Dorkistan's PFS Play-by-Wave: Slave Pits of Absalom

Local Play

Scarab Sages 2/5

Looking for 4-7 players to participate in an online society game for approximately two months. Players are asked to participate on a regular basis, visiting the wave at least once a day; more often is preferable.

This game takes place online via Goggle Wave. Post here with your society number, character level, and email address to reserve your spot. Your spot isn't reserved until you post to the out-of-character wave (which you will be emailed). The game starts as soon as we have four waveified players, but if you reserve a spot while the first four are still setting up, you can get in.

This is an online event, so the character you use cannot be played in another event until this one finishes. The goal is for this game to wrap up within sixty days of the launch.


Great, I am up for it.

Society number: 2312-1
Character: Farouq
Lvl: 1

can post a couple of times per day during the week no problems, weekends is less (1-2x)

e-mail: or you can use my alternative one where I emailed you

# 9112-1
Character: Nolin Thuendor
Level 1

I should be able to post 3-4 times or more 85% of the time. 1-2 times the other 15%.

I sent you an email which you can reply to, I'd prefer to keep mine off public forums.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Renard, the Fox
Wizard 1

This is my second society character. I can be very consistent in my postings. Sending you my email now. Looks like fun!

The Fox

Grand Lodge 1/5

Actually, it appears I might be able to run my rogue after all. So Character would be #14799-01 Rico Gustavo Marinara, Rogue 1.

Renard, the Fox wrote:


Renard, the Fox
Wizard 1

This is my second society character. I can be very consistent in my postings. Sending you my email now. Looks like fun!

The Fox


Do we have someone who can heal?

Grand Lodge 1/5

Not yet that I can see.

PeteZero wrote:
Do we have someone who can heal?

Dark Archive

I'm game. I know Rico/Renard IRL so we can bug each other if one of us forgets to check in.

Society # 18774-1
Summoner 1

Sending you my email address.


Brrrr, not good.

Renard, the Fox wrote:

Not yet that I can see.

PeteZero wrote:
Do we have someone who can heal?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 ****

15001 - 4
Griff - Barbarian 1

Scarab Sages

I can Heal. Oracle 1

I need to figure out what google wave is and how to use it, before i fully join in. I've never used it, or played online.

Wave seems like a pretty nice medium so far. It is like a real time forum.

The party certainly could use a healer.

Scarab Sages 2/5

We currently have three locked-in players:

Farouq (barbarian)
Nolin (rogue)
Renard (sorcerer)

Nazarius (and anyone else trying to play) needs to create his character sheet wave soon in order to secure their slot.

@Griff (AxeMurder0): You should have an invite in your inbox to join the wave. You can follow the instructions there to get set up.

@Emontague: Here's a good definition of google wave, but the short version is that it's a combined forum/chat room/email interface. We use it more-or-less like a PbP forum, except the editing capabilities are more versatile. If you'd like to participate, I need your email address (or you can email me, see my profile).


Cool, a summoner and an oracle, would be great to have you in emontague. And to see how the new classes are, really looking forward to this.

Sovereign Court 2/5

If there's still room, I have a fighter 1, 13658-1, my email is:

Scarab Sages

I will email you

Liberty's Edge

I have a first level wizard ready to play if that is still possible. 18815-1. The email is

Scarab Sages 2/5

bhh39 wrote:
I have a first level wizard ready to play if that is still possible. 18815-1. The email is

Sorry, the table is full.

Scarab Sages 2/5

This game just ended; to my players:

Got any feedback? I'm particularly interested in your thoughts regarding playing over google wave, but any game-related feedback is welcome.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Tom Baumbach wrote:

This game just ended; to my players:

Got any feedback? I'm particularly interested in your thoughts regarding playing over google wave, but any game-related feedback is welcome.

The game was great, well run and fun. The waves worked well, great way to maintain multiple channels of communication at one time. Aren't they supposed to be shutting down Google Wave shortly in favor of something else, though?

Scarab Sages 2/5

Akeela Valerian, the Wolf wrote:
Aren't they supposed to be shutting down Google Wave shortly in favor of something else, though?

I've heard mumblings along these lines, but I don't know. (I'm actually kind of disappointed with wave, which is why I'm seeking feedback.)

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