Boosting A Caster Level


Is there an arcane item somewhere in the Pathfinder game line that can boost the Caster level of a low-wizard or sorcerer? I'm looking for something that will give a +01 or +02 bonus.

The Exchange

BluePigeon wrote:
Is there an arcane item somewhere in the Pathfinder game line that can boost the Caster level of a low-wizard or sorcerer? I'm looking for something that will give a +01 or +02 bonus.

Call it a hunch, but I doubt it, as the only thing coming to mind is an orange ioun stone which gives a +1 to caster level, and costs 30,000

Not Pathfinder, but Complete Arcane (and the Magic Item Compendium, vis a vis) had a ring that did the same for about 50,000gp.

Overall, fairly expensive.

What was the goal you were looking for, in this case? A lower level caster accomplishing a higher level effect? You might want to see about either the Incantation system from Unearthed Arcana, or a reverse engineer of the epic spell system from the epic level handbook.

Just throwing out ideas, maybe they won't help at all, who knows.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

The Varisian Idol in the ROTR players guide boosts the caster level for conjuration spells ans only costs a few hundred iirc.

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