Trample |
My thougts on the first read of these:
Beast Totem: 2 – as a barbarian you’ve got to either focus on armor class and carry a shield, or ignore it. If you’re going to focus on AC, this is pretty good. If not, it pretty mediocre. It is a prerequisite for the greater totem, which gives you pounce.
Beast Totem, Greater: 4 – Pounce is pretty cool. Keep in mind, you don’t have to use claws to take advantage of the full attack at the end of your pounce.
Beast Totem, Lesser: 1- I would only get this as a stepping stone to pounce.
Boasting Taunt: 1 – the language dependency limits this power. How many languages does your barbarian know?
Brawler: 1 – get claws or a weapon.
Brawler, Greater: 1 – take this if you also dipped a level of wizard.
Chaos Totem: 1 – The 25% to ignore criticals is OK, but escape artist? Break those bonds you wimp.
Chaos Totem, Greater: 1 – unless you happen to be fighting a pile of lawful critters in your campaign. If that's the case it could be higher.
Chaos Totem, Lesser: 1 – again, unless you face a horde of lawful guys (which usually arrive in a more orderly fashion than a horde anyway).
Come and Get Me: 3 – you’re gonna need a decent dex and combat reflexes for this one, but if you have those and good damage resistance this is a true berserker’s power against a multitude of weaker opponents.
Disruptive: 1 – not a great choice.
Elemental Rage: 3 – this isn’t a ton of damage, but you get to pick the most appropriate damage each and every time you rage. In addition, it’s one of the few powers that increases damage and is usable more than once per rage. It lasts the whole time every time.
Elemental Rage, Greater: 2 – If you’ve already invested in Elemental Rage and improved critical, pick this up.
Elemental Rage, Lesser: 1 – not particularly exciting, but it does allow you to get Elemental Rage.
Energy Absorption: 1 – This would only work against a single energy type if you already have two questionable powers. Only go down this route if you know you’re going to spend your entire adventuring career on the plane of fire for example.
Energy Eruption: 1 – So, there you are, raging away at 16th level against the nasty white dragon. Lucky for you this fancy power allos you to absorb the entire blast of icy breath as it sweeps over in a hail infused blizzard. The arctic power builds up and you unleash the frosty blast back on your attacker and growl with glee as he… oh… wait.
Energy Resistance: 1 – kinda dull. You max out at DR 10 to one type of energy. C’mon, 10 points doesn’t wake you up!
Energy Resistance, Greater: 1 – I would sooner take a couple levels of rogue for evasion (all or nothing vs. auto half, but this only works against one type of damage).
Ferocious Mount: 2 – If you’re a Halfling this could be fun.
Ferocious Mount, Greater: 3 – your rabid mount could get some cool stuff this way, except you probably used the majority of your powers to get here.
Ferocious Trample: 2 – OK, the rabid wolf can step on people now.
Ferocious Trample, Greater: 3 – if you get this far with your mount you can have some fun.
Fiend Totem: 2 – It isn’t much damage, but it’s always on. This can live nicely with Come and Get Me.
Fiend Totem, Greater: 2- this isn’t bad if you’re fighting neutral critters. It’s great against good critters. It sucks against those critters you’ll tend to run into in most campaigns.
Fiend Totem, Lesser: 3 – Horns – oh yeah.
Flesh Wound: 1 – Any attack that would be worth using this power would have a DC too high for you to hit. Silly.
Good for What Ails You: 2 – I am a believer in the hair of the dog, and do like walking around with a drink in my hand, but not always a drink and a sword. It’s kinda cool though.
Ground Breaker: 2 – if only the DC scaled a bit.
Guarded Life: 3 – this is nice.
Hurling (Ex): 2 – You can throw stuff, or you can charge.
Hurling, Greater: 2 – throw really big stuff.
Hurling, Lesser: 2 – you can add power attack to thrown stuff. Since you do have power attack that can be a good thing.
Hurling Charge: 3 – a bonus attack when charging. I’ll take it.
Inspire Ferocity: 2 – This can be nice if your buddies can afford the AC. Now you can use that high charisma modifier for something.
Knockdown: 3 – this is a nice option on your last iterative attack.
Liquid Courage: 1 – you’re going to spend time drinking when you should be hitting. Drink before battle.
Overbearing Advance: 1 – damage is always nice, but the only reason to get this is as a prerequisite.
Overbearing Onslaught: 4 – this could be heaps of fun against a slew of kobolds.
Reckless Abandon: 4 –What I’m really doing is trading -1 AC for +3 damage since I’m offsetting the power attack modifiers. Now we’re talking. Bump up that DR and go to town.
Roaring Drunk: 1 – not so much
Smasher: 2 – this can be nice with the Ground Breaker power and for those focusing on sunder.
Spellbreaker: 1 – Yeah, you can smash them if they fail. They probably won’t.
Spirit Steed: 2 – You might get it if you already have a rabid mount.
Spirit Totem: 4 – If you’re running around with no AC, the always on 20% miss chance is awesome.
Spirit Totem, Greater: 3 – No, it isn’t much damage, but everyone next to you takes 1d8 automatically and everyone in 15 feet gets attacked. That ain’t bad. It seems every other encounter we have there’s that critter with 1 hit point left. Not anymore.
Spirit Totem, Lesser: 1 – bah. It’s on the path to the other two however.
Staggering Drunk: 1 – funny, when I’m staggering drunk I run into stuff. This helps you avoid stuff.
Witch Hunter: 2 – there are a reasonable number of critters with spell-like abilities.