Metoid Other M

Video Games

I'm looking for some comments from regular Metroid fans that have played this before I go buy it. I'm aware of the changes, but I want to know if they work. The critics seem split on the game, and while I'm not happy with Samus having to wait for permission to use her missiles, I might overlook it if the regular folks gave glowing praise.

Well, I'm enjoying it.

It does have its bad parts:

  • The "detective parts", where you are locked into first person view and have to find a certain spot, and they're often virtually invisible. Best use some sort of walkthrough for those.
  • Switching from normal view to 1st can be hectic, and since you don't get missiles in normal, it can be a bit frustrating
  • It's great that Samus talks for the first time, but sometimes, it seems that she wants to overcompensate. Some of the cut-scenes are a bit too talkative (though it's not really that bad). And she's just a bit too emo and tragic for me at times (though it doesn't get in the way of her kicking alien ass)
  • The death sequence takes too long. It's only a few seconds, sure, but it sometimes lasts forever if something is giving you a hard time.
  • The loss of energy blips (those little orbs that restore some of your health) can be jarring. There are none in the game. You can only fully restore on nav terminals (=save stations which also show you parts of the map at times)

    Other than that, I like it. It's closer to the first titles (since you mostly use something close to the old sideview, though it's 3D), but that's okay.

    The part where you get permission for using stuff like missiles and the like might seem annoying, but I think it's a better way of explaining why Samus doesn't have all the weapon and movement systems from the start (every one who played Metroid Prime 1 and 2 knows that the "it's broken/stolen" thing gets old real quick - I was pleasantly surprised when they didn't do that in MP Corruption).

    I don't know whether I count as a regular Metroid fan, as I haven't played all games, but I did play several: Metroid II (Didn't get that far, though, I can remember the game to be frustrating at times), Super Metroid (beat it a couple of times), Metroid Prime 1 (beat the Wii version), Metroid Prime 2 (stopped playing somewhere around the way), Metroid Prime Corruption (beat it a couple of times).

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