Thinking of running OSR DnD game or ICONS superhero game

Gamer Connection

I am thinking of running a PbP game and wondering which would be the better choice.


1>> I got ICONS Superhero RPG last week and would like to give it a try. A way to help learn the rules and see how well the system works. The plan would be to set up an Avengers / Justice League type of Superhero group. The proto name would be something like League of Legends.

Character creation would be using the ICONS random character generation.


2>> The other idea would be to do an OSR DnD style of game with one of the DnD clones going around (in RL I play in Pathfinder and run a Pathfinder game; so, looking for a bit of change back to my roots). I have Labyrinth Lords and Sword and Wizardy Core rules. I would tweak things slightly by asking a few more development questions at the start of character creation to get more of a feel for some back story to develop upon and build some hooks.

Character creation would be using 3d6 in order. You can roll up two sets of attributes and take the set you prefer. The rule set would determine any trading of attributes. I'll likely also you to have one back-up character ready as we'll likely being going with 0 hit points is dead.


Either way, I will be looking for 4 to 6 players (likely less for the Superhero game).

Thoughts or interest?

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