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Charles Scholz is banned for brewing up trouble.

Geistlinger is banned for making a pun.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Azten is banned because he beat me to the punch.

Charles is banned for making a slightly more subtle pun.

Azten is banned because he who would pun would pick a pocket.


Kelsey MacAilbert is banned for using coloquial English: try to be more inclusive next time. :P

Kelsey is banned for denigrating the morals of punsters.

Darksmokepuncher is banned for posting in the five seconds between me hitting "preview" and "submit post." Quick ninja!

Kavren Stark wrote:

Kelsey is banned for denigrating the morals of punsters.

Darksmokepuncher is banned for posting in the five seconds between me hitting "preview" and "submit post." Quick ninja!

Stark is banned because his name is Krats Nervak spelled backward. Clearly it is a rip off of Krats Nervak.

Carl is Banned, I don't have a reason to ban him because I don't need one.

DJ-Bogie is banned for having an ambiguous gender.

Kelsey MacAilbert is banned for eyeing DJ-Bogie lasciviously.

Geistlinger is banned for drawing unwarranted inferences from Kelsey's reason for banning DJ-Bogie.

Stark is banned because he probably doesn't want to know my intentions.

Silver Crusade

Kelsey is banned for not making her intentions known.

Nightskies is banned for not going back and rereading my previous post.

Kelsey is banned for questioning my gender. While eyeball anatomy is gender neutral, the dna and bad habits are all dude.

DJ-Bogie is banned for assuming it to be obvious. It was like a dismembered Vaarsuvius.

Kelsey is banned because there is a 0.00001% chance she might play an RPG race that I don't approve of. :)

Silver Crusade

Miss Kitty is BANNED for being not approving of ALL RPG races!

Miss Kitty is banned for believing I would ever do such a thing. Tieflings, elves, and catfolk forever!

McGee is banned because I refuse to ban him.

Silver Crusade

Kelsey isn't banned for refusing to not give Chubbs what he doesn't deserve. But she is banned.

Nightskies is banned for using (however cleverly)a quadruple negative.
4 wrongs do not make a wright.

Silver Crusade

DJ-Bogie is banned for always sticking his eye in threads.

Sovereign Court

Chubbs McGee is banned for longing for his missing eye and taking it out on DJ-Bogie.

Zylphryx is banned for not knowing the whole story.

Chubbs McGee once on a dark,sad,day tried to use DJ-Bogie as a replacement eye...

That almost tore the fabric of the space-time continuum

Silver Crusade

@stroVal is banned for setting fire to the sofa!

McGee is banned for disliking holy fire.

Silver Crusade

Banning Kelsey for bringing up alignment again.

Nightskies is banned for reminding me that my truck needs a front end alignment. Right now my truck is chaotic neutral, it does whatever it feels like.

Silver Crusade

DJ-Bogie is banned because his eye is blood-shot and he was obviously out all night raving and taking recreation eye drops!

Chubbs McGee is banned for complaining about blood-shot eyes... while having blood red eyes himself.

Sovereign Court

Midnight_Angel is banned for rubbing in the fact that Chubbs has only ONE blood red eye, not two (or more) as the use of the plural suggests. Show some compassion for the disfigured and horribly maimed teddy bear that no child will likely ever want to play with again, leaving it to seethe in its anger and rage in a pocket of loneliness and isolation forever and ever and ... oops.

zylphryx is banned for talking until he's purple in the face.

Zylphryx is banned because he's right...this all evokes a tragic story
that I bore witness to and I now must relay to all of you.

Geistlinger is banned because of a time traveling and posting accident.

Be warned the following accounts events of despair and deep seeded anti-social psychosis:

I always suspected McGee was probably a hugging, smiling teddy,blissfully unaware of his own programming...before all went wrong in his fluffy life

His early life was a web of lies deceit and darkness after his first child owner died..
I psychically set fire on the couch(and a passing Kelsey mistook it as divine magic) that day because I thought the distraction would allow Chubbs to escape his sad existence as a toy for augmented hacker kids; but the universe has a strange sense of humor.
Alas he was too depressed to escape and my failed attempt proved to further his punishment by the masters...

He is now off course more maddened by grief than ever.

The hacker kids are long dead(a ramen noodles accident that I have no illusions to doubt was caused by him)

The bear hunts down unprotected children - with a knack for nerdy things- through his various net accounts and crashes their hopes and dreams mirroring his own experiences of betrayal and abandonment.He also jaywalks...

Chubbs if you are reading this; I'm sorry

Woody the Runner is after you now...

Silver Crusade

Banned: @stroVal
Reasons: Burning a teddy bear
Addendum: Arcane fire can be considered holy. It was destroying an evil couch, wasn't it?

Nightskies is banned because in the world we live in there is no good or evil.

EEExcept corporations and SOPA/PIPA; those are evil...and governments and Japanese assassins with mad cyborg hound dogs...but other than that, yeah no evil.

Plus it was pyrokinesis not magic(no dnd arguments that its the same thing re-fluffed or I'll force choke the lot of ya)
or not..

@stroVal is banned for paranoid delusions. Just because you are paranoid does not mean they care about you.

DJ-Bogie is banned for playing internet psychologist.

Spanky the Leprechaun is banned because he obviously needs a psychologist -- and preferably not just an internet one.

Kavren Stark is banned because....."YOU DON'T KNOW ME, MAN!!!"

Spanky is banned because I am not playing internet psychologist, I am playing internet whacko.

Starfinder Superscriber

DJ-Bogie is banned for playing whacko with himself.

DJEternalDarkness is banned for implying that DJ-Bogie has been playing with himself.

Midnight_Angel is banned for clarifying matters that should be left unspoken..Nobody needs that mental image!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

DJED and Midnight Angel are banned for not warning people to put on their goggles.

@stroVal is banned because I did not refresh before posting.

Charles Scholz is banned for being ninja'ed by a guy who glows in the dark.

Silver Crusade

Geistlinger is banned for daring ban a victim of a ninja. He has had it bad enough already.


Nightskies is banned for hiding the smoke. You just postponing the punch...

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Darksmokepuncher is banned for using his name as part of his ban.

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