Summoner Feats Questions

Rules Questions

I'm looking to make a summoner and have questions on his feats.

For 1st level I was looking into spell focus (conjuration) so i could take augment summoning later on.

Does augment summoning work on the edilon?

If so does it stack with Summoner's Call?

Does Summoner's call actually give you an extra summoning of the edilon or just a bonus for the 1st 10 minutes?

Any other good suggestions for a half-ling summoner who likes to be sneaky while his edilon keeps foes busy?

Liberty's Edge

MundinIronHand wrote:

I'm looking to make a summoner and have questions on his feats.

For 1st level I was looking into spell focus (conjuration) so i could take augment summoning later on.

Does augment summoning work on the edilon?

If so does it stack with Summoner's Call?

Does Summoner's call actually give you an extra summoning of the edilon or just a bonus for the 1st 10 minutes?

Any other good suggestions for a half-ling summoner who likes to be sneaky while his edilon keeps foes busy?

1. No augment summon does not affect the eidolon.

2. See #1

3. It functions as a spell like ability that works as described, it does not count against your daily spell slots.

4. If you have the feat to spare pick up go unnoticed and dump into stealth for skill ranks. Maybe pick up a magic item that adds to your stealth skill, they are pretty cheap.

Silver Crusade

Personally, I would let augment summoning work on the Eidolon only if your using the spell to summon it, but not if you use your normal ritual to call it.

Liberty's Edge

Joseph Davis wrote:
Personally, I would let augment summoning work on the Eidolon only if your using the spell to summon it, but not if you use your normal ritual to call it.

This might be fine if in this case you eidolon is no longer exception to things like dispel magic, and protection from XX spells, and anti-magic fields....along with all of the other animal companion like abilities such as links share spells and bonded senses.

So you would have to pretty much reverse engineer the eidolon to the N'th degree to justify this.

Augment Summon is just FAR too powerful to let be applied to your eidolon. The class already dominates turn order at the table, I don't think they need any other favors right now.

Don't mean to sound snarky.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Themetricsystem wrote:

This might be fine if in this case you eidolon is no longer exception to things like dispel magic, and protection from XX spells, and anti-magic fields....along with all of the other animal companion like abilities such as links share spells and bonded senses.

Considering the Summon Eidolon spell expressly states that if the Eidolon is summon in this manner is effected by Dispel Magic and Protection from Evil I think its a safe bet that an anti-magic field would surpress it too.

But it is clearly a summon spell in this case, so augment summoning should apply.

Silver Crusade

Yeah, I'm not arguing that the eidolon should get the benefit of the feat in general, only when it's summoned using the spell, which would remove the benefit of the feat "summoner's Call" or whatever it's called.

Summoner had alot of it's "turn domination" removed when it could either have it's eidolon or it's summon monster SLA out, not both. Now, with the Summon Eidolon spell it's possible to have both. At this point, the Summoner technically wouldnt have any more "turn domination" than a Conjuration specialist wizard, a Druid (Animal Companion, SNA spells, and spells like flaming sphere or call lightning), or anyone with Leadership.

Also, I believe Augment Summoning would work for the Summon Monster SLA too, so it's useful for a summoner even if it wouldnt ever work for the eidolon.

I don't think you were being snarky :) As long as people keep it civil, I enjoy a good argument/discussion over rules, keeps the rules interesting.

Maezer, you took the words right out of my mouth, lol.

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