PaizoCon Pictures and what not!

PaizoCon General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

Here are pictures from the meet and greet. Thought it would be fun to have a thread for pictures from the next few days!

Liberty's Edge

Please more!

Shadow Lodge

Ha ha! I see my old group in picture 8.

Scarab Sages

Here is my contribution! A freaking ton of photos. Shared with "Everyone", so whether you're on my friend list or not, take a look! And if you see yourself in a picture (like the many many people in the Meet and Eat shots), tag yourself! So commands Nethys!

I can only imagine the photos I shall get throughout the rest of the Con. It hasn't even technically begun yet!

Karui Kage wrote:
Here is my contribution! A freaking ton of photos. Shared with "Everyone", so whether you're on my friend list or not, take a look!

Facebook still requiring login.

Scarab Sages

Oops, this link should be one that anyone can see.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Here are some more pictures from Paizocon

The Exchange

Good Stuff!

Liberty's Edge

Lots of cool stuff down at Pike's Point Market yesterday, Tim was a great Tour guide. Check out the pictures.

Dark Archive

Auspician wrote:

Lots of cool stuff down at Pike's Point Market yesterday, Tim was a great Tour guide. Check out the pictures.

Thank you guys for posting the pics for us who were not able to attend this year.

Keep em coming!

Nice pics. This thread makes it hurt a little less. ;-)

Wolfthulhu wrote:
Nice pics. This thread makes it hurt a little less. ;-)


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Wolfthulhu wrote:
Nice pics. This thread makes it hurt a little less. ;-)

But only a little ;)

Great pics, folks. Thanks!

I hope others keep piling them on.

When he means pile, he means DOG PILE!

Oh crap, I forgot about the poodles.


runs into the thread

Did someone call for a poodle?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Friday Nigh Photos

Dark Archive

miniaturepeddler wrote:
Friday Nigh Photos

I was going to post that there were no late night owls who kept the rest of us unfortuntes who could not attend posted about the goings on but you do us insominacs proud.

Where are the Paizo staff in all those pics though ? Saw Sean and Josh, but I'm sure the rest have to be around.

Hope there are some tags on those pics soon.

The picture of the meet-n-greet made me think of this


Scarab Sages

Here is the public link for my Facebook album again (you *should* be able to see without a Facebook account). Getting a lot more pictures, upwards of 80 now. I put a caption on every picture (I think) and tagged everyone I spotted, but feel free to tag more people! :D

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
miniaturepeddler wrote:
Friday Nigh Photos

Added Saturday PFS group photos to the album.

Will take more at the banquet and upload them later tonight.


Thanks for the pictures, everyone :)

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Here are my pictures from Thursday through Sunday.

I hope to have stuff tagged and labelled soon....ish.


And here are my pics (taken by Jodi!), mostly of my workshops and the games I ran. :)

this should be a public Facebook link

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
miniaturepeddler wrote:
miniaturepeddler wrote:
Friday Nigh Photos

Added Saturday PFS group photos to the album.

Will take more at the banquet and upload them later tonight.


Added the last of the photos I took, including the few I took from the banquet and from Sunday Activities!



Scarab Sages

It is cool to be able to look and see what everyone else was doing. For me the con was one very long gaming table. I am amazed at the many other options there were.


No pictures of me? What was the paparazzi up to that whole time? You had three days, people! You had your chance, and you blew it, so you won't be seeing this handsome face for a long, long time!

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
No pictures of me? What was the paparazzi up to that whole time? You had three days, people! You had your chance, and you blew it, so you won't be seeing this handsome face for a long, long time!

I looked all over for you and didn't see you. Were you wearing some sort of disguise?

You were wearing a big floppy white hat and carrying a big mushroom, right?

Smurfy Teter wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
No pictures of me? What was the paparazzi up to that whole time? You had three days, people! You had your chance, and you blew it, so you won't be seeing this handsome face for a long, long time!
I looked all over for you and didn't see you. Were you wearing some sort of disguise?** spoiler omitted **

*Long silence*


I missed seeing you KC! I was over at Ryan's Dreadnought game when you played the Grimm game. You probably saw me "prance" over with the Goblin Brains though.

Majuba wrote:
I missed seeing you KC! I was over at Ryan's Dreadnought game when you played the Grimm game. You probably saw me "prance" over with the Goblin Brains though.

Ah yes, the goblin brains. I still think they should have been smaller.

Of course, then we wouldn't get as much candy goodness. Decisions, decisions...
Not that I'm making any. But it makes me feel important to act like I am.

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