Niels |

ok as far as i can tell from the core rules sunder(and other combat manuvers) can be used more than ones in a round if you have a iterative attacks from high BAB.
so how to calculate the CMB for the sunder manuver;
do i add my full BAB to each attack?
lets say im a lvl 6 fighter:bab 6/1
1) 1st sunder manuver: bab(6)+ str+ special size mod + other bonuses
2nd sunder manuver: bab(6)+ str mod+ special size mod + other bonuses
for 2 attemps at with the same bonus
2)1st sunder manuver: bab(6)+ str+ special size mod + other bonuses
2nd sunder manuver: bab(1)+ str mod+ special size mod + other bonuses
with the 2nd manuver check having at a lower bonus?
is it option 1 or option 2 that is the right one?

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You can attempt to sunder an item held or worn by your opponent as part of an attack action in place of a melee attack. If you do not have the Improved Sunder feat, or a similar ability, attempting to sunder an item provokes an attack of opportunity from the target of your maneuver.
If your attack is successful, you deal damage to the item normally. Damage that exceeds the object's Hardness is subtracted from its hit points. If an object has equal to or less than half its total hit points remaining, it gains the broken condition (see Conditions). If the damage you deal would reduce the object to less than 0 hit points, you can choose to destroy it. If you do not choose to destroy it, the object is left with only 1 hit point and the broken condition.
You are skilled at damaging your foes' weapons and armor.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a sunder combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to sunder an item. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to sunder your gear.
Normal: You provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a sunder combat maneuver.
Items that have taken damage in excess of half their total hit points gain the broken condition, meaning they are less effective at their designated task. The broken condition has the following effects, depending upon the item.
* If the item is a weapon, any attacks made with the item suffer a –2 penalty on attack and damage rolls. Such weapons only score a critical hit on a natural 20 and only deal ×2 damage on a confirmed critical hit.
* If the item is a suit of armor or a shield, the bonus it grants to AC is halved, rounding down. Broken armor doubles its armor check penalty on skills.
* If the item is a tool needed for a skill, any skill check made with the item takes a –2 penalty.
* If the item is a wand or staff, it uses up twice as many charges when used.
* If the item does not fit into any of these categories, the broken condition has no effect on its use. Items with the broken condition, regardless of type, are worth 75% of their normal value. If the item is magical, it can only be repaired with a mending or make whole spell cast by a character with a caster level equal to or higher than the item's. Items lose the broken condition if the spell restores the object to half its original hit points or higher. Non-magical items can be repaired in a similar fashion, or through the Craft skill used to create it. Generally speaking, this requires a DC 20 Craft check and 1 hour of work per point of damage to be repaired. Most craftsmen charge one-tenth the item's total cost to repair such damage (more if the item is badly damaged or ruined).
CMB = Base attack bonus + Strength modifier + special size modifier
Creatures that are size Tiny or smaller use their Dexterity modifier in place of their Strength modifier to determine their CMB. The special size modifier for a creature's Combat Maneuver Bonus is as follows: Fine –8, Diminutive –4, Tiny –2, Small –1, Medium +0, Large +1, Huge +2, Gargantuan +4, Colossal +8. Some feats and abilities grant a bonus to your CMB when performing specific maneuvers.
Performing a Combat Maneuver: When performing a combat maneuver, you must use an action appropriate to the maneuver you are attempting to perform. While many combat maneuvers can be performed as part of an attack action, full-attack action, or attack of opportunity (in place of a melee attack), others require a specific action. Unless otherwise noted, performing a combat maneuver provokes an attack of opportunity from the target of the maneuver. If you are hit by the target, you take the damage normally and apply that amount as a penalty to the attack roll to perform the maneuver. If your target is immobilized, unconscious, or otherwise incapacitated, your maneuver automatically succeeds (treat as if you rolled a natural 20 on the attack roll). If your target is stunned, you receive a +4 bonus on your attack roll to perform a combat maneuver against it.
When you attempt to perform a combat maneuver, make an attack roll and add your CMB in place of your normal attack bonus. Add any bonuses you currently have on attack rolls due to spells, feats, and other effects. These bonuses must be applicable to the weapon or attack used to perform the maneuver. The DC of this maneuver is your target's Combat Maneuver Defense. Combat maneuvers are attack rolls, so you must roll for concealment and take any other penalties that would normally apply to an attack roll.

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Base attack bonus + Strength modifier + special size modifier
1st attempt 6+Str+size
2nd attempt 1+Str+size
Option 2 is the correct one since you take a -5 penalty on your second attack, to be able to perform a second attack.
Now assume a Monk with flurry of blows instead doing the same attack.
1st attempt 4+Str+size
2nd attempt 4+Str+size
3rd attempt -1+str+size

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1st attempt 4+Str+size
2nd attempt 4+Str+size
3rd attempt -1+str+size
Actually it would read
1st attempt 6+Str+size2nd attempt 6+Str+size
3rd attempt 1+str+size
Because monks use their class level as opposed to BAB for purposes of maneuvers starting at level 3 :D
And if he wants to spend a Ki point he can add another one at 6+Str+size. YAY!