[job] Looking for a map maker and a Pathfinder subject expert.

Product Discussion

I'm looking for two individuals who would have the below qualities and be able to fill the following roles:

1.) Be cool. Enjoy working on RPG stuff with a desire to maybe even get into the industry at some point in a non-indie way.

2.) Be willing to work on a co-op basis. That is, you'll receive 10% of the total profit made from a title you work on, paid via paypal on a monthly basis. There are more details but we can work that out via email. Oh, and you'll also get free copies of everything I put up for publication, your name in the credits and my undying gratitude.

3.) Be committed to not vanishing on me because that's just not cool.

Mapmaker: I need an individual who's good at making simple maps for use in game. Primarily these maps would be included as 8x10 (or smaller) inserts into campaign modules and world building documents. I may require a small region to be mapped out (i.e. town goes here, forests, mountains roads) or a village/town/city. If you're also good with vector graphics and able to make a 1" to 5' battle map for tactical situations I will think you an even more amazing person.

Pathfinder Subject Expert: You must have at least 4 years experience running Pathfinder games and also be able to detect the joke in this sentence. You are intimate with the Pathfinder rules in a non-biblical sense and can immediate spot flaws in such things as magic items created, new character classes, races and other things that have to do with game mechanics. Being a GM with a stable group is a plus.

I would send you documents that are somewhere along in the editorial process and you would point out all the things I did wrong because I've stared at these things for 14 hours straight and can't see colors or taste apples anymore.

If you're interested and would like to talk further, please email me at ben at trollitc dot com.

For a look at works already available using artists working via co-op agreements, see here.

Thanks! -Ben

Some additional information:

I have two ongoing projects at the moment.

1 - a source book for my own world, Aruneus, which uses the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game system at it's core. This is a high fantasy, zombie apocalypse setting.

2 - magic items through the "Troll in the Corner's Magical Emporium" moniker.

I've been publishing through DriveThruRPG for the last month with some success (average 4.3 out of 5 for reviews) but I'm about as indie as you can get when it comes to indie press and currently a one man operation.


Silver Crusade

For a cartographer, try posting on the jobs forum of www.cartographersguild.com. Make sure you mention that the job is paid and are able to provide at least a rough sketch of what you are looking for. Some of the mapmakers on the site (Torstan, SteelGeneral, Ramah, and A2area to name a few) are quite good.

i would love to draw up some maps for you but i don't know if i would have any time for it seeing as how i am training to join the army at the moment, all my friends say i can draw maps like a professional but that's just what they say. i draw all the maps for my group.

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