[Cavalier] "Order of the Lion" question.

Product Discussion

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Can a sitting monarch remain a member of the "Order of the Lion"? ... or would that free the character from too many restrictions?

Liberty's Edge

i had the same question for an npc i'm making. id say that an npc should not have the class as it seems to be about subservience and following a trusted leader but i wouldn't make a player change if they became a sovereign unless they wanted too. i would rule it that a player changes the edict to protecting the kingdom and his own rule. that would mean making hard sacrifices to preserve the kingdom itself over the people and if need be the player's own life. puts a bit more responsibility on the person to preserve the aristocracy and his lineage but without making it selfish like order of the hammer or cockatrice

The restrictions are not necessary for balance. Even without them a cavalier is not one of the top martials.

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Throughout much of history, a reigning monarch is viewed as a "vassal of God". Most kingdoms in Europe claim divine right to rule. In Asia, especially China and Japan, it's "Mandate of Heaven". If a lower-ranked cavalier swears to his Lord, and the Lord swears to his King, then the King, in turn, swears to his deity.

This situation is one in which I'd recommend just eliminating the Edict restrictions (or, more specifically, eliminate the "falling" mechanic). It makes the whole class run more smoothly, and you'll get in to fewer arguments (how many Paladin thread would there be if the "fall" mechanism weren't there?)

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