Carl Cascone |

Kelsey is banned for denigrating the morals of punsters.
Darksmokepuncher is banned for posting in the five seconds between me hitting "preview" and "submit post." Quick ninja!
Stark is banned because his name is Krats Nervak spelled backward. Clearly it is a rip off of Krats Nervak.

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Midnight_Angel is banned for rubbing in the fact that Chubbs has only ONE blood red eye, not two (or more) as the use of the plural suggests. Show some compassion for the disfigured and horribly maimed teddy bear that no child will likely ever want to play with again, leaving it to seethe in its anger and rage in a pocket of loneliness and isolation forever and ever and ... oops.

@stroVal |

Zylphryx is banned because he's right...this all evokes a tragic story
that I bore witness to and I now must relay to all of you.
Geistlinger is banned because of a time traveling and posting accident.
I always suspected McGee was probably a hugging, smiling teddy,blissfully unaware of his own programming...before all went wrong in his fluffy life
His early life was a web of lies deceit and darkness after his first child owner died..
I psychically set fire on the couch(and a passing Kelsey mistook it as divine magic) that day because I thought the distraction would allow Chubbs to escape his sad existence as a toy for augmented hacker kids; but the universe has a strange sense of humor.
Alas he was too depressed to escape and my failed attempt proved to further his punishment by the masters...
He is now off course more maddened by grief than ever.
The hacker kids are long dead(a ramen noodles accident that I have no illusions to doubt was caused by him)
The bear hunts down unprotected children - with a knack for nerdy things- through his various net accounts and crashes their hopes and dreams mirroring his own experiences of betrayal and abandonment.He also jaywalks...
Chubbs if you are reading this; I'm sorry
Woody the Runner is after you now...

@stroVal |

Nightskies is banned because in the world we live in there is no good or evil.
EEExcept corporations and SOPA/PIPA; those are evil...and governments and Japanese assassins with mad cyborg hound dogs...but other than that, yeah no evil.
Plus it was pyrokinesis not magic(no dnd arguments that its the same thing re-fluffed or I'll force choke the lot of ya)
or not..