if you want to do this.
A) Have the PCs be the chosen avatar's of dead gods, who's destiny is to bring the dead gods back (works really well if the current gods tend towards the evil side and there's a need to pull the balance back).
B) Have the PCs be the (unknown) children of gods (ala Hercules).
C) Have the PCs find an item in the first adventure that imbues them with power (Works really well if they stumble on a scene of battle with the bodies of the battler's warped and twisted but just the Orb of Evolution intact in the center of the battle field) that slowly begins to make them divine over time.
Pick one of the above or come up with your own.
Every 3 levels, give them the following :
+1 Enhancement to any weapon held
+1 Enhancement to any armor worn (even just plain clothes)
+1 to all Saves
+5 to hit points
Don't let their natural bonuses stack with equipment, use whichever is more powerful. This keeps them on track to have a +6 at level 18 to everything without needing lots of money to do it.
I would let their natural bonuses stack with class abilities (like the paladin bonded weapon).
If that's not a fast enough progression, you could do it every other level (2, 4, 6, 8, etc) which would set them up with a +10 at 20th level.
Either give them a way to restructure their bonuses (IE: When they have a +3 they can make it +1 Flaming Sparking weapon), I'd suggest when they level (Kind of like an Eidelon).
EDIT: If you use the above, I'd let have their powers 'burn through' non masterwork equipment, basically pushing it beyond it's ability. Masterwork items would be able to handle the boost in power without being destroyed. Maybe even only up to a certain level (IE: Up to +3, a MW can handle their power, after that, they need a +1 weapon/armor to withstand their growing inner power without shreding).