FAWTLhouse Five

Off-Topic Discussions

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The Exchange

Nekkid ice cube pissing for the top!

The Exchange

When Paris Crenshaw was 8 he was hit by a train...... Paris was the only survivor.

The Exchange

Paris Crenshaw shot the sheriff.... and the deputy died from it.

The Exchange

As a child one of Paris's teachers asked for an essay on courage. He turned in a sheet of paper with his name at the top and got an A+.

The Exchange

Food for thought, Paris Crenshaw's shoes are the color of YOUR blood.

The Exchange

Paris Crenshaw was bitten by a rattlesnake last year. After 5 days of horrible pain the snake died.

The Exchange

Paris Crenshaw has only been wrong once in his life, when he thought he had made a mistake.

The Exchange

Paris Crenshaw once had sex with his wife and her mother got pregnant!

The Exchange

Death once had a near Paris experience.

The Exchange

Paris Crenshaw can kill two stones with one bird.

The Exchange

Paris Crenshaw beat the sun in a staring contest.

The Exchange

Leading hand sanitizers claim they kill 99.9% of germs.

Paris Crenshaw can kill 100% of whatever the hell he wants.

Scarab Sages


Silver Crusade

Morning all. What did I miss?

The Exchange

Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning all. What did I miss?

More Paris facts. That and I found a way to get rid of all those annoying female "celebs" that we hate.

How are you my angelic friend?

The Exchange

Aberzombie wrote:

Sorry buddy, mine fell out last night. I think I left them on Hoover Dam amidst the carnage of the three armies I slaughtered in my liberation of New Vegas.

Scarab Sages

Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning all. What did I miss?

Well, Kirk and Paris decided to go on a road trop to Tijuana, only to have the entire town flee win terror when they heard that Paris was returning. Meanwhile, Scott was prepearing to brave the insanity of the mall at Christmas in a last ditch effort to find a gift for his wife. And, across town, Tom was amazed to find himself still alive after a ugly run in with.....No, wait! That's my soap opera!

Scarab Sages

And, with that, I'm gonna go grab a shower and head out to the mall.

Silver Crusade

Moorluck wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning all. What did I miss?
More Paris facts.

You mean your "man crush"?

Noooooooo have to go back to MN today! Q.Q

Justin Franklin wrote:
So Jude actually watched Star Wars up to Mos Eisley. Laughing and happy the whole time. It was supposed to be a joke for his mom.

Yes gooood. Now must show him the Hobbit and LotRs cartoons!

Aberzombie wrote:
And, with that, I'm gonna go grab a shower and head out to the mall.

Be safe, and be well. May The Bacon be with you my son.

The Exchange

Jyu1ch1 wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
So Jude actually watched Star Wars up to Mos Eisley. Laughing and happy the whole time. It was supposed to be a joke for his mom.
Yes gooood. Now must show him the Hobbit and LotRs cartoons!

I love those! I want them on DVD.

The Exchange

Celestial Healer wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning all. What did I miss?
More Paris facts.
You mean your "man crush"?

You are so wrong. I may just cut you out of my will.... no dust bunnies for you!!

Moorluck wrote:
Jyu1ch1 wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
So Jude actually watched Star Wars up to Mos Eisley. Laughing and happy the whole time. It was supposed to be a joke for his mom.
Yes gooood. Now must show him the Hobbit and LotRs cartoons!
I love those! I want them on DVD.

I still have LotRs on VHS, but the good boyfriend gave the hobbit to me on DVD one year. He had never seen it. I still stand behind my statement that Leonard Nimoy needed to be in it.


1) Nice Pari-Facts

2) Never saw LoTR cartoon or Hobbit...maybe....I was REALLY young when they came out.

3) You have a will Drow??? I thought the wife has control over that when she give BttH???

4) I. Want. A. New. 360. A man can only play so much BG 2 before he goes crazy.

5) Holiday game on the 30th!!!! 14-16th level PATHFINDER only characters. Any suggestions?? No level adjustment.

Scarab Sages

Sooooo......I decided, instead of going to the mall today, I'd just wait until Thursday (when I'm taking off). This way, I figured, I'd be able to just do grocery shopping, get back home, eat my leftover fried chicken for lunch, then get started washing clothes. No muss, no fuss, and no disruption to my usual Sunday routine.

Small hiccup - wife informed me the filter on the fridge needed to be changed, which required a trip to Best Buy. No problem. And, while I was there, I had the brilliant idea of trying to get my wife White Christmas on either Blu Ray or DVD. She had found it on the other night and made a quick comment on how it was her favorite Christmas movie. That notion stuck got stuck in a small corner of my brain and slowly germinated into a gift idea. And, BOOYAH!, they had the movie on Blu Ray! So, at least I have one solid, genuine, she really would like it gift.

Oh yeah, and I called some lady in the grocery store a b!~*% for cutting in front of me in the check out line.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Aberzombie wrote:

Sooooo......I decided, instead of going to the mall today, I'd just wait until Thursday (when I'm taking off). This way, I figured, I'd be able to just do grocery shopping, get back home, eat my leftover fried chicken for lunch, then get started washing clothes. No muss, no fuss, and no disruption to my usual Sunday routine.

Small hiccup - wife informed me the filter on the fridge needed to be changed, which required a trip to Best Buy. No problem. And, while I was there, I had the brilliant idea of trying to get my wife White Christmas on either Blu Ray or DVD. She had found it on the other night and made a quick comment on how it was her favorite Christmas movie. That notion stuck got stuck in a small corner of my brain and slowly germinated into a gift idea. And, BOOYAH!, they had the movie on Blu Ray! So, at least I have one solid, genuine, she really would like it gift.

Oh yeah, and I called some lady in the grocery store a b&&~@ for cutting in front of me in the check out line.

I'm going to get myself in trouble. My wife made it very clear that she didn't want a gift, because we're going on a cruise at New Years and that's supposed to be our Christmas gifts. However, she later mentioned that she wanted a new food processor...so I got her a KitchenAid food processor with all the accessories for Christmas. I figure of things to get in trouble for...that's pretty much okay. ;-)

PS - Thanks to Kirk for sharing more "facts" about me. Always makes me smile.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Celestial Healer wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning all. What did I miss?
More Paris facts.
You mean the "man who can crush anything, according to you"?

Fixed that for you.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Oh, noes! My hardcopy of Bestiary 2 doesn't fit on the shelf with the other campaign setting books!

Must. Rearrange. Bookcase.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Jyu1ch1 wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Jyu1ch1 wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
So Jude actually watched Star Wars up to Mos Eisley. Laughing and happy the whole time. It was supposed to be a joke for his mom.
Yes gooood. Now must show him the Hobbit and LotRs cartoons!
I love those! I want them on DVD.

I still have LotRs on VHS, but the good boyfriend gave the hobbit to me on DVD one year. He had never seen it. I still stand behind my statement that Leonard Nimoy needed to be in it.


ARRRRGGHH! My eyes, my eyes, it burns us!

Quick throw some William Shatner on it! (NSFW)

Had a good time last night. Friend came up from Des Moines to hang out with another friend of his and called me up to hang out. Started the night at the hookah bar, went to the next bar over where my friend' friend's brother worked, who I know from my Muay Thai. He gave me a few drinks for free. Then we moved to another bar and a few more drinks. Good time, the anxiety seemed to subside a little bit last night. Probably means I just need to get out more to get over that problem.

Woodraven wrote:
Had a good time last night. Friend came up from Des Moines to hang out with another friend of his and called me up to hang out. Started the night at the hookah bar, went to the next bar over where my friend' friend's brother worked, who I know from my Muay Thai. He gave me a few drinks for free. Then we moved to another bar and a few more drinks. Good time, the anxiety seemed to subside a little bit last night. Probably means I just need to get out more to get over that problem.

Sounds like a plan. :)

*check in*

Slow night. Just had to keep the post count increasing...

*check out*

Silver Crusade

It is a slow night. Come on, people!


I've been asleep most of the day. Not for any good reason. I seem to have come down with a nasty cold. I'm just glad it waited until after finals.

We have these electronic bells on our Christmas tree that I bought at a thrift store last year. They had horrible tinselly stuff on them, and once that was cleaned off they look really nice. And the music is quite pretty. Except that my son LOVES the bells and plays the music constantly. After about an hour it's so grating.

The Exchange

Freehold DM wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Star wars TV Tropes
God, I hate TV Tropes.

On this one, we agree.

Man the Packer's game is gonna give me heart attack. close game against the Patriots

HOW THE FRAK DID THE GIANTS LOSE?@?@?@?@?@?@?@??@??!?!?!?!?!??!?!

The Exchange

Great Kingmaker session. Staglord was defeated and the nation of Vlast was born. :-)

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Wolfthulhu wrote:
Great Kingmaker session. Staglord was defeated and the nation of Vlast was born. :-)

Awesome. My group starts Kingmaker on the day after Christmas. I'll be playing for the first time in years (I usually GM). I'm very excited.

Freehold DM wrote:
HOW THE FRAK DID THE GIANTS LOSE?@?@?@?@?@?@?@??@??!?!?!?!?!??!?!

He he, their special teams coach should start updating his resume about now...

lynora wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:

I have to go to pool now, and I'm not in a great place emotionally right now. Bonz funeral is in the morning.

Y'all have a good night.


There's not really anything else I can say so that will have to do.

Thanks. Hugs help.

Sovereign Court

Wolfthulhu wrote:
Great Kingmaker session. Staglord was defeated and the nation of Vlast was born. :-)

...if eagles could talk he would have cursed you as he died!


Awesome job!

Paris Crenshaw wrote:

Can I just say how cool it is that Hero Lab got the license to officially support PFRPG? I love having official data sets available for pretty much every Pathfinder product. Too cool.

I just wish I was good enough with the programming to put more of the modules in, myself.


Jess Door wrote:

whenever I hear something about "the Kardashians" I think of these guys.

Not enough pop culture, too much sci fi? Or am I better off this way?


Mysterious Cultist wrote:
Wolfthulhu wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Oh! And Lunar Eclipse FTW!!!

...i like eclipses...

They're cool. However...

a total lunar eclipse during the winter solstice? I believe it is a sign. The Great Ones return...


"Carol of the Old Ones" - The Dagon Tabernacle Choir-FanMade

Aberzombie wrote:
By the by, in the birthing class today, I got to use "it rubs the lotion on its skin". Dude next to me started cracking up. Later he returned the favor with "stay on target" during talks about coaches encouraging the mother during labor.


Scarab Sages

Is it sad that the highlight of my Christmas will likely be the delivery of my Bestiary II and Book of the Damned Vol 2?

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