GM Rewards Question

Pathfinder Society

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Grand Lodge 5/5 ****


I didn't wanted to derail the thread. I'm in the very lucky position to have had Wintergreen close by (well 1 1/2 hours drive) and that allowed me some mini-GM gatherings with 2 games a day.
That allowed me to have a head-start on my home group - as at the time I was invited for the first time I wasn't a GM yet as I still had to convince my home group to give PFS a try.
So these scenarios I was able to play still help as it gives me a set of scenarios to chose from. And slowly I'm adding in additional ones. But right now I could get my main character to level 5 using GM credits - or probably will just leave him level 4 until I get another chance to play.

So while I personally no longer seem to go for the credit to boost my main character - I really think the GM credit is very important to get some of my current players to try out a GM slot. This way they don't lose out - and give me an additional scenario to GM afterwards.

If you don't have another GM close by then I you want to have the credit for the few occasions you can play.

I've been thinking about GM exchange. Just tried to contact possible GMs close to my holiday to offer to GM (give them a chance to play) or to play a new scenario (give me a new scenario for my own group without eating it). So far seems not yet to work - but I will keep trying.


Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

DarkWhite wrote:
Last year we held a four-day GM-only mini-con where the requirement for entry was you had to GM a minimum of two scenarios for the other participants. A couple of players tried GMing for the first time, and have since GMed for our home games and at public conventions. One will be GMing at PaizoConOz. We need to encourage more of this!

Awesome idea. Sooo stealing this!

Lantern Lodge 4/5

TwilightKnight wrote:
Awesome idea. Sooo stealing this!

Please do!

Though I can't take credit for this one, a couple of Sydney guys arranged it, hiring a serviced apartment and flying down to Melbourne for the weekend. So it was a reunion of Melbourne and Sydney GMs, we each walked away having played a swag of new scenarios we could then go on to run at local conventions, and it was a great community building exercise, one of the better events I've had the pleasure of being involved in. Win/win for everyone!

Scarab Sages 1/5

DarkWhite wrote:

@Masika: You'll always be welcome as a player at PaizoConOz, and I apologise if my previous post implied otherwise. I was trying to highlight the need to support GMs, and if by playing sessions at PaizoConOz means you get to take that experience away and run those scenarios for your players back home, then we are doing well to support another GM, and hopefully your regional group in North QLD - that's what it's all about, sharing the love!

I certainly appreciate your joining us to game in Brisbane, it's gonna be one helluva weekend!


Thanks DarkWhite. I certainly was not reacting to your post - hence no reply included in my post.

I was only highlighting a point of difference as not ever GM lives and operates in the scenarios portrayed.

I know I am welcomed at PaizoConOz. I have been looking forward to this year's game more than I can describe.


I am part of a group with 10-15 players where the 3-4 of us take turns GMing. For me it is important to get GM credits as it enables me to keep up with the non-GM players, when I play a PC.

With that said I think the current system is adequate.

Shadow Lodge

So, just to make sure I've got this right.

I run Citadel of Flame at Tier 1-2. I want to apply the DM credit to my L4 Fighter. He will get the Tier 4-5 gold and unlocks, not the Tier 1-2?

Right. You get whichever reward is most level appropriate for your character.

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