Orphans of the Garden PbP


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Male Halfling Sorcerer lvl2

Oops. Forgot to add the healing surge. :)

Balgron notices no traps in the immediate area. However, he does note that if one were to push a person into the glass piles, that person could be in a world of hurt.

Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1

"The weak will become strong, and the strong weak." Ostran is revitalized, and Bandatiq finds his defenses lowering despite himself.

Minor, Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy(I am weakened until the end of my next turn and Ostran can spend a healing surge plus five HP) and use Astral Seal on B(vs Reflex, he takes -2 to all defenses until the end of my next turn and the next ally who hits him heals 5 HP) 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Bandatiq dodges the magical seal that Lamander throws at him. While Ostran is divinely healed by Lamander, the fight seems to be turning against him.

Ostran heals a healing surge plus five, but doesn't gain any benefits of the Astral Seal. Ostran is up.

Male Halfling Sorcerer lvl2

Hit points now at 14

"It is now two on two Bandatiq, do you really think you can win?", asks Ostran as he slides backward and raises his hands to again unleash a 'Lightning Strike'. (Moves to F18)

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24 vs Reflex

1d8 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14 lightning damage and MiB takes 3 lightning damage as well. Also as a result of rolling a 20, I push Bandatiq 1 square to I-16 and I fly 4 squares to H-20. I would like to drop my lightning and thunder resistances to gain a +4 to all defenses per 'Storm Soul'. :)

Ostran wrote:
Moves to F18

You are dazed at the moment, so in order to move to F18 first, you'll need to spend an action point. Don't forget to roll to save against the dazed effect.

Maximum damage for the natural twenty, for a total of 18 hp damage. Bandatiq is bloodied.

The howling tempest disappears at the end of your turn.

As far as the xivorts' hideout, I'm holding for the group's cue as to what it does next. Also hoping to hear from Cogmin soon.

Male Halfling Sorcerer lvl2

Save vs dazed 1d20 ⇒ 19

Spends action point for move.

Bandatiq Battle

Ostran shoots Bandatiq with bolts of lightning that almost takes the bully out. Although still enraged, Bandatiq's self-preservation kicks in and he immediately runs to the north.

The man in black, however, doesn't appear to back down. In fact, he moves closer and shoots off radiant streams of dark light toward Ostran.

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 The light weakens as it reaches Ostran, who merely shrugs it off.

Updated battlemap. H stands for Jorasco healer, who has been merely observing the battle.

Lamander notices out of the corner of his eye that members of the Watch are approaching from the north street. You can calculate they will be near within three rounds.

Female Human Psion 2

Start to move inside and look for Jolin?

Male Minotaur Marauder Style Ranger 2

Balgron approaches the hideout cautiously, turning to see which of his fellow orphans are following. "Are you all coming or am I the only one brave enough to risk my life for that of Jolin's?" he asks his companions. He inspects the door and listens for movement inside.

Perception Check at door, 1d20+11=23, if he finds no traps then he'll wait for his fellow party members to position themselves before opening the door and moving inside.

Balgron wrote:
Perception Check at door, 1d20+11=23.

You don't notice any traps at the door. However, as you approach you hear whispers in a language you don't understand. Suddenly, the whispers die down, perhaps in response to your movement.

Even though a battle hasn't begun yet, at this point I'd like everyone to roll initiative.

Female Human Psion 2

"Orphans aren't know for bravery." Kyleria quips as she follows Balgron.

Init: 1d20 ⇒ 15

Male Halfling Sorcerer lvl2

Stares down Mib as lightning dances up his arms.

"Run while you still can or be swept from Sharn by The Storm."

Intimidate 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

Male Minotaur Warden lvl 1

"You can't be an orphan all your life." Tulgeikh says as he brings up the rear.

Init = 1d20 ⇒ 15

Male Minotaur Marauder Style Ranger 2

Initiative Check, 1d20+1=14

Female Human Psion 2
Tulgeikh wrote:
"You can't be an orphan all your life." Tulgeikh says as he brings up the rear.

"Unless you're adopted, yes, you can. Not having parents doesn't just change one day."

Xivort Encounter

Not sure what is happening with Cogmin, but for now...

Just as the group plans to enter the facility, Cogmin shuts down. This happens from time to time, perhaps something wrong with the internal parts. You're not shocked by it, but it's indeterminable when he'll restart.

Cogmin, you'll be able to join in at any point.

Initiative order:

  • Kyleria
  • Tulgeikh
  • Balgron

Kyleria is up.

Female Human Psion 2

If we're still using the first map, I move to K16. If we're already further in, can we have an updated map please?

Kyleria carefully moves forward, her eyes scanning for the blue gnomes.

Updated map

Female Human Psion 2

I wasn't aware the Balgron was so far ahead. So, I'll turn my action into a double move and end up in J12, please.

male-ish Warforged Fighter 1

sorry! sorry! sorry! sorry!

Inititiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

*Cogmin breaks from his frozen revery and realizes that it's time to act.

male-ish Warforged Fighter 1

*Cogmin was imagining a world made up entirely of clock parts and got way distracted.... ;}

Bandatiq Battle

NPC'ing Lamander this round
Lamander says to Ostran, "I believe the Watch is coming." He scans the dead bodies. "It may be in our best interest to leave this scene."

Lamander delays his action.

Intimidate is a standard action, which Ostran can use at this time. Is there any other actions (move or minor) you'd like to take before I tell you the results?

Cogmin, feel free to take your turn at this point. The map is accurate, except that Kyleria is in position J12.

Kyleria, coming up closer to the window, you notice a small shape through the smudged stained glass window and two glowing red eyes peering toward you.

Male Halfling Sorcerer lvl2

None at this time

Bandatiq Battle
The man in black hesitates, realizing that he has been outnumbered. He smiles at you. "I wonder how much you will be worth being a fugitive. Wait until they hear my report..."

The MiB delays his action.

Lamander looks at Ostran. "Now might be a good time to leave."

Male Halfling Sorcerer lvl2

Ostran glances back at Lamander. "Yeah, let's go."

Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1

Insight on the MIB: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

"Just remember, you attacked us, and change can come at any time. I wish you good luck explaining how one halfling beat a group you were leading. Have a good day." Lam smiles ingratiatingly at the man and backs away.

Male Halfling Sorcerer lvl2

"And how will you explain attacking us in the company of a thug like Bandatiq?"

Insight1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

The man in black suddenly gets a seriously look on his face: "We attacked, but you killed. Bandatiq is aristocratic; you are just orphans. I won't have to explain anything. Everyone will assume where the blame lies."

Your Insights show that he is attempting to stall you and thoroughly believes the Watch will blame you for this ordeal.

One more round before the Watch shows up. Where do you go?

Male Halfling Sorcerer lvl2

"How do you know we are orphans??", Ostran asks MiB as he backs toward the House Jorasco rep.

"Go to temple and help Metivari," he whispers to the halfling as well as telling him which temple it is. "Let's go Lam".

Ostran runs to the part of the slums where halflings get together.

Since we didn't hear from Cogmin yesterday, I'm going to say that Tulgeikh is up, then Balgron.

Ostran wrote:
"How do you know we are orphans??", Ostran asks MiB as he backs toward the House Jorasco rep.

The man states, "Bandatiq told me. Apparently he has had run ins with you before..."

Ostran wrote:
"Go to temple and help Metivari," he whispers to the halfling as well as telling him which temple it is. "Let's go Lam".

The healer looks at you and asks how he will find you. Unfortunately, you don't have time to give a proper answer if you plan to run.

Ostran wrote:
Ostran runs to the part of the slums where halflings get together.

First, you'll need to throw off the guards.

Each of you is in a skill challenge to escape the guards, requiring 6 successes before 3 failures. Let me know how you plan to throw off the guards and then roll the dice - I'll apply the appropriate skill modifier. Even though you are in separate skill challenges, while you are together a success or failure of your own may provide a success or failure for the other, depending on what type of action you take. Good luck!

Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1

"Don't find us, we'll find you." Lam quickly whispers to the halfling as he runs past.


Once out of sight, Lam hands Ostran his cloak and his form shifts into a stout dwarf. "I'm Baldric, you're Garret, got it? We're here to negotiate a business deal. You're me assistant. Let me do tha talkin'.", he says shifting into a Mror accent as he goes.

Bluff to disguise ourselves as someone else, including the +5 from Changling Disguise: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (15) + 15 = 30

As you leave, you hear the man in black yell, "Quick! The murderers went that way!"

Lamander wrote:

Bluff to disguise ourselves as someone else, including the +5 from Changling Disguise: 1d20+15

The Watch glimpses down the alley your ran into, eyes you suspiciously and then runs past.

1 success down for each of you, 5 to go!

Male Halfling Sorcerer lvl2

Puts on cloak and ties his hair back

"Shall we sir?"

bluff 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

male-ish Warforged Fighter 1

"Kyleria, wait."

*Cogmin unties the thin cord holding his white wool robe closed and pulls the chainmail hood up over his head. After that he pulls his axe out out and moves up beside Kyleria (J-16).


*Cogmin looks back at Tul and Balgron.


Xivorts Encounter

Cogmin wrote:
After that he pulls his axe out out and moves up beside Kyleria (J-16).

Kyleria is actually further in. I moved you closer to her; let me know if you want to be placed differently.

Updated map

Escape from the Scene

Ostran wrote:

Puts on cloak and ties his hair back

You each have one success for the disguises.

From the streets you here the Watch calling to each other. You may have evaded them so far, but you still need to escape the area. Everyone once in a while you see one of them run past the alleyway entrance.

Male Halfling Sorcerer lvl2

How crowded are the streets right now?

Ostran wrote:
How crowded are the streets right now?

The streets are fairly busy in Hope's Peak - not quite the crowds of the district to the north (Clifftop) were you just came from, but still busy as people celebrate the races.

I'll probably NPC Tulkeigh's action late tonight if we don't hear from him.

Male Halfling Sorcerer lvl2

Ostran starts ducking and weaving through the crowd.

Stealth1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Male Minotaur Warden lvl 1

Move me to M12.

On the map are the bodies dead?

Escape from the Scene

Ostran wrote:
Ostran starts ducking and weaving through the crowd.

One of the guards eyes you suspiciously as he realizes that you are trying not to be seen. He begins to follow you.

Ostran has one success and one failure.

Xivort Encounter

Tulgeikh wrote:
On the map are the bodies dead?

Yep, they are dead halfling bodies.

Updated map

If you have a passive Perception 15 or higher:

You hear soft scampering going on inside the building, as if those inside are moving to position for your entrance.

Balgron is up.

Male Halfling Sorcerer lvl2

Takes a couple of quick turns to see if he truly is following him.

Ostran wrote:
Takes a couple of quick turns to see if he truly is following him.

Yep...one of the members of the Watch is definitely following you.

Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1

"Baldric" carefully makes his way through the town, hoping to keep the guard's attention away from him.

Streetwise: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

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