Naming Gods

Homebrew and House Rules

Dark Archive

I'm creating a new campaign setting for my pathfinder adventure in wich the gods have a direct interaction with the world and the players.

After dividing the different domains and aligments I need names for the gods (and maybe some history for the god if you want ^^). Each god have to prefered weapon and the players may decide between each one.

This is the division I've made:


LG: Law, Good, Animal, Plant, Community.

Weapons: Longbow, Light crossbow

God of farming and trade



NG: Good, Healing, Sun, Repose, Glory

Weapons: Scimitar, Glaive

God of fate and redemption.



CG: Chaos, Good, Travel, Liberation, Luck

Weapons: Short sword, Starknife

God of dreams and freedom



LN: Law, Artifice, Protection, Luck, Nobility

Weapons: Warhammer, Bastard sword

God of the forge and cities



N: Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Protection

Weapons: Trident, Mace

God of creation and protection



N: Magic, Trickery, Rune, Knowledge, Destruction

Weapons: Quarterstaff, Dagger

God of magic and secrets



CN: Chaos, Strength, War, Glory, Destruction

Weapons: Longsword, Greatsword

God of battle and weapons



LE: Law, Evil, Darkness, Destruction, Death

Weapons: Spike chain, Whip

God of darkness and undeath



NE: Evil, Death, Magic, Charm, Madness

Weapons: Scythe, Ranseur

God of envy and nightmares



CE: Chaos, Evil, Destruction, Weather, Liberation

Weapons: Greataxe, Morning star

God of wrath and disaster


Any suggestion are welcome and thanks in advance.

PS. Sorry for mistakes, im not english :)

Dark Archive

Random thoughts;

Hernaeus, the Horned Huntress, Mistress of Bow and Scale.

LG: Erastil always reminded me of Herne the Hunter or Cernunnos, the Horned Hunt-god, and, in another vein, of Artemis, so I'd combine all of that in the blender and get a combined goddess of the hunt, fertility, the home and family and trade and commerce (which binds communities together, into something similar to extended families).

Sollus, the One-Eyed Sun, He Who Sees All, Accepts All and Forgives All.

NG: Names that pop into the head are Phaedra (a combination of Pharasma and Sarenrae) and Sollus. I'm picturing a one-eyed sun god who seared out his left eye so that he would not see evil (and that's why the world has night and day, because his 'night eye' is blind, and the pale white moon is his blind eye). He sees only the good in people, and teaches that everyone deserves a second chance at redemption. Christ-like 'wounded king' analogue.

Cagne (Can-yae), Laughter on the Wind, Who Comes Uninvited and Departs Unseen.

CG: Heavy Romani / gypsy influence here. Whimsical, lover of life, gender perhaps uncertain? Whether called her sister or her not-really-boyfriend, has a tempestuous relationship with Herneaus, as Herneaus considers the god of freedom to be a bad influence on those that she believes should settle down. Tales suggest that Herneaus has more than once been burned by Cagne's invitations to do something unwise (like Thor getting snookered into another of Loki's schemes and ending up in trouble with their father...).

LN: Nothing leaps to mind.

N: Nature god(dess). Some sort of Gaia-analogue? Sheltering earth-mother / protector / angry she-bear protecting her cubs?

Hem Shah Sobk, Speaker of the First Word, and the Last, Keeper of the Staff. (Shem Sa Sobk, if female.)

N: Magic god. Egyptian-inspired, holds a staff that is used as a tool of measurement, speaks the 'first language' and can use it to work his magic. Dagger is also used as a ritual tool more than a weapon, like an athame. Inventor of language and writing, mathematics and astronomy. Another interesting choice to make a goddess, like an amalgam of Isis and Thoth. Regardless of true gender, the god(dess) of magic and language is married only to their work, and might as well be sexless. (Perhaps, borrowing from the Isis story, is connected to the death-god / god of the undead, having allowed them to cheat death itself with great magic, but ended up seperated from them by both the barriers of life and death, but by greatly changing philosophical differences? Echoes as well of Persephone, dragged away into the Underworld?)

Maelagor (May-el-a-gor), the Strength of Man, the Fire of War.

CN: War god. Very much a macho manly man, all about strength and courage and glory and honor. Much chest-thumping and posturing. Clerics are encouraged to have beards (if male), and female clerics are discouraged, or pushed into more supportive 'healbot' roles, with the toughest among them punching their way through this glass ceiling and commanding respect from their male peers through cultivating a reputation for viciously punishing any male who attempts to remind them of 'their place.'

LE: Darkness & Undeath. No ideas here.

Somnus, The Sleeper, That Which Rests Unquiet.

NE: Envy and Nightmares. The god or goddess (nobody knows, or even if that is a meaningful distinction) of nightmares is primordial and exists underneath reality, like a vast lake of formless proto-reality. This god is the analogue to Tiamat or Apep or 'Chaos' or Typhon, being eternally asleep. Clerics alternately are sane, and propitiate the Sleeper to keep it asleep, or are totally crazy, and attempt to stir it to awaken, so that the entire world can be dragged down into it's nightmares made real. They use drugs and mind-numbing repetitive incantations to place themselves (and followers, and victims) into trance-like states of suggestibility, eventually learning how to craft specific nightmares in the minds of others (and themselves), believing that this is how they commune with and honor the Sleeper. Very much a Cthulhu / Tharizdun type 'if this wakes up, we're all screwed' type of entity. May actually predate the other gods, and be the first kinda/sorta sentience, and all of reality is nothing more than it's dreams. If it wakes up, the dream ends, and the world, as we know it, evaporates like morning dew...

Vangal, the Reaver of Worlds, Despoiler of Flesh.

CE: Wrath & Disaster. Stealing from the Scarred Lands setting (which also has one god for each alignment), I'd go with the Reaver, god of Destruction incarnate. Perhaps his clergy believe that the world is flawed and must be cleansed to be reborn into a glorious Perfected 'Third Age of Man.' (With the racist assumption that other races are a sign of imperfection, and that, in the new perfected world, there will be no elves, orcs, etc. Note that Orcish worshippers of the Reaver would believe the same, only they'd add humans to the list of races that won't appear in their Perfected World...) Perhaps they just like killing stuff and breaking stuff and have anger management issues. The effects on the world around them are the same.

Dark Archive

I really love your ideas, specially Somnus and his double sided clerics.

For the N one im thinking in some kind of primal god, the first one that create everything combining different elements.

You said that the god of magic might be sexless, I really like that idea, maybe sometimes it appears as an old man (maybe like Elminster) and others as a beautiful woman (like Galadriel in LOTR) with eyes that change its colour every second.

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