Did you make it to the promised land safe Yoda?

Paizo General Discussion

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Wait? What the Hell? Yoda left NYC?

Who the hell is going to represent Pathfinder at the NYC D&D Meetups now!?!

In all seriousness though, congratz on the new gig Yoda.

So does this mean you have more or less time now to tidy up those continuity errors in the Pathfinder Wiki? ;)
I suppose for the immediate future they have you chained to a map trying to figure out if Piren's Bluff or Perin's Bluff will be official in 1.5 of the Campaign Setting? :)

Hmm, congratulations again.

SunshineGrrrl wrote:

Yay! The rest of us will actually have a chance next PaizoCon!

Prior to his hiring, he was forcefully retired from my event.

Dark Archive

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Yoda was forcefully retired.

But he is still available as a pdf at the Paizo store.

Shadow Lodge

Hey dude, congrats!

Dark Archive

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Be sure and pick out a unique avatar with less facial scarring and more eyeballs.

Yoda granted half your wish !

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
SunshineGrrrl wrote:

Yay! The rest of us will actually have a chance next PaizoCon!
Prior to his hiring, he was forcefully retired from my event.

Sounds painful.

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Be sure and pick out a unique avatar with less facial scarring and more eyeballs.
Yoda granted half your wish !

Mark's a lot peppier than that mite. Unless they've found a way to wear him out in record time! (Or tied to J. Frost's post above.)

Let's see if he starts granting art wishes. ::Closes eyes tight, clicks heels, mutters to self::

Hmm, actually having occasionally been pestering Paizo (or a least James Jacobs) for Paizo to make an appointment like this I wonder if (getting carried away for a moment with delusions of power and influence way above my own actual mediocrity because I purely coincidentally actually had a sensible idea for once at the same time as others evidently did) I could now get Sebastian to join the Paizo team as their corporate lawyer???
And would it benefit Paizo by as much?
Would it make sense????
Okay, carry on with the plaudits here, and I'll take myself off to my own little fantasy realm to plan and plot my next move... ;)


So prior to the blog going up with all the details, anyone care to speculate on what he's actually going to be doing, official job title, etc?

Rent bo... ;)

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Todd Stewart wrote:
So prior to the blog going up with all the details, anyone care to speculate on what he's actually going to be doing, official job title, etc?

It doesn't take much guessing to figure that out, but what the job entails will just have to wait!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Mark Moreland wrote:
...what the job entails will just have to wait!

Entrails. The word you're looking for is "entrails."

Trust me.

Adam Daigle wrote:
And practice your editing chops by changing 'safe' in the thread title to 'safely'.

That's an interesting case. It's close to a proleptic epithet because the modifier doesn't really apply until after the action of the verb is completed. My Vergil book gives examples "bake the bread brown" and "drain the pond dry," though those are transitive verbs.

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