Raging Hobbit |

Bought the feat and started looking at certain ideas for new magic items. Came up with Bracers of Protection from Evil. The spell would be continuous giving it a Base Price of 4000g (CL 1 SL 1). This might seem a little too powerful for some (2000g and you get +2 AC, rerolls on charm attacks, immunity from evil summoned creatures, nevermind restricting it for discount). How can I make this item more fair. If I increse the caster level by one it double the price and time to make the item, and it doesn't really seem worth it (4000g for a magic item that is useless against plants, animals and neutral/good enemies).
What to do?

xiN |

The best part about Protection from Evil is that it makes you immune to mind control (the extra save is only when you cast Protection from Evil when you are being mind controlled already). Since you are going to be wearing this the whole time its safe to assume things will never dominate you or whatever.
The protection vs summoned creatures is just a bonus. The +2 AC and save is nice but once you get to about level 7-8 they wont stack with your cloak of resistance or your ring of protection.
Still this is a great item if we can make it work. Lets use something else as a refence. Seeker of Secrets has an Ioun stone, the Clear Spindle one. When you insert it into a wayfinder and you carry the wayfinder around (backpack), it grants you:
"Sustains creature without food or water"
"Protection from possession and mental control (as protection from evil)"
Stone costs 4000gp and the wayfinder costs 500gp. So it gives you the best part about Protection from Evil for only 4000gp, and this is not in a body slot. It also gives you what a ring of sustenance kinda gives you, I would value that at about 500gp.
So what is the value of Protection from evil (mind control only):
4500 gp
- 500 ( thats the sustenance part, a conservative guess)
/ 2 ( doesnt use item slot )
= 2000gp more or less
At least thats what Paizo thinks is fair. A barbarian in my campaign has this wayfinder and ioun stone. It has saved him a LOT of times. They went up against vampires and he couldnt be dominated. Extremely useful.
So your item seems fine I think. Just dont argue with your DM about it being circumstantially useful since it doesnt work against plants, animals, and non-evil. It will work against almost everything you want it to work against. Very few things that have mental control are non-evil.