NeonCon 2010, Las Vegas

Local Play

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Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Open call for GMs to run Pathfinder Society events for NeonCon 2010. If you are interested please contact Rene Ayala at I am looking for 3 additional GMs.

Go to for more information about the convention.

NeonCon 2010, Las Vegas NV, Nov 4th - 7th.

Vegas, baby!


Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Rene Ayala wrote:

Open call for GMs to run Pathfinder Society events for NeonCon 2010. If you are interested please contact Rene Ayala at I am looking for 3 additional GMs.

Go to for more information about the convention.

NeonCon 2010, Las Vegas NV, Nov 4th - 7th.

Vegas, baby!


The judge slots are filled. Go to for information on attending.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

When do you expect to have an events listing for NeonCon? I'm torn between attending it and (the much closer) Pentacon. My decision is going to hang largely on events offered at each.

The Exchange 5/5

With there be a unique PFS Special at NeonCon like last year?

No, they're running Year of the Shadow Lodge.

The Exchange 5/5

So this "year of the Shadow Lodge" like a Gencon Special? Some places say they are running it, but I can't find a "code" for it...

The Year of the Shadow Lodge is the special event for this season and any event that can muster at least three tables need only ask me for it and I'll give it to them.

The Exchange 5/5

*Email request sent*

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Exile - the games will be posted on Friday at They'll get posted on sometime soon after. I'm excited about the schedule. I hope the games offered helps convince you to attend NeonCon. :)

Doug - as you read we're running the Shadow Lodge special. If you attend would you mind if I work with the Las Vegas to put your table location on the bus tour stops? People might want to see and take pictures of a 5-star GM. :P Hope to see you there.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

I will be at NeonCon this year, but I have no idea what my schedule looks like right now. I see you have all your GMs, so it looks like I get to play a few slots. :)

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Adam Daigle wrote:
I will be at NeonCon this year, but I have no idea what my schedule looks like right now. I see you have all your GMs, so it looks like I get to play a few slots. :)

Adam - When you start getting your schedule together please let me know what Pathfinder Society slots you'd like to run, if any. I have judges running most of the weekend. I would certainly give up a couple of my GM slots to make room for you. I'm sure another judge or two would do the same. Just let me know.

For all - I have the minimum judges needed to cover slots but if you want to run Pathfinder Society at NeonCon please post it here. I won't turn away judges just as I wouldn't turn away players.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

NeonCon 2010 (Nov 4 - 7) schedule is up at Go to to register to attend the show. The warhorn site is for information and pre-mustering only.

Here is the summary of the games.


Pathfinder Society Classic
PSS#01: Silent Tide
PSS#55: The Infernal Vault
PSS#46: Eyes of the Ten—Part I: Requiem for the Red Raven

Pathfinder Society Classic
PSS#03: Murder on the Silken Caravan
PSS#29: The Devil We Know—Part I: Shipyard Rats
PSS#56: The Jester's Fraud

Pathfinder Society Classic
PSS#2-01: Before the Dawn—Part I: The Bloodcove Disguise
PSS#04: The Frozen Fingers of Midnight
PSS#30: The Devil We Know—Part II: Cassomir's Locker

Pathfinder Society Classic
PSS#2-02: Before the Dawn—Part II: Rescue at Azlant Ridge
PSS#05: Mists of Mwangi
PSS#41: The Devil We Know—Part III: Crypt of Fools

Pathfinder Society Classic
PSS#2-03: The Rebel's Ransom
PSS#07: Among the Living
PSS#48: The Devil We Know—Part IV: Rules of the Swift
PSS#54: Eyes of the Ten—Part II: The Maze of the Open Road

Pathfinder Society Classic
PSS#2-04: Shadows Fall on Absalom
PSS#2-08: The Sarkorian Prophecy
PSS#35: Voice in the Void

PSS#2-00 - Year of the Shadow Lodge Special

Pathfinder Society Classic
PSS#2-06: The Heresy of Man—Part I: The First Heresy
PSS#2-08: The Sarkorian Prophecy
PSS#49: Among the Dead
PSS#52: The City of Strangers—Part II: The Twofold Demise

Pathfinder Society Classic
PSS#2-05: Eyes of the Ten—Part III: Red Revolution
PSS#2-07: The Heresy of Man—Part II: Where the Dark Things Sleep
PSS#37: The Beggar's Pearl
PSS#50: Fortune's Blight

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Adam Daigle wrote:
I will be at NeonCon this year, but I have no idea what my schedule looks like right now. I see you have all your GMs, so it looks like I get to play a few slots. :)

Adam, if you would like to run at Neoncon please let me know. I have scheduled your scenario to run. It would be fantastic if you have the availability to run it. Much appreciated.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Rene Ayala wrote:
Adam, if you would like to run at Neoncon please let me know. I have scheduled your scenario to run. It would be fantastic if you have the availability to run it. Much appreciated.

I still haven't found out what kind of a schedule I'm on, but if you want, put me down for an afternoon slot and maybe see if someone can cover me if something changes. I still haven't had the chance to run that scenario, so I'm eager to do so.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Adam Daigle wrote:
put me down for an afternoon slot and maybe see if someone can cover me if something changes.

Will do and understood.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I thought #46 was an 8 hour scenario? If you run it at 7:00 PM, you will not be done until 3:00 AM.

I wouldn't mind attending, but have to check my schedule.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Looking forward to attending. This is one of the best conventions of the past year that I attended and I'm really looking forward to returning!


Paizo Employee Director of Games

This does look like a very, very good show. You might just meet some of the most amazing people there.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Good times!

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Dave the Barbarian wrote:

I thought #46 was an 8 hour scenario? If you run it at 7:00 PM, you will not be done until 3:00 AM.

I wouldn't mind attending, but have to check my schedule.

DtB - that is correct. 8-hr scenarios are difficult to schedule. This was the best time because the first Thursday night of any con is a little light on attendees. At least lighter than Friday and definitely Saturday. We'll play as fast as possible I'm hoping a good attentive group is ready to knock it out.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Do you need any more GMs for the Con? I would be willing to run #46 if need be or others on Thursday or Friday?

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Dave the Barbarian wrote:
Do you need any more GMs for the Con? I would be willing to run #46 if need be or others on Thursday or Friday?

DtB - I would like to say yes but in your previous post you said you weren't sure if you're attending. I'm signed up to run it but don't mind letting someone else do it. As I'm the Pathfinder Coorindator this year for Neoncon the more time I can spend organizing and supporting instead of judging the better. Once you're 100% positive you'll attend let me know. It's easier to fill gaps and relieve a GM from many slots instead of scrambling to cover lost GMs.

The Exchange 5/5

I'll be there too! Though running something I'm waiting for an announcement on ! :D


Liberty's Edge 1/5

As soon as I book my travel tomorrow, I will confirm my attendence. I just got done helping JP with a convention here in Denver. I have played almost all of the scenario's, so I would be happy to run a handful instead.


Liberty's Edge 1/5

Travel booked. Flight and hotel covered. Now I just need to register. Does the $60 fee cover all the PFS stuff or do I need to register for each game individually?

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Katharan al-Zawree wrote:


I'll be there too! Though running something I'm waiting for an announcement on ! :D


JP - what announcement are you waiting for? if you mean looking for GMs I made that announcement in this thread a while ago.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Dave the Barbarian wrote:
Travel booked. Flight and hotel covered. Now I just need to register. Does the $60 fee cover all the PFS stuff or do I need to register for each game individually?

The $60 covers everything in convention, including Pathfinder Society. If there are non-RPG events that require an additional cost/fee it will be noted in the appropriate listing on

The Exchange 5/5

Rene Ayala wrote:
JP - what announcement are you waiting for? if you mean looking for GMs I made that announcement in this thread a while ago.

... Waiting on Doug... ;)


Grand Lodge 4/5

Anyone else out there bringing there 12th level to Neoncon? They are offering The Eyes of Ten series (or at least all the parts that are out).


Liberty's Edge 1/5

Rene, if you do have a GM need, let me know. Otherwise I am signed up and will enjoy playing many sessions. Thanks!

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Dave the Barbarian wrote:
Rene, if you do have a GM need, let me know. Otherwise I am signed up and will enjoy playing many sessions. Thanks!

DtB - I could absolutely use your help. Please go to Register to participate in the site. Sign up for the slots you want to play/GM. For GM'ing, please note which slots need a judge. I have a limited number of tables running. Let's fill the gaps first before having multiple judges signed up for a slot running only one table.

Registration here if for the sign-ups only. It is not Neoncon registration.

Much appreciated.

Scarab Sages

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

This does look like a very, very good show. You might just meet some of the most amazing people there.

I look forward to having time to meet and talk with people at this one.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I am looking forward to meeting you Owen. This will be an awesome convention!

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

(Since I don't know the best place to post a general non-PFS specific NeonCon thread, I'll just glom on to this one....)

There is a really good chance of mister Brandon Hodge and I running the Green Blood on a Black Rock event we did at PaizoCon (originally created by the mighty Mike Kortes). I'll post more as I know it.

4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Arizona—Tucson

I'm running a table of "Classic Pathfinder" Thursday night at the Con. If you've already played The Infernal Vault (the other Society scenario in that slot), let me know which scenarios you'd enjoy most and I'll make one happen! (Since I prefer to have the right minis handy, I'd appreciate feedback about which older scenarios are most needed by the gamers in the Las Vegas area.)

The Exchange 5/5

I will be running Playtest-Preview of our new World of Akos Organized Play campaign, including a good ol' interactive (with clear and direct campaign consequences, even this early on) on Friday Evening. I am putting the final touches to the Character Generation rules.

@Owen, some of SGG's stuff will be allowed in our campaign. (we just loved your stuff so much!)

Lead Developer,
Lost Ages Entertainment

Grand Lodge 4/5

Sir_Wulf wrote:

I'm running a table of "Classic Pathfinder" Thursday night at the Con. If you've already played The Infernal Vault (the other Society scenario in that slot), let me know which scenarios you'd enjoy most and I'll make one happen! (Since I prefer to have the right minis handy, I'd appreciate feedback about which older scenarios are most needed by the gamers in the Las Vegas area.)

@Sir Wulf,

I am still looking to play No. 38 "No Plunder, No Pay" and No. 40 "Hall of Drunken Heros". One of those two would be great for Thursday night.


The Exchange 5/5

Natertot wrote:
Sir_Wulf wrote:

I'm running a table of "Classic Pathfinder" Thursday night at the Con. If you've already played The Infernal Vault (the other Society scenario in that slot), let me know which scenarios you'd enjoy most and I'll make one happen! (Since I prefer to have the right minis handy, I'd appreciate feedback about which older scenarios are most needed by the gamers in the Las Vegas area.)

@Sir Wulf,

I am still looking to play No. 38 "No Plunder, No Pay" and No. 40 "Hall of Drunken Heros". One of those two would be great for Thursday night.


No 40 is especially fun at a bar .. but I know most gamers wouldn't wanna do that hehe

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I agree. Number 38 or #40 would be great.


Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Hyrum or Mark, I am prepared to send the GM list to have the scenarios available in the GM's download page. I don't have your email address. And need to know who I send it to.

4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Arizona—Tucson

Natertot wrote:

I am still looking to play No. 38 "No Plunder, No Pay" and No. 40 "Hall of Drunken Heros". One of those two would be great for Thursday night.


If a guy comes all the way from Gotham to play, I'd better give him one of the scenarios he wants! Since I always enjoy Mighty Tim Hitchcock's scenarios, I'll prep Hall of Drunken Heroes.

Yr. Obd't. Servant,
James MacKenzie

Grand Lodge 4/5

Sir_Wulf wrote:
Natertot wrote:

I am still looking to play No. 38 "No Plunder, No Pay" and No. 40 "Hall of Drunken Heros". One of those two would be great for Thursday night.


If a guy comes all the way from Gotham to play, I'd better give him one of the scenarios he wants! Since I always enjoy Mighty Tim Hitchcock's scenarios, I'll prep Hall of Drunken Heroes.

Yr. Obd't. Servant,
James MacKenzie

Very Cool James!



Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Did I hear, game at the bar???

I know last year, one of the great things about the place the con was held, was that you could carry your drinks up to and into the gaming hall.

What is the tropicana's policy?

I should be there Thursday night and would love to get into the game.


Natertot wrote:
Sir_Wulf wrote:
Natertot wrote:

I am still looking to play No. 38 "No Plunder, No Pay" and No. 40 "Hall of Drunken Heros". One of those two would be great for Thursday night.


If a guy comes all the way from Gotham to play, I'd better give him one of the scenarios he wants! Since I always enjoy Mighty Tim Hitchcock's scenarios, I'll prep Hall of Drunken Heroes.

Yr. Obd't. Servant,
James MacKenzie

Very Cool James!



Dark Archive

I was hoping I could get some info by those in the know by posting my questions here, since I haven't been able to verify too much on the Neoncon main web page.

My name is Ian Eastmond, I live in Las Vegas, and Neoncon 2010 will be my first gaming convention ever. I signed up for PFS organized play a long time ago, but I have never been able to attend any games, so I will be registering and bringing 1-2 first level characters for PFS organized play.

I would have gotten into this sooner, but I wanted to make sure that I had all the days off from work approved before buying my tickets, which I will be buying this Friday 10/8/10.

I plan on splitting my time between doing as many PFS scenarios as I can (since it's my first time I want to Play Play Play) and also attending other Pathfinder / Paizo events and CreativeU.

That being said, if I want to sign up to play a game, do I do that here, on the Neoncon site, or the warhorn site? Do I need to make sure I've pre-registered before planning to play anything, or will there be any space available at show-time for some of the scenarios?

Thanks in advance,
Ian Eastmond

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Ian - great to hear it! You'll have a fantastic time.

What you need to do is register and buy a badge through the site. When you're done there go to to sign up for games. You'll need to create an account there, its free, and choose what you want to play. Be mindful of the tiers. Since you're 1st level you'll want to choose scenarios that support Tier 1-2. My recommendation is to choose your games along three paths I've set up.

Show Paths:
Path #1: Season 0 scenarios - Play right through 'classic' Pathfinder Society starting with #1. You'll move to 3, 4, 5, & 7. Then you jump to season #2 with 35 (a sequel to #5), then join us for the Shadow Lodge Special (it's an interactive you'll not want to miss), then it's #49 (a sequel to #7) and last 37 (run by the author). These can be played in any order to fit your convention schedule. Drop into a game when ever you like.

Path #2: Storylines - This starts with #29 on Friday afternoon. If you're attending on Thursday as well you can play #1 or #55. Friday morning you can play #3. Then the series starts with #29. Move through the 4-part series with #'s 30, 41, & 48. Play the Shadow Lodge Special on Saturday night. A new series starts with #'s 51 & 52, and end the con with #37. I'd recommend #50 as the last scenario but that starts at a higher tier than I think you can reach given the schedule you mentioned.

Path #3: A bit of all things - Start with #1 or #55 if you're attending on Thursday. On Friday morning play #3. Then the new stuff with 2-01 & 2-02. Jump back to season 1 with #35 and hop to season 2 with #49 (with the Special in the middle) and finish with #37.

All Paths are interchangeable to fit your schedule. Hope something here works for you. Post here as often as you need to get your questions answered.


4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Arizona—Tucson

Ian wrote:
My name is Ian Eastmond, I live in Las Vegas, and Neoncon 2010 will be my first gaming convention ever. I signed up for PFS organized play a long time ago, but I have never been able to attend any games, so I will be registering and bringing 1-2 first level characters for PFS organized play.

Welcome, Ian!

I'm not in charge of anything, but I'll be running a few tables at the 'con and look forward to meeting you.

Ian wrote:
That being said, if I want to sign up to play a game, do I do that here, on the Neoncon site, or the warhorn site? Do I need to make sure I've pre-registered before planning to play anything, or will there be any space available at show-time for some of the scenarios?

For Pathfinder Society games, sign yourself up on This will let the people in charge can estimate how many tables are needed for each scenario. Don't worry if a scenario looks overbooked: With enough warning, we can make room, recruiting more GMs for that session.

Some other activities, such as Iron DM or the seminars, may fill up entirely. You'll want to sign up for them as soon as possible.

Dark Archive

Thanks a ton guys! I can't wait for this.

I will make sure I get everything set up ASAP and if I have any questions I'll be sure to let you know.

See you there!

Dark Archive 3/5

Ian, I'm a old Living Grayhawk player that is hoping to start playing Pathfinder (with a 1st lvl character) at neoncon.

I signed up for "path 1" as mentioned by Rene with the exception of module #1 (which has noone signed up) and I don't see your name. Quite a few of the mods listed do not yet have sufficient people signed up/pre-mustered to make legal tables so I sure hope you are still planning on making it.

Cheers and hope to see you there,

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Hi Brighten - pre-mustering is not a 100% view of players interested in Pathfinder Society, or any game for that matter. Best advice I can give is sign up for the game you want to play. Mostly likely we'll get enough players for the scenario to run. In my experience walk-in players allow us to fill many seats. Perhaps even other players are holding off seeing a table isn't legal. Being the first to sign up could be the catalyst for others to sign up to play.

See you there.


Dark Archive

Brighten Miller wrote:

Ian, I'm a old Living Grayhawk player that is hoping to start playing Pathfinder (with a 1st lvl character) at neoncon.

I signed up for "path 1" as mentioned by Rene with the exception of module #1 (which has noone signed up) and I don't see your name. Quite a few of the mods listed do not yet have sufficient people signed up/pre-mustered to make legal tables so I sure hope you are still planning on making it.

Cheers and hope to see you there,

I just registered for the convention this past Saturday and still haven't completed my character (plus I spend most of my off-time GM-ing for my gaming group, so actually getting to play will be great) or registered it on this site; once that is done I will start pre-mustering for the games I know I will not want to miss, but considering I haven't seen a workshop schedule yet I'm not 100% sure what I'm going to do.

So many choices!

Speaking of choices, I have narrowed my PFS character down to the basic mechanics, I just need to buy gear and work up a background. My job is very demanding so I will probably start pre-mustering this coming Friday.

Cheers, and likewise!


EDIT: That all being said, I am set on pre-mustering for #1 and will be there on Thursday, so I hope that gives a better picture of how I plan on starting out, and I will definitely not be missing Year of the Shadow Lodge.

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