Do any of the published products have a map of Oregent in them?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

My players are getting ready to go there and I would love to have a map and some more info then what's in the wiki and the campaign book. Any Modules have one?


Theo Stern wrote:

My players are getting ready to go there and I would love to have a map and some more info then what's in the wiki and the campaign book. Any Modules have one?


I guess that's a no *Sighs and starts looking through his generic city maps*

The Pathfinder Companion: Andoran Spirit of Liberty has the only information I've found. There is no map of the place in that reference, however. But the Guide to Darkmoon Vale has a map of the closest town to the north, Olfden. It is roughly 8 times smaller than Oregent. But if you just imagine larger buildings and more space, I suspect that Oregent would look fairly similar. It seems to be yet another town/city on the crossroads of several major trade routes. I don't know of any module set in that town.

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