Paladin Hunt

Gamer Connection

The Exchange

Hi everyone

I have decided to offer a quick DOG at PaizoconUK next Saturday. To save me some time prepping I wonder if anyone has a first level paladin alias that I could borrow. The more knightly and honourable the better.

If you have please post it under here and I'll copy him (or her) for the players to use.

Cheers FW

EDIT: Pathfinder Paladins please - Members of the Pathfinder Society or otherwise.

Check this one out, FW. It's kingmaker centric, but could be re-arranged with little difficulty.
Hope it helps,

I made this female one last night. IT's my first ever paladin so I'm curious if she'll get used.

The Exchange

Excellent, ta VW and Overfiend.


French Wolf wrote:

Excellent, ta VW and Overfiend.


the character is 20 point buy and a Aasimar so I'm not sure what you might like. Not everyone likes the non-core races afterall.

Your welcome. Like I said you might want to pick some new traits as they are KM centered. I figured that the Rich Parents trait worked with the Noble Born trait, as the Lebeda family are a bunch of rich merchants.

The Exchange

Any more? All paladins gratefully insulted.


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