Heaven's Agent |

I've come across a rather interesting conflict in information, and it's got me wondering where in the nation of Andoran is the city of Oregent truly located.
Both the Campaign Setting and Andoran, Spirit of Liberty describe the Candlestone Caverns as being located east of Oregent. Spirit of Liberty goes so far to say the caves lie "just to the east" of the settlement. This would place the city in the Aspodell Mountains, which is supported by the community's described proximity to a silver mine.
However, when looking at the maps of Andoran provided in both sources, not only do the Candlestone Caverns not appear to the east of Oregent, but they are over 330 miles to the northwest. The maps show the city in the relative center of the Andoran, south of Olfden. A search on the boards show that this was brought up at least once before, but somewhere along the way the posts were lost.

Heaven's Agent |

IIRC, it's in the Darkmoon Vale area. If you can find Falcon's Hollow, Droskar's Crag, or Almas on the map, it should be somewhere around there.
I'd point out exactly where, but I'm not with my books at the moment.
(unless I'm thinking of Olfden....damn)
That's the problem; maps show Oregent directly south of the region you describe, but the text descriptions place the city elsewhere. Which is correct, map or text?

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Kyle Baird wrote:Nope you need something even harder to get. One of Joshua Frost's locks of hair.Doug Doug wrote:a lock of Jason Bulmahn's hair?Karui Kage wrote:*casts Summon Mark Moreland*Did you forget the material component?
Pffft. SKR's hair is where the money is at.