Nightflier's Midnight - Serve the Dark Lord! (game thread)


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"All hail the Lord of Darkness! All hail that which shall reign forever! All hail the eternal shadow and its mighty tower! All hail Izrador! All shall tremble in the sight of your dread abode — Theros Obsidia the everlasting!" The chant echoes through the twilight halls of the mighty tower that is the house of Lord's spirit. Tall Dorn woman walks to the halls guarded by Legates Martial, in answer to the summons issued by the Matriarch of her future order - Sisters of Tender Mercies. She is unafraid: her faith is strong and her heart is pure. She is the daughter of Izrador and her god is her salvation and the rock upon which her life is built. But still, she cannot help herself but to feel a little trepidation, a little doubt in herself. Why is she called? To come in Theros Obsidia! She is not worthy of such honor. Why then?

She comes to the tall door, carved in the images of tortured elves, and nods to the two beautiful but grim-faced Dorn women standing on each side of the portal. They ignore her. One of them reaches and opens the door. Magni draws a deep breath - and walks in, hearing the door closing after her.

The room is bare. There are no windows or decorations of any kind. Just one white table and the chair behind it. In the chair sits a middle-aged woman with prematurely white hair and great presence and beauty. She is dressed in dark crimson robes and her eyes are of matching color. She looks up from the scroll she was reading and Magni finds herself going numb before her gaze.

"Welcome, daughter. I am Beneficent Mother Alicia, head of the Sisterhood. I hear you want to join us?"

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12

I'll try to post today or tonight. Got my table top game today, and going to see my son's band tonight, but might be able to sneak in some time. Since this is my first post I want it to be a good one. If I don't get there tonight, first thing tomorrow morning for sure

In a dimly lit room somewhere, Shayla sharpens her blades. The scarred flesh around her eyes tight as she concentrates on her task.

Lurking...he he

Human (Romandan)

Dottin! Yeah let the games begin

Male Human (Cheliax) Fighter (Shield Fighter) 1

Sitting in the shadow of the dimly light room, listening to the sharpening of a blade; a fine sound to listen and focus his mind in contemplation of the darkness within and around him.

Female Nagaji Ranger (Shapeshifter 4)

Magni enters the room and immediately falls to her knees, touching her forehead to the ground.

"Greetings Great Mother". "This humble servant of the Dark Lord, only wishes to serve in any way, no matter the cost, to his grand plan". "The order would be a path of great honor to follow, and if the Lord of Pain saw fit to bless me with membership, It would be accepted with great honor and reverence".

"I have done my best to live my life adhering to the tenants of the Sisterhood, and to be allowed a chance to join would fill me with immense pride and joy". "For that honor I freely offer my life, and my soul".

Then keeping her head flat against the stone floor she waits for the Mothers response.

Dark Archive

"You are well spoken, young one. Indeed, our Dark Lord has great plans for you. Welcome to the sisterhood. You will be instructed in your duty presently." She offers you a scroll with list of names. "These are the names of several persons. I wish you to talk with them and discern if they are faithful servants of our Lord. If so, you will chose among them and gather them to hunt our enemies." She points to the door. "I have already summoned them. They are in the rooms down the hall. Each is alone. Talk to the guards outside. They will lead you to the person you wish to question. Now you may go."

Male Sword Mother Orc Fighter 3

A massive suit of black steel armour stands in the centre of a room, hundreds of runes carved into it's surface catching what little light is available. A backpack sits at the figure's feet and the pommel of huge sword rises from above its right shoulder.
The only sign that of life in the room is a slight rise and fall of the shoulders as Kanok breathes, waiting patiently for his next orders.

Female Nagaji Ranger (Shapeshifter 4)

Magni steps outside the room, and glares at the guards. "Take me to first candidate" she commands.

Intimidate (1d20+10=16)

Dark Archive

"Look at your list, and tell us to whom you wish to be taken."

Male Sword Mother Orc Fighter 3

A massive figure seems to take up most of the space in the small room in which it stands. Plates of blackened steel, each engraved with hundreds of occult symbols completely cover it's body and only by looking quite closely could you see the shoulders rising and falling as Kanok breathe.

As you approach the door, you can feel a slight rise in the temperature of the air. The guard reaches for the handle to open it, back pulls it away quickly with a start.

"It's warm!" he exclaims. This is surprising considering the coolness of the hallway. A faint smell of cooked pork can be detected coming from the gap below the door. A second guard pushes the first out of the way.

"Don't be a pussy!" he barks as he grabs the handle and opens the door. Inside the dark room sits a figure. Two flames flicker where the eyes would be, and as the door swings wider, the light reveals that the figure is a woman. Eyes can be seen within the flames. The flesh around the eyes is burn-scarred as well as some slashes on the left side of her face. Her head is shaved except for a stripe of white hair that runs down the centerline of her head from forehead to occiput. She wears a skin tight blackened mithril shirt with no sleeves. Her muscular arms are covered in ritual scars usually only found on orcs, depicting her various kills. A large hand-and-a-half sword lies across her lap, and a Fulminating Shield against the wall next to her. When the light fully reveals her features, the fires in her eyes dim, but they still appear bright embedded in the scarred flesh. She may have been quite beautiful once. Her full lips part as she smiles, revealing a row of perfectly strait teeth.


Female Nagaji Ranger (Shapeshifter 4)
Kanok Steelbrother wrote:

A massive figure seems to take up most of the space in the small room in which it stands. Plates of blackened steel, each engraved with hundreds of occult symbols completely cover it's body and only by looking quite closely could you see the shoulders rising and falling as Kanok breathe.

Into the room walks a stunning Human Female. Tall with bone white skin, and long auburn hair tied back in a long pigtail. When she turns to regard you you notice that her eyes are a fearsome shade of amber, with the pupils slightly feline in appearance. She is dressed in skin tight red leather armor that leaves very little to the imagination.

As you stand still she slowly circles you several times, finally coming to rest in front of you looking up at you with a sinister smile. For a moment her tongue flicks out and you see that she has split it so that it resembles the tongue of a serpent. She slowly gets closer to you and reaches out a hand to stroke the side of your shoulder. You notice that as she reaches up the nails on her hand lengthen and harden into sharp talons, and she gently rakes them upon your armor, taking time to trace some of the symbols with her nails.

She then laughs under her breath and takes another circle around you this time in the other direction.

"My you're a big one aren't you"? she exclaims. Then relaxing putting most of her weight on one foot, she whispers quietly "Why do you think you are deserving of the right to serve the Dark Lord"? "What distinguishes you from your contemporaries"?

She then tilts her head, and waits for his answer.

Female Nagaji Ranger (Shapeshifter 4)
Shayla Asgeir wrote:

As you approach the door, you can feel a slight rise in the temperature of the air. The guard reaches for the handle to open it, back pulls it away quickly with a start.

"It's warm!" he exclaims. This is surprising considering the coolness of the hallway. A faint smell of cooked pork can be detected coming from the gap below the door. A second guard pushes the first out of the way.

"Don't be a pussy!" he barks as he grabs the handle and opens the door. Inside the dark room sits a figure. Two flames flicker where the eyes would be, and as the door swings wider, the light reveals that the figure is a woman. Eyes can be seen within the flames. The flesh around the eyes is burn-scarred as well as some slashes on the left side of her face. Her head is shaved except for a stripe of white hair that runs down the centerline of her head from forehead to occiput. She wears a skin tight blackened mithril shirt with no sleeves. Her muscular arms are covered in ritual scars usually only found on orcs, depicting her various kills. A large hand-and-a-half sword lies across her lap, and a Fulminating Shield against the wall next to her. When the light fully reveals her features, the fires in her eyes dim, but they still appear bright embedded in the scarred flesh. She may have been quite beautiful once. Her full lips part as she smiles, revealing a row of perfectly strait teeth.


Kanok Steelbrother wrote:

A massive figure seems to take up most of the space in the small room in which it stands. Plates of blackened steel, each engraved with hundreds of occult symbols completely cover it's body and only by looking quite closely could you see the shoulders rising and falling as Kanok breathe.

Into the room walks a stunning Human Female. Tall with bone white skin, and long auburn hair tied back in a long pigtail. When she turns to regard you you notice that her eyes are a fearsome shade of amber, with the pupils slightly feline in appearance. She is dressed in skin tight red leather armor that leaves very little to the imagination.

As you stand still she slowly circles you several times, finally coming to rest in front of you looking up at you with a sinister smile. For a moment her tongue flicks out and you see that she has split it so that it resembles the tongue of a serpent.

"Oooh", a vocal one. She takes a moment to carefully emphasis her size advantage over you, then turns to speak to you.

"Besides your extraordinary looks, what can you do that would make you think you might in any way be deserving of the Privilege of serving the Dark Lord"? "Why should you be allowed to live, let along serve his majesty of magic and the night"?

She then walks away, turning her back towards you in a gesture of contempt, before turning to face you and leaning against the wall stretching like a cat, and awaiting your response.

Male Human Cleric 2

A rather average size man, dressed in black, and with a wide-brimmed hat pulled down low, sits crosslegged on the table facing the door. He waits somewhat impatiently, and wonders why he's be summonsed, while a dagger twirls & flips through his fingers.

Male Human (Cheliax) Fighter (Shield Fighter) 1

Looking at the stunning female walking in and having a word with the other two in the room, he stands up a figure clad in dark armor with a shield straped to his back with the symbol of the shadow, he is shrouded by the shade of the room, as if they swirl around him like he is one of them. "I'm a servant of the shadow the moment I was born, I'm beyond my peers, known for my loyal duty in the army of our Dark Lord" as he walks in to the light to be seen, the shadow from were he comes from takes a moment longer to give away to light, like trying to hold him back "The shadow lives with in me and I'm blessed by it and I'm ready to do my service for our Dark Lord were ever he may need me" takinig a knee and bowing down for a moment as a show of reverance and respect.

Silent Magni wrote:
"Besides your extraordinary looks, what can you do that would make you think you might in any way be deserving of the Privilege of serving the Dark Lord"? "Why should you be allowed to live, let along serve his majesty of magic and the night"?

Shayla gracefully stands, resting her immaculate bastard sword on her right shoulder. She turns to let the light and shadows emphasize the ritual scars on her arms. "These scars are all sacrifices to the Dark God by my sword. I am a skilled tracker, able to hunt down izrador's enemies. I have lived with the enemies and know how they think. I have passed all of Izrador's tests have not been found wanting. I have been and will continue to serve the Dark Lord until the day he takes me back to him through death!" As she speaks, the sounds crackling, as if by a campfire can be heard throughout the room.

Female Nagaji Ranger (Shapeshifter 4)
Decius Norfire wrote:
Looking at the stunning female walking in and having a word with the other two in the room, he stands up a figure clad in dark armor with a shield straped to his back with the symbol of the shadow, he is shrouded by the shade of the room, as if they swirl around him like he is one of them. "I'm a servant of the shadow the moment I was born, I'm beyond my peers, known for my loyal duty in the army of our Dark Lord" as he walks in to the light to be seen, the shadow from were he comes from takes a moment longer to give away to light, like trying to hold him back "The shadow lives with in me and I'm blessed by it and I'm ready to do my service for our Dark Lord were ever he may need me" takinig a knee and bowing down for a moment as a show of reverance and respect.

I'm pretty sure everybody is in different rooms, so I'll adjust to you being alone in the cell, when Magni asks her questions

"And what if the Lord of Pain were to command you to take this dagger...she presents a long wavy blade of almost palpable darkness...and command you that it needed blood". "Where would you stick this blade to quench it's thirst"?

Male Sword Mother Orc Fighter 3
Silent Magni wrote:

"Why do you think you are deserving of the right to serve the Dark Lord"? "What distinguishes you from your contemporaries"?

She then tilts her head, and waits for his answer.

Kanok inclines his head slightly to look down at the woman before him and speaks in fluent Erenlander, his accent tinged by the gutturalness of the orc tongue. "This armour is a testament of my service to the dark lord. I have defeated hundreds of the shadow's enemies in combat and protected his Legates from the gravest of threats." A hand moves lightning quick and draws a huge black blade from its place on Kanok's back. "I battled a dire bear, one of the greatest of the disgusting elfkin's allies, and with this blade I took its head."

Male Human (Cheliax) Fighter (Shield Fighter) 1

My bad, got confused thinking we were all in a big room together waiting

Dark Archive

I am watching this unfold, guys. Some things in this game will depend on your actions during this conversations. Let me know when you play this out.

Female Nagaji Ranger (Shapeshifter 4)
Ubel wrote:

A rather average size man, dressed in black, and with a wide-brimmed hat pulled down low, sits crosslegged on the table facing the door. He waits somewhat impatiently, and wonders why he's be summonsed, while a dagger twirls & flips through his fingers.

Into the room walks a stunning Human Female. Tall with bone white skin, and long auburn hair tied back in a long pigtail. When she turns to regard you you notice that her eyes are a fearsome shade of amber, with the pupils slightly feline in appearance. She is dressed in skin tight red leather armor that leaves very little to the imagination.

She stops at the door, and stares at you silently for a moment. Finally she enters the room and stops about 4 feet in front of you. "It is obvious the value of some of those summoned". "I see devotion in the eyes of some, and violence lurking just beneath the surface of others". "But you". "You I see nothing obvious...still you would not be here if not for something".

"Tell me what skills, and talents do you lay at the feet of the Dark Lord". "Twirling a dagger is certainly not something we have a need for...unless you intend to stick it in some smiling elves neck".

Female Nagaji Ranger (Shapeshifter 4)
Shayla Asgeir wrote:
Silent Magni wrote:
"Besides your extraordinary looks, what can you do that would make you think you might in any way be deserving of the Privilege of serving the Dark Lord"? "Why should you be allowed to live, let along serve his majesty of magic and the night"?
Shayla gracefully stands, resting her immaculate bastard sword on her right shoulder. She turns to let the light and shadows emphasize the ritual scars on her arms. "These scars are all sacrifices to the Dark God by my sword. I am a skilled tracker, able to hunt down izrador's enemies. I have lived with the enemies and know how they think. I have passed all of Izrador's tests have not been found wanting. I have been and will continue to serve the Dark Lord until the day he takes me back to him through death!" As she speaks, the sounds crackling, as if by a campfire can be heard throughout the room.

"You have lived with the enemy have you"? "And how do I know you won't waver when the Dark Lord asks you to stab the heart of someone you once shared a meal with, or slept beside".

Female Nagaji Ranger (Shapeshifter 4)
Kanok Steelbrother wrote:
Silent Magni wrote:

"Why do you think you are deserving of the right to serve the Dark Lord"? "What distinguishes you from your contemporaries"?

She then tilts her head, and waits for his answer.

Kanok inclines his head slightly to look down at the woman before him and speaks in fluent Erenlander, his accent tinged by the gutturalness of the orc tongue. "This armour is a testament of my service to the dark lord. I have defeated hundreds of the shadow's enemies in combat and protected his Legates from the gravest of threats." A hand moves lightning quick and draws a huge black blade from its place on Kanok's back. "I battled a dire bear, one of the greatest of the disgusting elfkin's allies, and with this blade I took its head."

"I can see that your blade is sharp, and your strength is great...still a stray arrow can take down even the mightiest of warriors". "Your kind breed so quickly, why shouldn't we just take a number of you type...What can you bring to Our Lord of Midnight, that they cannot". "What makes you unique". "Why should you be chosen above others".

Silent Magni wrote:
"You have lived with the enemy have you"? "And how do I know you won't waver when the Dark Lord asks you to stab the heart of someone you once shared a meal with, or slept beside".

The room grows hot, very hot. Beyond uncomfortable. So hot that the air grows thick and anyone near Shayla feels a weakness overcome them because of the oppressiveness. Shayla activated her Fiery Aura Hot Blooded ability. She also activates her Detect Evil class ability.

Shayla stares at the strange woman in her chamber, and raises an eyebrow. She casually goes to pull a torch out of the sconce on the wall. She holds the flame of the torch under her chin. Surprisingly, the flames fail to burn her face, or even elicit a sign of discomfort. She then puts the torch back on the wall, and mumbles a few words. Water forms over the torch, falling on it putting out the flames. The room becomes completely dark and suddenly feels very cool in the absence of heat. Turns off Fiery Aura. Shayla's voice can be heard mumbling again and her sword grows bright. She skillfully swings in a circle a couple of times before holding it out in front of her, the lighting brightening the dim room fully.

"Izrador has tested me and trusts me with his gifts. I have what it takes to do whatever is necessary. Do you?"

Female Nagaji Ranger (Shapeshifter 4)
Shayla Asgeir wrote:
Silent Magni wrote:
"You have lived with the enemy have you"? "And how do I know you won't waver when the Dark Lord asks you to stab the heart of someone you once shared a meal with, or slept beside".

The room grows hot, very hot. Beyond uncomfortable. So hot that the air grows thick and anyone near Shayla feels a weakness overcome them because of the oppressiveness. Shayla activated her Fiery Aura Hot Blooded ability. She also activates her Detect Evil class ability.

Shayla stares at the strange woman in her chamber, and raises an eyebrow. She casually goes to pull a torch out of the sconce on the wall. She holds the flame of the torch under her chin. Surprisingly, the flames fail to burn her face, or even elicit a sign of discomfort. She then puts the torch back on the wall, and mumbles a few words. Water forms over the torch, falling on it putting out the flames. The room becomes completely dark and suddenly feels very cool in the absence of heat. Turns off Fiery Aura. Shayla's voice can be heard mumbling again and her sword grows bright. She skillfully swings in a circle a couple of times before holding it out in front of her, the lighting brightening the dim room fully.

"Izrador has tested me and trusts me with his gifts. I have what it takes to do whatever is necessary. Do you?"

Magni laughs shrilly at the display, and claps delightedly. "Show-off". "We shall see how devoted you are...We shall see". And with that last comment she leaves the room shutting the door firmly behind her.

Dark Archive

One of the sisters in the corridor approaches Magni. "Have you made up your mind, sister? Are these people worthy to serve?"

Female Nagaji Ranger (Shapeshifter 4)
nightflier wrote:
One of the sisters in the corridor approaches Magni. "Have you made up your mind, sister? Are these people worthy to serve?"

"Of course from a quick glance they all seem appropriate, but as with anything true devotion, can only be tested in practice". "I do not doubt that their intentions are sincere".

Dark Archive

"Very well, then. You shall gather them and get yourself to Steel Hill. There you will be received by Sister Anora, who will instruct you in your mission. Report to the stable master for horses and equipment."

Magni can draw on Order's resources for additional equipment for her and her companions as well. You are treated as ECL +2 to determine wealth.

Male Human Cleric 2
Silent Magni wrote:

Into the room walks a stunning Human Female. Tall with bone white skin, and long auburn hair tied back in a long pigtail. When she turns to regard you you notice that her eyes are a fearsome shade of amber, with the pupils slightly feline in appearance. She is dressed in skin tight red leather armor that leaves very little to the imagination.

She stops at the door, and stares at you silently for a moment. Finally she enters the room and stops about 4 feet in front of you. "It is obvious the value of some of those summoned". "I see devotion in the eyes of some, and violence lurking just beneath the surface of others". "But you". "You I see nothing obvious...still you would not be here if not for something".

"Tell me what skills, and talents do you lay at the feet of the Dark Lord". "Twirling a dagger is certainly not something we have a need for...unless you intend to stick it in some smiling elves neck".

With a quick, sharp movement, Ubel throws the dagger into the tabletop, He steps down, off the table, and gives the woman in front of him a long once-over, taking his time to run his eyes up & down. After a moment, he steps very close, well within her personal space.

"I don't know why I'm here, but I'm sure you sisters already know about my particular skills and penchants." With a shrug, he backs off, and after a moment, with a grin, he adds, "Spilling blood is spilling blood."

Female Nagaji Ranger (Shapeshifter 4)

Magni summons everyone to the planning room for a meeting. On one great wall of the chamber is a detailed map showing the entire continent.

"We will be traveling here", she gestures pointing at Steel Hill on the map. "We will meet in the stable yard at dawn tomorrow". "Please let sister Pyantros know what equipment you will require for the journey", she continues, nodding her head at the Acolyte attending the group. "The Dark Lord has a mission for us all".

"Are there any questions"?

Let me get this right. We are to pick an additional amount of equipment to bring us up to a Character Wealth level of five?

Male Sword Mother Orc Fighter 3

Kanok takes a step forward, his steel shod foot making an over loud crash in the small room. The voice that issues from the dark helmet looming above Magni's head is a low rumbling growl with an undertone of strictly controlled fury.
"I will assume you misunderstood. This armour is not simple steel, it is my flesh. I am the Shadow's instrument body and soul. Name me any other Orc who has been honoured with such a gift?"
Kanok takes a step back and swings his sword back onto his shoulder, the great blade passing bare inches from the Legate's head as it returns to it's sheath.

Dark Archive

Shayla Asgeir wrote:
Let me get this right. We are to pick an additional amount of equipment to bring us up to a Character Wealth level of five?


Dark Archive

One of the female legates leads you all to the armory and the stables across it. "Here", she says. "You may draft your equipment or mounts, if you lack them. The Order expects swift action from you. This matter can not wait."

Just post in the OOC your additional equipment and Magni can let me know when are you ready to ride.

Dark Archive

Guys, I have some job-related troubles right now. Nothing I can't handle, but it is very stressful. I hope that I will resolve them by Monday and I will get back to posting. Sorry.

Dark Archive

In the brooding skies above Steel Hill, carrion birds circle amidst the pall of smoke that hangs expectantly about the city. Beneath their dark wings and merciless cries, the Road of the Damned carries human slaves to the Tarish mines. To the south, the River Be’neeya and the Iron Road carry the fruits of this human suffering to the waiting armies of Jahzir’s host. After the days of traveling you approach the Steel Hill. The view of the city is uniformly grim, accentuated by the ever-present fog, blanketing wood smoke, and brooding iron-gray skies.

Entering the city through the Southbridge Gate, its heavy gates
made from fire-hardened oak and banded with steel, you pass by the orc guards from the Splintered Skull legion. The first sight that greets you is Harlot’s Place. Tired-looking whores stand forlornly in doorways trying to catch your eyes, but they cower in fear when they see that you are commanded by legate of the Sisterhood. The Prince’s Man Inn, your destination, is just ahead...

Male Sword Mother Orc Fighter 3

Kanok brings his newly acquired warhorse to a stop with a flick of the reigns and leaps to the ground with a loud clank. He keeps a suspicious eye on the few people in the streets as he leads his horse toward the Inn, keeping himself between any passersby and his new legate commander.

Male Human (Cheliax) Fighter (Shield Fighter) 1

Thinkis to himself Always good to ahve grunt for this kind of work as he rides his dark steed that looks more than just a normal war giving a hint by the way the shadows move along his body in an odd way. Ride close to his legate to keep her flank protected of any undesirable event.

Dark Archive

A tall man dressed in black legate robes exits the inn, followed by several bodyguards. One look at Magni on her horse and he turns around and goes straight back in.

Shayla spurs her light horse in the direction of the inn then turns. "Interesting reaction for a legate, hmm"

Female Nagaji Ranger (Shapeshifter 4)

Magni rides slowly into camp, making sure to make occasional eye contact, and try to intimidate whoever she looks at. As she takes in the bleak surroundings she notices the tall legate leave the building, notice her then move back inside.

At Shayla's comment, she begins to slowly dismount, "It should be interesting learning that ones secrets", she confides.

"You and You", she demands pointing at a couple of villagers. "Throw down your cloaks so that I might not have to tread on these muddy streets, and soil my boots".

She takes a moment to whisper to her great steed before entering the inn, "Keep your senses sharp Malice". "Who knows what awaits here".

Male Sword Mother Orc Fighter 3

Kanok follows as close behind Magni as decency and her personal space will allow, his hand on the axe in his belt. He'd have preferred his sword but the great blade would be more of a hindrance than anything in such confined conditions. As his eyes, used to darkness, rapidly adjust to the dimmer light inside the inn Kanok rapidly scans the room, looking for any threats to his new boss.

Perception Check1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Male Human (Cheliax) Fighter (Shield Fighter) 1

"Intimidation a good way to start a aconversation sometimes" as he begins to dismount "Searos, keep an eye out here and be ready for when I might need you" as he walks inside keeping an eye behind the group in case something might happen.

Shayla leaps off of her horse, landing in the mud which splatters about her. Then she pets her mounts forehead. "Horse. Get me a coffee and don't try to mount anything. I'll be back." She then wraps the reins around a railing and follows the others into the doorway, but she stops in the threshold and leans against the inside of the frame keeping an eye on the action inside and out of the inn.

Dark Archive

The inside of the inn is almost decent, at least compared to the streets. Serving wenches are decently dressed and they silently walk between tables, taking orders and bringing drinks and food. There are no orcs inside. The patron seem to be rich merchants, legates and other human servants of the Dark Lord.

Shayla scans the crowd, eyes glowing an eerie ember color as she scans the crowd.

Detect Good is activated.

Dark Archive

Shayla Asgeir wrote:

Shayla scans the crowd, eyes glowing an eerie ember color as she scans the crowd.

Detect Good is activated.

Your search for the enemies of your god reveals nothing.
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