Hellcats and Hockeysticks

Product Discussion

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

*L* My what a odd idea for a game.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
*L* My what a odd idea for a game.

Agreed. But it would make a mighty fine movie...

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I have to admit I am intrigued by the game for it's humor for a one off game from time to time.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

St Trinians the RPG?

Paul Watson wrote:
St Trinians the RPG?

It does sound that way, perhapes with a little HEX in their too. Sounds like a lot of fun.

I happen to own this game having picked it up at Dragonmeet last year and yes it is the St Trinians RPG.

More details here

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Yeah likely I will end up buying this. To curious not to eventually give in.

Scarab Sages

As the father of two young, female roleplayers I am interested in knowing who is the target audience of this game. Is it aimed at adolescent teen boys, or is it more aimed at girls? Or is it targeting a different demographic?

well, the cover seems geared towards boys

Scarab Sages

MerrikCale wrote:
well, the cover seems geared towards boys

Yeah, but the ability to play girls in an all girl school seems more geared towards girls. Or at least, if I suggested this game to my boys, they would give me funny looks.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I agree with wicht, while the cover might be more for guys. The game sounds more for girls. Maybe someone will buy it and let us know.

then the cover is a bad idea

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
MerrikCale wrote:
then the cover is a bad idea

It is not that out of place as you might think. I mean look at the cover of pretty much any women's magazine and then mens. You could typically interchange the models photo on cover to cover and no one would notice.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I hope there's a "Tease her until she develops an eating disorder" attack in the game.

Liberty's Edge

In the States, the whole schoolgirl thing is fetishized, but in England it's much more of a fact-of-life thing. Seeing the trailer for St. Trinian's (you can find it on YouTube) it looks like it falls into the same sort of vein as "Mean Girls" or maybe "Clueless"...i.e. the target audience is probably girls.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Robert Little wrote:
In the States, the whole schoolgirl thing is fetishized, but in England it's much more of a fact-of-life thing. Seeing the trailer for St. Trinian's (you can find it on YouTube) it looks like it falls into the same sort of vein as "Mean Girls" or maybe "Clueless"...i.e. the target audience is probably girls.

*L* I didn't know it was based on a movie. They actually don't look that bad. I added them to my netflick's queue.

Liberty's Edge

Dark_Mistress wrote:
*L* I didn't know it was based on a movie. They actually don't look that bad. I added them to my netflick's queue.

It's a lil bit longer chain than that...the original St Trinian's was a comic from the 40s that was adapted into movies during the 50s and 60s. The newer movies are remakes/reimaginings of the original films (which were also comedies).

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Robert Little wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
*L* I didn't know it was based on a movie. They actually don't look that bad. I added them to my netflick's queue.
It's a lil bit longer chain than that...the original St Trinian's was a comic from the 40s that was adapted into movies during the 50s and 60s. The newer movies are remakes/reimaginings of the original films (which were also comedies).

Thanks, Now I know and knowing is half the battle...

Shadow Lodge

The 2007 St. Trinian's film is where I first fell in lust with Gemma Arterton, before she became famous with Bond, Clash of the Titans, and Prince of Persia.

There is a whole generation of British Males who had their first hormonal stirrings raised by the St Trinians girls. They have a fond place in the hearts of many off us of a certain age.As such the game has a certain nostalgia factor for the older UK gamer..I have to admit it's why I bought it.I'll probably never get anyone to play it but it sits on the shelf along side 'Diana Warrior Princess'

The demo game last year at Dragonmeet was mainly played by male gamers..and to be honest it wouldn't take much to tweak the rules for any school situation even playing male characters

The systems are quite simple.Basically the Headmistress(GM) sets a difficulty..a certain number of dice are rolled..based partly on skills and stats, partly on how persuasive the players arguments are and partly on the evil mind of rhe Headmistress.

Most rolls are oppossed ones with sucesses cancelling each other out so comparing the number of successes determines the outcome of any action.PC's always act before NPCs(sample NPCs include Nightclub Bouncers, Girls from other schools and, off course..Boys)

Damage is in 3 levels Slapped, Battered(slappedx3) and Trashed(Batteredx2). Slapped loses you a die from your pool, Battered halves your dice pool and Trashed means you are out for the count.

Rules are included for weird science and Magic so you can go along the Hogwarts with added anarchy route if you wish

Incidentally you can find clips from the old St Trinians movies on Youtube. If anyone has any further questions on this game I'll be happy to answer them.

not only the older british gamer. I'm only twenty seven, and i have fond memories of the black and white St Trinians films....especially the sixth formers...

Scarab Sages

Wellard, are there scenarios provided with the game?

Hi Guys

I got messaged that you were having a chat about Hellcats,
and as the writer I thought I'd answer your questions. :-)

Yup, Hellcats is mainly based on St Trinians, but also Marmalade Atkins, Hex, Mean Girls, and even a little Harry Potter as well as a few others.

Yup, the girl on the cover is hot, but you put any girl in that sort of costume and the guys will notice! :-)
Hot bad girls in school uniforms is going to appeal to a lot of guys. But I made a point of using 2 women artists (Becky Weaver for the cover and Katrine Rassmussen for the interior) because I wanted a woman's vision of powerful attractive women, not a mans.

Hellcats is primarily a game of girls being who they want to be and giving hell to anyone who tries to stop them. It is designed to be fast paced extreemly anarchic fun. There are rules for changing it to a boys school as there are plenty of guys who refuse to play female characters. However most of the guys I've run it for had a whale of a time playing troublesome teens. After all, the girls got to play this game for real when they were teenagers themselves!

The game has a full adventure ('Annabel's Gold')in the book as well as a couple of pages of adventure ideas. I'm also thinking of writing up the convention scenario I usually run and putting it up on drivethru when I get the time.

Finally, yes there are rules for crushing the will of your opponents, in fact thats the crux of the game. You can't kill anyone (and as teenage girls murder is a step too far anyway - and would get the school closed for good) so the way to beat the bad guys is to destroy their willpower. You have to send them away crying , vowing never to return to defeat them. The same can apply to your friends too if you like...

Basically, Hellcats is a lot of very silly anarchic fun. My playtesters have been men and women and they've all had a blast. I've had a blast running it for them too. If you want to know more I'm happy to answer any more questions.

Scarab Sages

Corone wrote:

Hellcats is primarily a game of girls being who they want to be and giving hell to anyone who tries to stop them. It is designed to be fast paced extreemly anarchic fun.

Thanks for stopping by. How does the level of chaos and the gameplay compare to something like Toon?

No worries :-)

To a degree that depends on your players, although thats true to a large extent with any game.

What really helps the inter-party squabbling is that I've used a system from Panty Explosion (with their permission) so you all have to pick a rival and best friend from the other players. This need not be reciprocal, so the girl you see as your rival might ignore you, hate you too or even think of you as her best friend. This creates a lot of b%+@*ing between the group which is always a lot of fun.

Violence and action in similar to Toon in that its in the spirit of the game to go rather crazy. As characters can't actually die (much like in Toon) players are encouraged to try rather silly and risky stunts to get what they want.

Being set in a certain level of reality it isn't quite as crazy as Toon, but it has come pretty close at times :-)

The Exchange

Don't think I have ever heard of St Trinians. Going to have to find some videos it sounds like. The game looks interesting. I'll likely pick it up eventually.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Corone wrote:
What really helps the inter-party squabbling is that I've used a system from Panty Explosion (with their permission) ...

I picked up Panty Explosion last year (or was it two years ago ?) at GenCon. What else (if anything) is similar ? Will you be at this year's GenCon doing demos ? At what booth ?

This year I won't be an exhibitor, so there will be more time for such things.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Panty Explosion game? Ok I had to google that one.

This game sounds silly but like something that might be fun to do now and again. Or a good teen girls intro game.

@Wolfthulu -
This is something that really weirded me out. In the UK St Trinians is instantly recognisable, even to people who never saw the films. You say 'naughty schoolgirls' and most British people instantly think St Trinians. So I was rather surprised when I found no American I met had even heard of it!
The films are a lot of fun, and the recent versions are a lot of fun too. Just avoid the 1970s one that doesn't have George Cole in it!

I really like Panty Explosion, although it was many years before I picked up a copy mainly due to the name! Essential reading for anyone running a Japanese high school game.

I don't have demos scheduled this year I'm afraid, although the print version of Hellcats will be on the Cubicle 7 stand at Gen-Con this year (as will I :-). (BTW - the pdf version is available from my drivethrurpg section under my imprint Corone Design) This is mainly as I ran an adventure last year and I've been working on a new Victoriana adventure we will be running.

There arn't many other games in this genre. Although Witchgirls is a close second (but with far better behaved girls) and Pelgrane does a very scary Trail of Cthulhu adventure set in a remote girls school called 'The Dying of St Margarets'.

I'd like to think Hellcats might get more girls into the hobby, but if it doesn't its about time someone wrote a game aimed at girls, even if a guy wrote it (not to suggest there arn't many very talented women games designers out there!).

One of our Cubicle 7 guys was caught reading it by his wife and after a look at it herself she has decided to kick her husband out of the house for an evening and run it with a girls only player group. I would love to be a fly on the wall to hear what they get up to! :-)

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