Forum Games

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Signore di Fortuna is banned for thinking a mere calzone can surpass a pizza.

Gran is banned for trying to Americanize everything.

Signore di Fortuna is banned for implying Americanization is a bad thing.

Gran is banned for being right but for not taking the next step and pointing out that a calzone is just a pizza folded in half for people who can't handle their pizza.
The 'roni pizza I had for supper was excellenttee.

DJ-Bogie is banned for top of page. To borrow from FAWTL, nekkid banning for the win!

DJ-Bogie is banned for having supper and not dinner

Mark Hoover is banned for skipping me.

Gran is banned for his ego gaining sentience before he does.

Signore di Fortuna is banned for I am a sentient ego in the shape of a monkey king.

Gran Rey is banned for spreading de los mononucleosis around the dorm.

GoatToucher is banned because I haven't lived in (or even been in) a dorm for *mumble mumble* years.

gran rey is banned for staring at goats while GoatToucher touched them.

Spanky is banned for obvious jealousy.

GoatToucher is banned for bringing a new level of Creepiness to the Forums.

DJ-Bogie is banned for seeing things he should not see.

Gran is banned because I'm not skipping him this time

Mark Hoover is banned for not skipping me.

Gran is banned being so contrary

Gran is banned for not having a sexy avatar to gawk at (or really any avatar at all).

Mark is banned for interrupting me.

Anburaid is banned for having a non-sexy avatar that shows emotions like caring about being interrupted when he's clearly on of my endless automotons

Mark is banned for doing the ninja thing to poor, slow Anburaid.

DJ-Bogie is banned for pitying a robot

Mark is banned for not understanding that I just want to be a real boy :D

Anburaid is banned because his nose just grew.

Gran is banned for watching Pinocchio while drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon.

Fortunato is banned for drinking Amontillado.

Spanky the Leprechaun is banned for giving Siggy a whole cask of it.

And for what it's worth, I haven't had a PBR since high school.

Gran Rey is banned for not having one since high school (pops pull tab and takes a swig) Frosty!

Mark Hoover is banned because I don't drink alcohol, especially beer.

gran rey de los mono is banned for not drinking beer. Beer is good for you!

Grand Lodge

Dam right it is Midnight_Angel! But I still have to ban you. So, BANNED!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Madclaw is banned for having a double standard.

Sovereign Court

Charles Scholz is banned because it is taking too long to get up to 160 posts since the last time I hopped in this thread.

Zylphryx is banned for not banning enough banners

Sovereign Court

Mark Hoover is banned for expecting me to take up the banning banners banning slack.

Zylphryx is banned for failing his attempt at alliteration. More "b's" please.

Fortuna is banned for having a b in his bonnet.

Spanky is banned because your mother.

GoatToucher is banned because Spanky's mother was a saint! St. Slappy of the Ukraine, patron saint of bacon and spam. Then she became a fry cook somewhere in Los Angeles...

Fortuna is banned for forgetting that his mother was known as Typhoid Mary.

DJ-Bogie is banned for never having his turntable

Mark Hoover is banned for wearing purple pants.

gran rey de los mono is banned for peeking at Mark Hoover's pants.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Angel is banned because I am grumpy because my county just banned fireworks for tomorrow.

Charles Scholz is banned for BWG (Banning While Grumpy).

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

gran is banned because I don't care what he thinks. I am still GRUMPY! ;(

Charles Scholz is banned for being the representative in this thread of a terrible county government. That stinks dude...

Mark Hoover is banned for mentioning Charles' odor.

Gran rey is banned for obsessing about odor.

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