Fortress of the Stone Giants: What exactly is the point of the attack on Sandpoint?

Rise of the Runelords


My players just fineshed HMM and we will quickly proceeding to Fortess of the Stone Giants. I don´t understand why it is so important for Karzoug to destroy the Hellfire fume in which Xaliasa was stationed? What does Karzoug fear from his old spy? Or the Runeforge?

Xaliasa knows how to get in Runeforge where is magic that could harm Karzoug (runeforged weapons). Better safe than sorry. That is the main reason to that Karzoug wants to kill Xaliasa. Attack to Sandpoint was to get stone from Old Light that Mokmurian could locate where Xaliasa slumbers.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Also, the Scribbler knows waaay too much about Karzoug and Thassilion to let such a potential information source to run around unchecked.

Still don´t make sense to me.

He knows much but is 10.000 years dead! Karzoug must be very very cautious to look after 10.000 year long dead spies (one amonst many I´m sure) and make sure they stay that way. Especially if his intrusion make the "heroes of this age" curios whats so important on this site (otherwise they probably never give the thing a second tought).

And for the Runeforged Weapons.... they are nice sure. But nothing Karzoug really has to be afraid of.

Patrick Kropp wrote:

Still don´t make sense to me.

He knows much but is 10.000 years dead! Karzoug must be very very cautious to look after 10.000 year long dead spies (one amonst many I´m sure) and make sure they stay that way. Especially if his intrusion make the "heroes of this age" curios whats so important on this site (otherwise they probably never give the thing a second tought).

And for the Runeforged Weapons.... they are nice sure. But nothing Karzoug really has to be afraid of.

Xaliasa was one of a handfull of people who knew about the Runeforge AND how to get to it. Mokmurian has been tasked with finding the ruins of the Hellfire plume that Xaliasa was stationed at... after all, there were MANY Hellfire plumes. Once the right one was found, they wanted to make sure any information or evidence left behind by Xaliasa regarding the whereabouts of the Runeforge was destroyed so that no one could ever track it down and use it against Karzoug.

They don't attack Sandpoint with the intentions to destroy the Hellfire Plume, Teratkinus just wants to retrieve a single stone from it so they can tell if it's the one they're looking for. They're just looting and pillaging while they're there cause, well, why not? The fact that Xaliasa is actually still around is just bonus, though Karzoug doesn't know this yet.

Q: Why does Karzoug want to find the grave of Xaliasa?

A: Karzoug knows that Xaliasa at one time knew the location of Runeforge. Since Xaliasa has already betrayed Karzoug AND knows the location of Runeforge, Karzoug figures it would be prudent to find the grave of the traitor and make sure any reference to the location of Runeforge that the traitor may have left is destroyed. Karzoug does not know Xaliasa is alive.

Q: Why does Karzoug care if anyone knows how to get to Runeforge?

A: Runeforge was the one place in all of Thassilon the Runelords could not enter. Great magic and weapons were researched in Runeforge. If any magic or weapon could be forged to defeat a Runelord it would have been done in Runeforge in the past or could be in the future. Karzoug does not know if any of his enemies have something that could stop him or if someday an enemy would enter Runeforge in the future to create something to stop him. Since Karzoug can't destroy Runeforge itself he will at least try to keep it's location hidden. Especially since one person that knows its location has already proven to be a traitor to him. Karzoug also knows that some of his powerful minions were stationed in Runeforge and, if they still exist, will be a great help to him once his return is complete. Finally, Ordikon the mithral mage in Runeforge was actually tasked with awakening Karzoug. It just so happens that Mokmurian beat him to it but Karzoug would still like to have someone else around that knows how to awaken him. Unfortunately for Karzoug he does not know that Ordrikon is already unable to help.

Q: Why does Karzoug order the town of Sandpoint destroyed?

A: Karzoug never gave this order. Karzoug instructed Mokmurian to find the grave of the traitor, which was in a Hellfire Flume from Thassilonian times. Mokmurian located several Hellfire ruins all over Varisia and decided to gather stones from them to learn which held the traitor. Sandpoint just happens to be one of these locations that is in the middle of a human town. It is the overzealous and GREEDY stone giant Teraktanus that decides to sack the town. Karzoug and Mokmurian never gave this order. Although presumably when the stones revealed that the Sandpoint Flume did indeed hold the traitors grave a larger force of stone giants would have come back to destroy it later.

Q: So what do the PCs have to gain by going to Runeforge?

A: Runforge weapons. These will help the PCs in the final adventure by overcoming some magical protections in the final location, cause extra melee damage to Karzoug and his minions, and help protect the wielder from Karzougs offensive magic.

Q: So what is the deal with the Lamias and Karzoug?

A: Karzoug and his minions were very powerful transmuters. Karzoug himself was the most powerful transmuter in all of Thassilon. Karzoug also had massive Giant armies thanks to the Rune Giants. So with arcane and melee covered the only missing piece to the defense and growth of himself and his empire was divine magic. Since no Runelord of GREED would be satisfied with 2/3 domination he struck a deal with the Lamias to provide access to divine powers and the benefits that go with them.

Q: How does Lamashtu figure into all this?

A: Lamashtu is the deity the Lamias worship. Since Lamashtu is Chaotic and Evil, a deal with her or her worshipers is always in flux. Karzougs greed lead him to Lamashtus Chaos and Lamashtus Chaos ultimately will aid in Karzougs failure (assuming the PCs are victorious). Such is the nature of greed and chaos.

Grand Lodge

Nice explanation Cibet!

One remark! I never said he ordered Sandpoint to be destroyed. He orders the Flume to be destroyed! Page 9 of Adventure 4 says:" Karzoug did make clear that Mokmurian should reduce the site to nothing more than dust and ashes" and "...when his (Mokmurian) army marches, he can take special care in destroying this particular site for his master".

But thank you very much. It´s now much clearer than before, now that I see all information summarized! But why does Karzoug not plan to enter Runeforge? Now that he is the only surviving Runelord?

Some events appear too staged for my taste! X betrayed Karzoug and just as he found the way to entry runeforge, the world turns upside down (Earhtfall?). But Karzoug has enough time to know he betryed him and that he found a way how to enter Runeforge. Sure. So many accidents!

Patrick Kropp wrote:
But why does Karzoug not plan to enter Runeforge? Now that he is the only surviving Runelord?

He can't enter Runeforge... from SotS 'The seven runelords bound themselves by edict that they themselves would never directly interfere with or even enter Runeforge, for fear that their presence would hamper the work being performed there.'

If he can't go there, I'm not surprised that he'd try to prevent anyone else entering as well. Therefore, he's orders to destroy Xalasias notes and information makes good sense.

My players had just opened the portal to the Runeforge at the end of last session, but if I were to run RotRL again I would try to tie the modules together a bit more.

Specifically I would have had Karzoug order Mokmurian to watch for events involving ancient Thallasonian ruins - just in case the awakening of the runewells has caused another runelord to wake up though the reason would not be explaned. Mokmurian would pass that on to his servants, including the lamia in Magnimar. When stories of the PCs activities reach Magnimar she will send agents (probably charmed) to investigate. maybe all the PCs hear about them is rumours of people asking questions, maybe they find out more that's not vital. Possibly they find some draft reports amongst the lamia's papers.

Anyway she reports back that they found the catacombs under Sandpoint and there was a quasit there. Karzoug remembers that Xaliasa had a quasit familiar and orders Mokmurian to investigate further, which he does by sending a giant to get one of the stones planning to have his mother use her powers to investigate it. A report about the PCs would appear in Mokmurian's papers as would a note about investigating Sandpoint, mentionign the quasit, who the players ought to remember.

TBA wrote:
Patrick Kropp wrote:
But why does Karzoug not plan to enter Runeforge? Now that he is the only surviving Runelord?

He can't enter Runeforge... from SotS 'The seven runelords bound themselves by edict that they themselves would never directly interfere with or even enter Runeforge, for fear that their presence would hamper the work being performed there.'

If he can't go there, I'm not surprised that he'd try to prevent anyone else entering as well. Therefore, he's orders to destroy Xalasias notes and information makes good sense.

Ok, maybe I was a little bit unclear.

Why does he not enter Runeforge, when all that is holding him back an old edict?

Liberty's Edge

Patrick Kropp wrote:
Why does he not enter Runeforge, when all that is holding him back an old edict?

I believe at this point he isn't able to go much of anywhere, as he is still bound to his demiplane. It isn't until the climax of the series in Part 6 that he is nearing manifestation in the physical world. Thus why he has to rely on other agents to pave the way for him.

Seems I really must spell everything out.

1. Karzoug can sent his minions to Runeforge.
2. He could want to wait for later, when he is back in full glory.

Why just destroy the (only?) clue to the way to runeforge? Especially Karzoug (Runelord of GREED). I can´t imagine someone so greedy not wanting to dip into the secretes of Runeforge!

Patrick Kropp wrote:

Seems I really must spell everything out.

1. Karzoug can sent his minions to Runeforge.
2. He could want to wait for later, when he is back in full glory.

Why just destroy the (only?) clue to the way to runeforge? Especially Karzoug (Runelord of GREED). I can´t imagine someone so greedy not wanting to dip into the secretes of Runeforge!

No Runelord can enter Runeforge. The very design of Runeforge forbids this, not just an "edict". The exact reason for this is not spelled out but something in the design of Runeforge permanently and irrevocably keeps Runelords out. In fact it is mentioned that maybe a Runelord ATTEMPTING to enter Runeforge is what caused the Thassalonian cataclysm.

Karzoug already knows the way to Runeforge. Every Runelord does/did. Karzoug wants to destroy all the clues to enter Runeforge so no one ELSE has them. He already knows how to get there.

Karzoug already has minions in Runeforge although at present he has no way of communicating with them or knowing their current state after his 10,000 year exile. All the Runelords have minions in Runeforge. Karzoug also does not know what the other Runelord minions have been up to, another reason why he doesn't want anyone entering it.

It took me a long while, but your statement is not true. Runelords can enter Runeforge (See PF AP 6, p.61, under Leng Device is Operational).

Therefore it was just an edict, that surely had sense when the other runelords still lived. They respected these edict, because all other runelords would possibly band together to destroy the oathbreaker.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

hmm, seems there is some conflict between part 5 (no runelord can enter, possible explanation for the Age of Darkness) and part 6 (just a gentleman's agreement.

Doesn't make the other arguments in cibet's last post any less relevant though.

I have to agree with Kropp, it doesn't say the Runelords can't enter the Runeforge it simply says they agreed not to enter and they all upheld this until the end. It was designed so that one Runelord could not dominate the Runeforge with the threat of the other combined Runelord's wrath keeping each of them from breaking the agreement.

Actually the destruction of Thassilon was brought about by Aboleth Magic bringing about Starfall and the First Darkness, not by a Runelord trying to enter Runeforge.

However there is one very very important reason why Karzoug would care about the Runeforge. It was where the magic of the Runewell keeping him alive was developed and therefore the information to stop his return, which is a great immediate threat to him. If I was in Karzoug's shoes I would have my warriors raze a town so close to a font of information that could possibly bring about my defeat.

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