Tulgeikh |

The website woun't let me update my profile right now but Tulgeikh picked up Guardian Thorns as his utility power, Crushing earth Strength as his feat and Lucky Charm as his magic item.
Tulgeihk cuts off the ears of the Xorits and strings them on chain to wear around his neck, "Got me some lucky Xivort ears."

Lamander |

Likewise, and still here.
Lam leans down and begins patting down one of the xvort. "Now what do we have here?" he says as he holds up a heavy wooden amulet. He pulls two more amulets from beneath his mail, a collection of bones and a holy symbol of the Path of Light, and compares them. "Yep, another one for the collection", he says as he places the new amulet around his neck and returns all three to beneath his mail.
Feat: Fickle Servant, +3 Religion and I can take any domain feats in the future. Power: Nose For Trouble(Streetwise skill power), I can replace my Initiative check with a Streetwise check once per day. Item: +1 Symbol of Reproach(Daily, when I hit something with this they take -2 to saving throws and can't regain HP until the end of my next turn.)

Storyteller. |

EDIT: Treasure chest under the throne? There's a throne? I really should of read the room description better.
Before I had described it as a chair that Jolin was sitting on, but it has more of a "throne" look.
The throne itself is wooden and dilapidated. The chest is small and can easily be removed from under the throne.

Storyteller. |

I assume everyone returns to the orphanage, unless you state otherwise.
You grab the chest and leave the scene quickly, Cogmin carrying Jolin. You make your way out of Fallen and ride the elevators to Middle Dura and Broken Arch. You are weary from battle and the business of the day and find the quiet orphanage much like you left it. Mevitari has not returned.
What do you do upon your return?

Tulgeikh |

After we divide the loot and everyone is back Tulgeikh announces, "I need some company for a job I have to do and I looking for some volunteers.” “The Daask gang stole some Xen’drik pots and I have to retrieve them.”
“So who’s in.” Tulgeikh says as he looks around at the others.

Cogmin |

Cogmin comes back into the room after putting Jolin to bed.
"A gang, Tulgeikh? A job? You're too young for a...a job! What would Mevitari say? Even today, this is too much for you kids! Admittedly, you did incredible things today...Jolin issafe because of you. But I have a responsibility to Mevitari! I can't let you put yourself in danger. That means you too, Kyleria."
Cogmin paces the room.
"Tomorrow we tell the watch what happened. Let them handle what is happening here."

Lamander |

"Now, Cogmin, you don't need to worry. We're growing up, we can't just stay here and be children forever, right? Besides, we're just going to pick up a crate and take it back to whoever hired Tulgeihk. There's no need to get the Watch involved." Lam flashes the warforged a smile, hoping he is convinced.

Cogmin |

"If Mevitari knew about it and it was his responsibilty then...okay. But I'm coming with you.
Tulgeikh, I made Mevitari a promise when I began here, that I would protect all of you and that is what I am going to do. All of you."
"I know that you're all growing up. It's true, sometimes, I don't understand the...maturation cycle of...you kids. So, until Mevitari comes back, you are temporarily adults. But I'm still going to make sure you are safe."
Cogmin leaves to get his things - but turns back to Tulgeikh.
"And Tulgeikh, I knew men like you in the war...they were always the first to die. I don't want that."

Lamander |

"I don't really like this. Like I said, I have friends in Daask, they were who I talked to to get the lead on Jolin. And I don't want to cross swords, figuratively, with them. If we can get the pots without a fight, I'll help, but I won't fight Daask."
"Kyleria, relax. I for one won't lay a hand on any Daask we meet."

Storyteller. |

I'm assuming you're in the older kids room, which is most likely the place you have your major conversations of these kind. Jolin perhaps is sleeping on one of the beds.
While you're talking Krovok comes in and talks in his gruff, mumbling voice. "I've had a very confusing day. First, Jolin is missing. Then, Mevitari collapses. You leave apparently to take care of the situation. Then the Watch shows up and tells me that one of you," he stares at Ostran, "is wanted for murder. Then you all reappear with Jolin in your arms, covered in bluish blood. And Mevitari continues to be missing! Can someone please explain what is going on?"

Ostran |

"Lam and I took Mevitari to the temple that we were watching the race at. I thought that would be better as the monks there knew him and might know more as his affliction seemed to be more mental rather than physical, but just in case we tracked down a House J healer and asked her to go over Mevitari."

Cogmin |

Cogmin comes back into the room, axe strapped to his side, bracers clasped around his forearms, bow and arrows strapped to his back.
"Krovok, you are in charge here."
Cogmin puts a hand on Krovok's shoulder.
"He'll be back."
Cogmin looks at Ostran.
"Ostran, stay if you must. You are temporarily an adult, so it's your choice."
"Tulgeikh, before we go, let's see what's in that chest."

Krovok |

A deep booming voice bellows out of Krovok. "Wait a second, wait a second. Nobody leaves until I get some explanations." He blocks the doorway. "I'm the only adult here and I'm in charge. Sorry Cogmin, no offense, but you're not really an adult or child."
Krovok breaths in deep in preparation for all he is about to ask. "Now, I want to know where exactly you were? Why is Ostran suddenly in trouble and why are you covered in blue blood? Where is Mevitari and what state is he in now? Is he coming back? Why did Jolin not seem to recognize me when you all came back? Lastly, where do you think you're going now? Well, I'm waiting for some explanation."

Ostran |

"We were coming back here from the races with Mevitari and the rest of the children when he collapsed. Mevitari started bleeding from his nose so Lamander and I took him to the temple dedicated to the Enlightened Havvakhad.
They though he may be 'sleeping' but I ran off to get a rep from House Jarasco to help."

Lamander |

Krovok turns to Ostran says, "So where is he now? Did a healer look at him? Why are you wanted for murder?"
"Now, now, Krovok. Mevitari's currently recovering in the nearest Jorasco enclave. If anyone will be healing him, it will be them."
"The murder, well, self defense would be a more accurate term. We were just afraid of getting locked away if they caught us, is all."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
That's it, I'm updating my profile tonight.

Ostran |

"Krovok, right now I am more concerened with how Mevitari is doing . I will face the conciquences of my actions when he is back on his feet, but Lamander is correct. It was self defence, though the deck may be stacked against me (so to speak)," Ostran relates the tale of the ambush to Krovok.

Krovok |

Krovok's brows come down as a confused look spreads across his already flustered face. He looks as Cogmin. "Now I'm really confused. I don't know what you're talking about. Time of blood? Is the orphanage in jeopardy?
"So, let me get this straight. Mevitari collapses shortly after Jolin is kidnapped. Some of you take Mevitari to the Shrine of the Enlightened One, where you kill a couple people in self-defense. Others of you go somewhere some zivit creatures have Jolin, you rescue him, but he doesn't seem to recognize people now.
"And now you want to leave because...because why again?"

Cogmin |

Krovok's brows come down as a confused look spreads across his already flustered face. He looks as Cogmin. "Now I'm really confused. I don't know what you're talking about. Time of blood? Is the orphanage in jeopardy?
"So, let me get this straight. Mevitari collapses shortly after Jolin is kidnapped. Some of you take Mevitari to the Shrine of the Enlightened One, where you kill a couple people in self-defense. Others of you go somewhere some zivit creatures have Jolin, you rescue him, but he doesn't seem to recognize people now.
"And now you want to leave because...because why again?"
*Cogmin shrugs