Balgron |

Perception Check 1d20+9=25
Balgron holds the front door of the orphanage open as all enter. He takes a head count one by one. "Twenty-one, twenty-two," Balgron then points to himself, "Twenty-three." He steps back out into the street and looks both ways, seeing if there are any stragglers. Seeing none he reenters the orphanage. Starting to worry, he approaches Mevitari, "I only counted 23 upon returning, we're missing someone ... Jolin, has anyone seen Jolin?" Balgron's voice raises and becomes gruff with the final question.

Storyteller. |

Perception Check 1d20+9=25
Balgron, be sure to change your passive Perception to reflect your actual skill. I was under the impression your passive perception was 14 so I didn't show you noticing anything upon returning. At any rate, perhaps you were too preoccupied and distracted at the time to really mentally process, but now you seem to vaguely remember that...

Balgron |

Balgron wrote:Perception Check 1d20+9=25Balgron, be sure to change your passive Perception to reflect your actual skill. I was under the impression your passive perception was 14 so I didn't show you noticing anything upon returning. At any rate, perhaps you were too preoccupied and distracted at the time to really mentally process, but now you seem to vaguely remember that...
I forgot to add +5 for training in Perception, which would give Balgron a passive perception of 19, thanks for spotting that.

Balgron |

"I, I, I, my mind was elsewhere, I think I saw her talking to someone, I thought it was another child at the time. It was a halfling, a gnome, or some small humanoid but with blue skin" Balgron wracks his mind to remember the details. "They were wearing a bright red cloak and a griffon mask. The kidnapper must have convinced her to wander off, she would never do that on her own."
Storyteller - What group was associated with the griffon rider in today's race? And what skill check is needed to determine info about small blue skinned humanoids?

Storyteller. |

Storyteller - What group was associated with the griffon rider in today's race? And what skill check is needed to determine info about small blue skinned humanoids?
There were several different kinds of griffon riders; you're not aware of any specifics on any given rider nor do you remember any blue-skinned riders. The costume may or may not mean anything special, as it's tradition during the races for people to wear costumes of griffons, hippogriffs, manticores, even harpies and other flying creatures.
Roll History for lore on small blue skinned creatures.
EDIT: FYI, Jolin is a boy.

Storyteller. |

Mevitari's eyes widen when he hears of the problem. He seems to snap out of whatever daze he may have been in. Then he says, "Cogmin, Balgron, we must return to Upper Dura at once."
Suddenly, Mevitari appears dizzy. Blood begins rushing out of his nose. He collapses. Children begin screaming and everyone is frightened.
Tulgeikh: You hear the commotion downstairs.
Let me know how each of you react to this situation. If you want to do something that may require some skill, like calm the children down, assume you know which skill or ability pertains and go ahead and roll for it.

Cogmin |

Cogmin runs to find Mevitari - when he finds him:
"Jolin is missing. I'm going to take some of the older children with me to look for him."
Cogmin waits for a response and listens intently - afterwards he makes sure to grab his axe and longbow from the storage room where he stays.

Storyteller. |

As Cogmin and Ostran examine Mevitari, Tulgeikh and Kyleria attempt to get the children to go upstairs. Some of the kids listen to Kyleria and tepidly make their way up the stairs. Suddenly, Tulgeikh yells out and all the children quickly run upstairs.
Cogmin and Ostran find it difficult to determine what is wrong with Mevitari. He's alive, but unconscious. He is even slightly convulsing, as if suffering from a nightmare.
All the children have gone upstairs. Only the six of you remain. You can hear Krovok still cooking in the kitchen, crashing pots and pans, seemingly oblivious to what is going on in the foyer.

Storyteller. |

After receiving the potion, Mevitari's nose stops bleeding. He seems to settle into an agitated sleep, but whatever hemorrhaging he may have been suffering stops.
Krovok says, "I will stay here and watch over the children. Did I hear right that Jolin is missing? Be sure to alert the authorities if you can't find him. And please, be safe."

Ostran |

Alright, let's split up into a couple of groups. Kyleria (being that she is a psion, she may understand more if it is a mental effliction) and I will go to the temple to find out what happened to Mevitari. Balgron, Lam, Cogmim, and Tul; go find Jolin! Meet back in 3 hours.

Storyteller. |

With some effort, Ostran the halfling and Lamander the cleric manage to pick up Mevitari. Balgron, realizing that both groups are headed the same direction at least some of the ways, decides to help I assume. Krovok says, "I wish you all the best of luck. I'd go to but my bum knee and someone has to look after the kids. If I don't see you in three hours, I'll notify the authorities that something not right is going on." The party moves out.
Getting on the lift, a guard watches you suspiciously, but doesn't say anything. Back up in Clifftop, the party rages on, with costumed folk and other wild persons yelling and dancing and drinking. Someone notices the group and the unconscious kalashtar and yells, "Someone partied a little too heartily!"
It is here where the search for Jolin should begin as Balgron vaguely remembers Jolin talking to the small blue creature on this street. Balgron, Kyleria, Cogmin, and Tulgeikh proceed the search. Ostran and Lamander move on to the shrine across a bridge in Hope's Peak.
At the Shrine of the Enlightened One, a monk stands outside the entrance. He raises an eyebrow. "And what is this?" the monk says politely, with a hint of irony.
For those on the street - Perception 20 (you may aid each other):
Let me know what you do and feel free to role skill checks.

Storyteller. |

"Mevitari got dizzy, collapsed, and started bleeding from his nose upon returning to the orphanage. No one there can figure out what is wrong with him.Can you help him?"
The monk hesitates, looking over the collapsed body. "Wait here," he says. He goes inside and eventually two other monks return with him.
The older one, an aloof kalashtar, bends over the body and studies it. "He appears to be asleep. The most we can do is pray over him and hope that the Light makes his dreams peaceful and transcendent. Is this what you would like? All we ask is a small donation to the shrine."

Berka |

As well as looking around for Jolin, Kyleria hits up any of her own contacts in the area.
For Kyleria:
Sure enough, Berka is here on this day. You ask her about small blue individuals.
"Perhaps they're xivorts," she says. "Ugly, twisted, nightmarish gnomes. They helped us recently with a score. They have a hideout in Lower Dura. Ask around there using your contacts and you should be able to find them."

Balgron |

Perception Check, 1d20+11=21
Balgron hoists himself up by standing on a cart in the street to get a better vantage point. He still sees nothing of the small blue humanoid. After getting more info from Kyleria, Balgron ponders where in Lower Dura a child could be held without any notice.
Dungeoneering Check?, 1d20+9=24