Honest Fineal |

Well, just posting to say I've finally added a background to my sheet. If you need to ask me any questions about it, just contact me at
EDIT: Looking over the other characters in the recruitment thread, this will be an interesting party. At least two people who hate/are hated by hypercorps, and I help hock their wares.

Lorm Dragonheart |

Good luck with that Seeker. I have had posts eaten by the infamous and much hated Postmonster, but I have never been shut out of entire threads. Only similar problem I had was when edit would not let me create an avatar until the next day.

Davi The Eccentric |

Hey, just some random GM advice, but
"Are you a complete idiot? Why haven't you plugged in your umbilical?"
The vac-suited driver points to an unobtrusive panel in the car's floor. It sprouts what you had first assumed to be wires, though on closer examination you notice they must in fact be hoses.
Isn't the existence of an air tank for use during extended journeys the kind of thing you'd tell the player was there when he got into the buggy? You know, since the character in question is an observant engineer who's been living in the outer system for several years and the person playing him, well, isn't. This just comes off like you're making false tension.
(Like I said, just offering advice, not an insult. Please don't toss Fineal out an airlock into the void for revenge.)

Ellipsis |

Hey, just some random GM advice, but
Storyteller wrote:"Are you a complete idiot? Why haven't you plugged in your umbilical?"
The vac-suited driver points to an unobtrusive panel in the car's floor. It sprouts what you had first assumed to be wires, though on closer examination you notice they must in fact be hoses.
Isn't the existence of an air tank for use during extended journeys the kind of thing you'd tell the player was there when he got into the buggy? You know, since the character in question is an observant engineer who's been living in the outer system for several years and the person playing him, well, isn't. This just comes off like you're making false tension.
(Like I said, just offering advice, not an insult. Please don't toss Fineal out an airlock into the void for revenge.)
The vehicle itself is custom, so it is actually not obvious and as you may have noticed, the driver is exactly a friendly fellow. The perception check would have noticed it, but it isn't labeled as such. Don't worry Davi, your drivers are significantly more pleasant.
I want to give the impression that while your mysterious employer is certainly powerful and connected, it isn't some monolithic conspiracy. Some of the people are just like you, for better of worse.

Davi The Eccentric |

The vehicle itself is custom, so it is actually not obvious and as you may have noticed, the driver is exactly a friendly fellow. The perception check would have noticed it, but it isn't labeled as such. Don't worry Davi, your drivers are significantly more pleasant.
I want to give the impression that while your mysterious employer is certainly powerful and connected, it isn't some monolithic conspiracy. Some of the people are just like you, for better of worse.
Oh, the driver's just a complete a**hole. I can deal with it. (Much better than the "Your fighter hasn't urinated in three days, his bladder explodes" sort of thing I thought when I read it, no offense. I've probably just read too many bad DM stories.)

Agamon the Dark |

The vehicle itself is custom, so it is actually not obvious and as you may have noticed, the driver is exactly a friendly fellow. The perception check would have noticed it, but it isn't labeled as such. Don't worry Davi, your drivers are significantly more pleasant.
I want to give the impression that while your mysterious employer is certainly powerful and connected, it isn't some monolithic conspiracy. Some of the people are just like you, for better of worse.
That's kinda what I figured. I had no problem with it, found it kinda funny, actually. :)

Agamon the Dark |

Figured I'd take the ooc talk over here. My thoughts: an operative is in the process of acquiring a person of interest (that would be Savin and Tamahashi). Another needs to be smuggled off of Luna (that would be Taka, he needs to keep a low profile in Luna). Not too sure how Fineal fits in yet.

Davi The Eccentric |

Hey now, I'm just here to sell some valuable thing to some rich fools. Your plots are either connected to one of the rich fools or the mysterious rich people who hired me. I'm pretty sure I'm not the person you're trying to get, and that's only because there are easier ways to kidnap an advertiser with a drug problem.

Davi The Eccentric |

I know your character is not my target, Davi. But the question is, is Fineal really there just to sell goods?
Uh, yes? You don't hire a salesman to kill someone. You hire him to sell things. EDIT: They even told me what I'm selling(sort of) and who I'm selling it to. Trust me, I'm just here to sell something.

Davi The Eccentric |

Yeah, sorry for not posting. I'm kind of loosing steam at the moment. I have no idea what I'm doing has to do with what anyone else is doing, so I don't post, so I still don't know what I have to do with anything, so...
So, yeah. Lost most of my personal will to go on because I'm in a space station apart from the rest of the group, selling some mysterious thing and generally feeling like a loose thread in this tapestry of a game. If I posted more often I'd probably be more connected, but like I said above it's a self-perpetuating cycle. A downward spiral of apathy, if you prefer.

seekerofshadowlight |

I have been lagging behind as well, rl issues for one but another thing is I am bit lost as well. I just am at a lose at what to do really. I didnt make Oliver as a smuggler really but a scavenger. I'll look over the book tonight and see what I can come up with but honestly I am drawing a blank

Ellipsis |

Thanks for being honest guys. I had just about everything planned out, but I think I have paced things a bit too slow. Right now each player is going to have one big solo scene before you all meet up. I'll see if I can reformulate things a little, but what do you guys want to see right now? Please feel free to make any suggestions.